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I've finally finished the batch of pics that was just taking forever. Combination of burnout, being unhappy with my style, unable to concentrate, couldn't come up with interesting poses/pic ideas, and just a lot of distractions. Still working through some stuff but hopefully getting passed it.

My most recent pics are part of the July tier. So when they are sent out (hopefully tomorrow), everyone who was a patron in July will get a link (and I will make a post). The rewards will be purchasable on Gumroad for anyone not included for normal Patreon tier prices.

I will be continuing with the stuff from back in August (likely with no/limited variations because I'm so far behind despite the month off). Then after that will be October (I'll be sending poll stuff out shortly). If by the end of October I'm not in a good place, I'll take November off as well, as much as I don't want that to happen.

PLEASE do not message me saying you have not gotten the rewards if I don't have a post on here saying they have been completed and sent. I simply won't reply.



We appreciate your hard work! The results are worth waiting for :)

Spectral Thief

If you need a break, don’t be afraid to take it. We love your rewards, but we care about you more and your well being.


I second this. Sustainability is key. If your current workload or system isn't sustainable, I hope you can find a way to make it work for yourself long term, even if it means a temporary hiatus or something. Happy, healthy, whole and well. I hope you can achieve those =)


Thank you for the honesty! You do such an amazing job with all of your posing and concepts but it's completely understandable to get burnt out.