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Fffffff finally the end of the week! I'm preparing to do new shoot this weekend! You guys have any plans?! Also tbh I'm still deciding on what sets to offer this month! I'll think about it this weekend and let you all know!




Looking forward to it already! ^^

Rode Tovenaar

My plans were literally derailed. Was gonna be assembling and testing out a fancy new chair but the train it was on uh... derailed according to UPS. So, hanging at a small local con for a bit tomorrow is all I got.


I love you! your Marie cosplay is one of my faves too :3 you're so gorgeous!


Mabye ram and tsukihi would be good to see the fire sisters


oh wow that sounds messy :/ well hope you have fun anyways! get some con food and stuff XD


thank you! I'm glad you like it! I really like cosplaying her as well!


we will see XD it's deff not fire sister's time yet tho huhu ;) they will have their own month