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Hey everyone! I've been really irresponsibly silent for the past couple of months--whenever season depression hits me in late fall, I tend to become withdrawn and private. Terrible for updating social media, and super irresponsible to you guys specifically, and for that I really apologize. I'm out of the blues now and I'll keep trying to do better.

I've been working on a bunch of interesting projects in the silence, though, and I'll be sharing progress on them moving forward:

Specifically, I'm in the middle of drawing Love Triangulation, a 20 page Smut Peddler short story written by Blue Delliquanti that will be appearing in Iron Circus' upcoming Smut Peddler Presents: Sex Machine anthology.

And a second project (one day it will have a finished title, but that day is not today) that's been a long time coming, but hasn't quite had all of its loose ends tied up with the publisher yet. It's something I've been working on since last year with the goal of being able to take it through all of the stages from development to finished book on here. More on that later though.

I've also got a slew of Terminal Hair sketches that'll be going up on Chest Pelt in the next week. If you've ever backed that tier, or bought the physical Terminal Hair book, you're always very welcome to keep accessing Chest Pelt forever!

Alpha Flag and Untitled SF are still in limbo--the former waiting on a little less chaos in Renee's life, and the latter is back burnered out of necessity.

And as far as life stuff has been going, late last year, my partner finished his PhD in Manchester, and got a job in Glasgow, Scotland. Which is absolutely excellent. The proximity to ruins, responsible governance and relative wilderness have been a fantastic change of pace. Glasgow is also a city with a deep commitment to artists, with decades-old arts non-profits running shared, at-cost art spaces. That means I've been able to set up a small studio so I'm not working at home. (Look forward to a followup post about my space, S17!)

See you soon!



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