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And here the guys are without their clothes on. I’ve gone through this character-design-to-pages cycle enough times already to know how essential it is to have a clear map of where their body hair is to refer back to later.

(Wilfrith, digital drawing for Wilfrith and Grwn)

This is largely an updated version of a character sheet I did a few years back to help make a 3D model. In Wilfrith and the Golem Stonemason, Wilfrith was in his winter weight mode, but here he’s much leaner from a season of heavy travel.

(Grwn, digital drawing for Wilfrith and Grwn)

Here’s Grwn naked—the hat stays on. He’s a bit sensitive about some facial scarring, so he keeps things a bit mysterious. For the rough draft of his tattoo design, I wanted to give the sense of the level of detail and placements of his tattoos without having to commit to hours and hours of tattoo design quite yet. I’ve since designed the neck tattoo and the half sleeve, with a vague idea of what the leg piece will be. His knuckle tattoos are going to say DICK WOUF.

(Younger Wilfrith, digital drawing for Wilfrith and Grwn)

At this point, Wilfrith’s chest pelt hasn’t fully grown in yet, but you can see the tendrils reaching out across his body in the direction of its final shape. He’s got more of a twinkish look at this point.


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