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Finally arriving at this scene was a bit surreal for me. It's the leadup to kind of the climax that marks the end of the Alpha Flag setup phase (yeah, we're still in the setup. Apologies!)

What made it personally odd is that my emotional arc for the animal aspects as their author/artist is always the same.

This'll be great!
This is harder to draw than anticipated, I loathe this creature!
I think I can finally draw this, and now I like this creature!
Aaaand the script says it dies. :(

I didn't foresee when I was outlining the entire story that I'd fall into this same experience the reader feels when the potential of these animal characters is cut short. Which is a struggle because the notion of unfulfilled potential is baked into the concept of the story.

This one in particular really changed my outlook on how to progress the story, though, and it'll be reflected in future chapters. From a backend perspective, I have a detailed outline of what has to happen to get us to the end of the story, logically, but there are parts where emotional elements and characters can be nudged in different directions with different outcomes, and Uniform in particular has forced me to do some nudging.

So, long story short, sorry I killed the cute fox. :( Unfortunately, he had to die.



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