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Hey guys! I woke up super early today~ actually been waking up quite early lately even tho I'm going to bed relatively late lol needs more naps! Yesterday I ended up not taking any, but I had a lot of friends powering me up throughout the day XD

As you guys know Rei (https://www.instagram.com/reiyoshiduh/) has spent a couple days here with us and it's been such a nice experience :') having friends to hug good morning and good night has had a very healing impact for me. As I've been telling you guys I've been having a lot of down days, and feeling all kind of blue shades every now and then, so this change of pace and having a friend over really helped me. I've learned important things even when it hasn't even been that long. I am so proud of her and I'm so happy to see her accomplishing things! She works so so hard and I'm impressed by her level of organization XD I need some of that lol Even tho she is going back home today we are planning to get together more often, not only for cosplay but just to hang out and even craft some cute things together <3 

I also took her down the rabbit hole.. or should I say the PredatorRat hole? XD I'm so happy I can share that hobby with her as well and it's really fun to have someone to talk about it lol We want to make duo sets wearing PredatorRat and even started a funds project for it ahhaha we took the cutest polaroids together and put it up for sale to fund our next collab wearing the brand cause god bless, cutest lingerie ever! 

Anyways, here is some more cute selfies we took together!




Oh and the polaroids are on my store, since she doesn't have one up now XD <a href="http://jeanwanwan.storenvy.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://jeanwanwan.storenvy.com/</a>


Sounds like you’ve had a really amazing few days together, happy for you!


I really did :') very very happy and feel very focused to keep working hard &lt;3

Maither C aka Moshii

Aww im so glad you two had fun!! Sounds like it was nothing but good vibes and fun times!! Looking forward to these sets girl and to whatever goodies you two have planned for in the future 💙💙💙


Gotta sleep more OwO hope you get to see her again soon!


awe thank you Moshii! We really enjoyed our time together and I think you will all love our collabs! Cheers to more!


you did so wellllll!!! I'm so happy you were able to overcome your fear and actually drove all the way here! I really appreciated every second together and I can't wait for more! Love talking to you and just simply having you around &lt;3


You guys go together like アニメ and 日本語