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I know today is the 5th but as you guys know we've been on a work trip for the past 5 days or so, because of that the rewards won't be sent out today as usual, they will be sent out later this week! We are flying back home today, so that's what's on the schedule for now XD
Dont worry, you will love all the goodies this month!
Look at this cute bork! He is so cute! I love him so much! I wanna have a doge so bad! ! That's one of the things that I'm looking forward and why I'working hard to so I can have my own place ♡

Have a good day everyone!



Maither C aka Moshii

😍😍😍😍😍 kawaii WanWan plus kawaii doggo equals much kawaii blessings!!


Have a safe trip back!