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Hi friends, so idk how to really explain this, but I just want to tell everyone so it stops stressing me out. The May poll has been fucked with. Unfortunately I don't have any screenshots other than the final results, and I don't have a premium account with polldaddy (the website I use to conduct the polls) so I can't access voting/user info like time voted/individual votes etc.

I check the results for the poll pretty regularly, and keep track of who's where and all of that, and notice trends throughout. One of them being that most of the voting occurs in the first 24 hours then it's pretty stagnant till the vote closes.

The May poll was no different, by yesterday morning and all throughout the day the voting was practically done, with only a few addition votes coming through for the entire day. When I checked before I went to bed, Aladdin had a 2 vote lead over Jack Frost and Red, and everyone else was significantly further behind.

But when I woke up this morning, only around 5 hours later (I know, I have shit sleep schedule lol), Anduin and Armin both shoot ahead of anyone, meanwhile from what I can tell most of the other selections seem untouched.

So in a matter of a few hours after a day of hardly any votes there were enough votes cast to bump 2 of the choices near the bottom far passed any of the competition. In no way do I think the votes are legit, I have been doing these polls for well over a year now and I see some fuckyness every once in a while but this takes the cake.

So idk I'm just disappointed more than anything right now. And idk what to do really, if I should just pick Aladdin since he was winning before this went down and you guys just trust me?

I think going forward things might change. Definitely keeping better records of the poll from now on. I'd really rather not get premium for polldaddy just for this, I'd like to think I can trust people with a simple poll. I'd like to just stick with Patreon polls, but imo their whole setup is just too simple and doesn't allow customization of the settings. My biggest issue is that you can only have one vote, and you can't hide the results afaik so there's nothing stopping people from just choosing among those that are winning instead of what they really want.

tl;dr idk, going to have to think it over, hopefully will have better stuff for you with the next poll, sorry for the wall of text



Maybe try Google forms and make them identity themselves with patreon username or something


Course we trust you blud, pick what you feel is right.


I second Google forms. Responses are timestamped automatically and you can use excel/sheets/whatever to remove any skewed voting patterns.


Only issue with that is the more steps you make to ask for participation in, the less likely people are to do it. So it's asking to click a link and press a button vs opening a form and writing your name. Not ruling it out, just something I have to stay conscious of


As a fellow creator, this month must be just full of nonsense for all of us. It's so disheartening to try to have a democratic process and then have people try to take advantage of it. The good thing about the Patreon polls is they are super easy. It's frustrating to spend a significant amount of time just on logistics for things like this when you could spend them actually working on the project itself. I say do your thing and make the best choice you can. I trust your judgement. Don't waste too much of your time on poll shit like that, man--no matter what: it always seems like there's that one person that fucks it up for everyone else. I just use the Patreon polling within the site and just let people vote once. Less hassle and it usually gives me a decent idea where the mindset of people are.

Finn Dixon

I think it's crazy someone would cheat with this.


That sucks that people try to cheat the system and give themselves unfair advantage. You should do whoever was winning before the spike so there’s no incentive for future nonsense


If you don’t like the Patreon poll system what about simply having the ice cream Patreon’s reply to the nomination email with their three choices so you only get the correct people voting.


I think if you feel the poll was tampered with, then you go with who was winning before you think the tampering started. It's the most fair and most logical. Sucks that this is happening though.


Man that sucks! Everything you make is awesome so i wont be mad regardless of what you draw.


Aww ;( don’t worry too much, this isn’t your fault. People r silly >


Don't stress about it too much. Though, do you know if you have a big fan base in Indonesia? There is a reason that could be accurate if you do. Anyway do what you feel is best. No one is going to hate you for it.

Ninja x Hunter

It’s all in your hands now, we (at least me) will go with whatever character you choose. But yeah, that’s f’d up


Trust your instincts on this one. If you think there was some fuckery I'd believe it. As much as I'd like to see my namesake (I don't vote in these things) that pretty odd unless you suddenly gained a lot of new patreons and you got the option for instant pay activated so they could do their votes like that... All in all its odd so do what you think is best as a creator!


Oh boi we got a botter in your audience XD


Seems straightforward, Armin and Anduin's votes are hinky, so they should be automatically disqualified. If Aladdin, Jack and Red were in first, second and third respectively, they should be considered the true results.