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The rain started covered the streets of the city. At the very least the half-dragon arrived to his apparent just in time before it really started to pour in. He took a deep respite, while waiting in the elevator. His piercing dragonic green eyes in focus as he waited for the the number seven to appear in the display. Piron was only been out for an hour, picking up some quick groceries and flowers. Tho he tried not to be in a hurry to get back home, as he dreaded for the rest of the day’s plan.

A few minutes later he arrived at his place. Just after he opened and quickly closing the front door Piron heard a squeal from the other side of the room, followed by a grunt. It didn’t take long for his eyes to witness the light and youthful steps of a short, black, white and blue dragoness, unfazed of the large protrusion infront of her. She looks so cheerful, and full of energy, that he fail to realize that her large paws was taking his hand to the open space of the living room.

“Slow down Kiki…” Piron stated, as he barely place register her action.

“But Pyroooon~” Kiki giggles, as she pull her lover closer to the living room “You promise me a dance when you get back!”

Piron sighed, he wished he didn’t given her current condition with the twins, large twins at that “Just don’t be too rough, okay? You are carrying precious cargo at this stage…”

“Reelax, they aren’t that heavy!”

“I thought you said you’ll look your best when I get back.” Piron stated, as he could clearly see his wife basically naked.

“I am!” Kiki responded, pointing at her starfish hairpin on her hair “Isn’t it cute? Now I look the best for the occasion~”

Piron just smile “Silly, Kiki… What am I going to do with you~”

“Look who’s being silly! Now are we going to pick up the pace? This slow dance is pretty boring.”

“Of course. Try not bump me too much.”

“No promises~”


Day 17 of mayternity, featuring Kiki with her husband Piron! A bit late for this one wanted to do this one.
