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Breaking this sequence into three pages really helped to separate the ideas on the pages out a little more clearly. Again focusing on the value compositions over the rougher drawings—but you can kind of see me returning to rougher figure gestures.

(Pages 20-21, digital roughs from Wilfrith and Grwn)

I wanted to give a lot of space to show the forest reclaiming places where people had previously lived, and using that to segue more gradually towards the new microbiome of the next scene.

I kind of deviated from the original idea in the script with the building complex on page 21—it ended up way grander than I had intended, so I’ll have to do some shuffling of later scenes and dialog to make it more correct, but I was following the vibe and the vibe dictated this as the destination. Who am I to tell it no? I think the feeling of monumental wonder in landscape took over and I always enjoy seeing that, myself, in comics.

I think these last two panels still need more greenery beyond grassy cliffsides and ruins though. I’ll definitely add in some more scattered trees and saplings as I figure out the dynamics of the water.



wow, these locations already look interesting in values, the final pages are gonna lool so cool