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Hello Orcs!

Today I come to show you my progress on the Glory Dungeon which is taking me much longer than I initially thought...

I wanted to show you everything in a second part, but in the end, the final backgrounds are going to take me a little while longer, so I decided to split this post into 3 parts.

Here is the orc fair, "Dickeyland". There you will find many attractions to have a good time. I advise you to test the "Ass Kaboom" to test the power of your thrusts, but also to play "Ring cocks", which will allow you to win a human slave, to use for an entire night if you manage to send 3 rings around his cock (be careful, stock of slaves limited each night, it's preferable to come early).

Here we have the ritual room. A slave can claim to become a King's Soldier and join the "Glory Hall", but for this he must pass a test consisting of being used by 100 orcs in a single night. If the slave succeeds in making the 100 orcs cum without giving up, he will be able to join the king's personal guard which is one of the greatest distinctions in Whellcum.

The Glory Hall:

In the next update I will show you the last backgrounds of the Glory Dungeon!

See you soon, Orcs!
