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I'm going to start posting the inks for pages before the final pages go up so long as they're not super big spoilers. As such, Hotel 05 is an atmosphere page that's pretty light on spoil.

A few things of note on this page:

- Two-Point Perspective: It's something I don't use very much. I try to get away with as much one-point as possible because I like the compositions it creates. I thought using a rare two-point shot here would help to kind of stretch the scene to show the characters going in two separate directions at once.

- Body horror / Sensuality: I always felt that these two things went together really well. What reads like gratuitous skin can quickly become a multiplier for revulsion when your gaze hits something unappealing. I did a similar thing back in Bravo when the hole disease first showed up, and I wanted to do a callback to that with our expanded context of the Alpha Flag world.

- Composite photo reference: that last panel was a challenge, as specific, complicated poses in perspective always are. I had my partner lie on the ground with a stuffed animal on his feet to take a few photos that I took all the parts I liked from and forced into a shared one-point perspective in the drawing. I also laid out a few layers of jackets to get that specific splayed open coat look. I'm notoriously bad at imagining drapery, so observing it from life makes the process a lot faster and more naturalistic in the finished drawing.

- Continuity: I regret adding that stupid vase thing with the sticks in to the decor of the hallway, but I'm stuck with it for now!



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