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Here are the polaroids coming for November ♡ Melt-chan 3rd ascension! I think they came out super cute XD I might even add the photos we took that day as an extra set this month ;3
Today is the last day of the shooting marathon, ending with penguin Meltlilith! I kinda ended up becoming slightly sick >3> but not enough to make me feel bad thankfully, so I'll give it my all on this last shoot! I'll make you all proud !
Also, thank you so so much for the overwhelming support for October ; A ; we are so humbled by it gosh... we will always do our best to meet all of your expectations!




Hooray for Melt!! That outfit is such a blessing, and perfect for you


Melt looks beautiful! The Polaroids look really cute!! Good luck with your last shoot! You got this :) 💖💗

Maither C aka Moshii

Melt-chan hyyypppppeee!! So happy you decided to do all her ascension looks. And these look wonderful!! Looking forward to all the photos and make sure you rest up girl 💙💙💙


Thank you! Due to bad weather we had to postpone it even tho we were ready, but tomorrow shall be a better day!


Today I took like 2 naps so I'm ready for tomorrow's last battle XD gosh I'm so tired but the content is too good to just give up halfway ahahhaa will do our best!


I'm taking all the good vibes XD bed time very soon to power thru tomorrow!


Your welcome! Aw noo :( hope the weather gets better to shoot!