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"Mr. Orlones, you said you didn’t witness the robbery at hand," a voice came from an owl woman, while reading a document in her large hand “However, that is not what you told me the other day.”

"I don't know what you're talking about...?" said Orlones, looking away from his lawyer a few times.

"You told us during the robbery that you witnessed everything, and further investigation confirmed a struggle that resulted with you being knocked out cold and left at the scene. Is there a reason you aren’t telling us everything?” Lorencia with a refined commanding voice brought some crucial points as she cross referenced official documents and eventually provided the recent evidence in the courtroom.

Lorencia usually don’t have these uncooperative clients. Then again it hasn’t been smooth sailing ever since she had her latest clutch. Being a lawyer, a mother in the law wasn’t too uncommon, just need to address the stigma of being one in this changing world: a world that still felt the overcasting shadow of the great war. She stood strong in the face of its adversary, not letting her gigantic clutch weigh her down.

After 20 minutes of some conflicts and disputes, it was then decided a short break (or recess) was in order to resolve some matters now that the investigation had advanced behind the scene.

"How am I supposed to represent you if you can't trust me?" Lorencia asked her client, she had a hint of annoyance in her tone of voice while she also let her arm aimlessly stroke the side of her womb.

"I can't take you seriously," said Orlones, growling at his lawyer "How can we win this case, especially from a woman with child?"

"Just so you know, expecting mothers have won many cases before, so don't pretend I am the only one." Lorencia then stated, "Let's not forget prosecutor Avelin is also pregnant. So are you saying you want to lose against another mother? Make up your mind, Mr. Orlones!"

"I... I didn't know that." Orlones grumbled, unsure how to answer.

"Knowing is half the battle, at least we now have enough evidence to prove your innocence in this framed robbery. Now it's your turn to collaborate on your behalf, and tell them the truth. Can you finally trust me?"

Shortly after the conversation, they returned to the courtroom. Mr. Orlones eventually came clean to tell the complete truth, alongside the identities of some of the criminals. A few days later he was acquitted of any wrongdoing.

She was relieved to course correct this slight blunder from her client. Although she knew full well this wouldn’t be the last time this would happen. There would be times that she wishes she could take a break from all this and not to stress her body and mind too much. She just needed to be patient and hope her next client’s case doesn’t take too long. Afterall, she still had a few weeks to go before she went on maternity leave anyway.


Day 15 of mayternity, featuring... Lorencia? Yeah, I have more character than I am ashamed to admit, and this is a recent one! There are certain ideas that tend to drift to create new characters sometimes.



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