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Sorry I've been so absent recently, I had a bunch of wips ready, including something sketched out for the Kaminari picture while I was working on Kazuha/Toma, but during/shortly after putting out that picture I just kinda got discouraged from everything and also changed my mind on what I wanted the new picture to be of. But I got extreme art block on redrawing the Kaminari picture so I managed to get distracted into some FFXIV lol and it really pulled me away from drawing.

So now we're even further behind and it's looking very likely I'll be taking (at least) September off from the Patreon subscription so I can use the time to work on pictures. I'll update further on if I am or not, and hopefully more pictures being completed shortly!



I get that completely. I am forcing myself to be productive right now instead of playing my white mage with friends. But, on to the really important stuff: a) Do you main heals, tank, or DPS? b) What class? c) Where are you in story? d) Which data centre and world?


DPS atm, I have a monk, dragoon, miner, botanist, weaver, and leatherworker all 50-60+ but I want to get into healing and at least one tank soon. Also I'm in the middle of heavensward rn. Excited to get to Shadowbringers from what I've seen of it though


Oh my god, I loved the story for Heavensward and the music in Ishgard. Some amazing sound design went into that expansion. I really only have white mage at 80. I make the peoples not fall down! Dragoon is sexy, love their original Artifact gear, probably my favorite DPS class though I'm terrible at it LMAO. I've only ever gotten Monk to 37 but it'd probably be my second choice DPS class. I am personally working on the post-Shadowbringers storyline about [REDACTED]. Not sure exactly how close I am to being 'caught up' so to speak. My miqo'te is an industrious boy and is working on mastering goldsmithing, armoring and cooking because reasons? But yeah, probably the best MMO for story right now. I totally don't blame you for getting distracted by it.


I think this is really a challenging hard time to be a creative person. And I think it's easy to put pressure on our creative selves to expect results that take time. Thanks for reminding me to not beat myself up with expectations and do what you need to do. What you produce is incredible and I definitely respect whatever processor takes to get you there.


Shout out to the FF14 Fam! We're quite the growing community lately and LOVE seeing new players! That aside, it's important to take some time for yourself to let the weight off your shoulders for a bit and recharge!


Being an artist is tough, take ur time, I love your work! :)