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I'm really feelzy right now and just wanted to let you guys know I'm really happy to have you all around. I cant express how much the wanwan family means to me and in how much awe I find myself every day when you guys tell me you enjoy what we do. The fact that I do all these things that I love and you guys love them too is just.. wow, that's hella cool!
Thank you for taking time to reply to posts, for chatting with me on discord, for sending me posts you think I would enjoy, for being there for me when I'm tired and feel hopeless and for caring enough for me to try and get me to rest for a bit.
You guys are a bunch of hella nice peeps and I'm really happy I get to share a lot with you all ♡

Thank you
I love the wanwan fam !




Thanks wanwan! You're hella cool...but where's our donuts? 🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♂️🕵️‍♂️

Maither C aka Moshii

*sends many hugs and headpats* Jean you are one of the best girls ever!! I've been a fan for quite some time and I'm happy to help support ya girl!! 😁😁💙💙💙 also those donuts look bomb af 😮😮😋😋🍩🍩


I love you wanwan! This has been such a happy place for me since I found it, thank you.


Awww and we love you back!


Thank you Moshii ♡ you are always so positive and encouraging man ; v ; I really appreciate it!


Nothing makes me happier than to hear that! I'm so happy to have created a place where many friendships have been born ♡


//hugs hugs It's a heart warming lovely family ; v ; so much love in the houseeeee!!!!


love u too 😘💕

Hong Ye
