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Back on the Alpha Flag page train, y'all! As I said on the Hotel 05 page, I'm going to be posting the inks for pages before the final pages go up so long as they're not super big spoilers. If they are super spoilery, I'll post them after the finished pages go up on the main site.

This is the first page where I've gotten to use some of the photos I took while in Svalbard directly on the page. Specifically, the one of this giddy nerd standing in front of, Longyearbreen, the glacier that stares down Longyearbyen and feeds the creek the cuts through the settlement. It's a different season in the comic, so the landscape will be all snow when Renee's done with it. That said, I thought the leading lines (when flipped) were perfect to let the composition aid the crew in tracking Quebec.

Glaciers will show up much later in the comic. This one in particular tears up strata of earth that have been covered since the carboniferous, and as such, the area is littered with fossils of ancient plants.

Finally starting to get the feel for drawing Uniform, too. Arctic fox is a tough balance between cat, dog, fox, ferret thing.



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