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Hewwo crew.. so.. my legs are out of commission 😑
I'm in constant discomfort and itchiness and my legs are all swelled up. I was going to try to brave it and just put on the costume anyways but that would just make things worse. I can't even wear soft pajama pants without it itching more and it getting irritated. So I decided to give my legs one week of rest and hope for the best. I've been non stop medicated but like 2 days ago this thing turn around for the worst. Apparently that's normal from jellyfish stings but.. yeh.. I gotta give it time.
What does this mean? The 2 cosplays sets will be delayed by probably a couple days. That's why I wanted to let you know before hand. I usually have everything shot way before hand but I've spent a hella lot of time building props and making the costume items and building the background, I didn't want to half ass it and well it got me to now, where everything is ready but I got into an accident with a jellyfish lmao..
Anyways, sorry for the disturbing images and thank you for being understanding 💗




I don't think they're all that disturbing. This sort of stuff happens. I hope you're legs feel better soon Wanwan!