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Hello Orcs!

I'm cuming to show you my progress on the repopulation which is finally over. I integrated small hot scenes in some places, I'll let you discover all of that in the coming version of the game 😉

All the dialogues are also integrated, and the sound design is posed. There are a few things that Chewy still needs to integrate, and we'll be able to start testing very soon.

For my part, I also started working on Ghart's telescope quest.

A secret boss

In the next version you will finally be able to repair Ghart's telescope, which will give you access to a new area outside of Whellcum that will contain a new character: Dodoro the dragon.

If you manage to defeat him, a very big surprise will await you ^^ ... Note that you will need to have the Bat Sword in your possession (which will be renamed Dragon Sword in the next version) to access this boss. Also note that this boss will be the hardest of the game (we strongly advise you to go boost your equipment at the scroll store which will be available in the next version before trying to face him). I'll give you more details on this secondary quest in a future post.

See you soon!





Dragons are the best!♥♥♥

Dac ra a

Looking forward for the update.