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Guysssss!! There is finally signs of me getting better! My eye is going back to normal, probably will be fully fine by tomorrow or the day after! My throat barely hurts, so even tho I still have to blow my nose a lot, there is no pain involved! My wisdom tooth is the biggest pain in the ass now but we are trying to get me to the dentist soon to see if I have space for it to keep growing or if I have to remove it. 

Ahh I'm happy that I'm slowly going back to normal! This has been such a nightmare Q3Q but thank you all for being so supportive and encouraging! 

New shoot coming next weekend! Black Hanekawa debutttttt!!! Who is excited?! 




Meeeee! Glad you're feeling better!! Took long enough! :D


Morning! Glad you're feeling better, I saw a Shinobu figure at a con on the weekend and thought of you. Hanekawa is pretty underrated.


I am so happy to hear the good news that you’re feeling better today!!! Yay!!! And I’m deff excited for Black Hanekawa :D


aww I'm sure it was a cute figure! and mm personally she is my least favorite of the series's heroines but she is still a good girl XD


I'm so glad you're starting to feel better!!!!


I don't think the writers used the character well. She was background for so long, then they seemed to rush a main storyline for her.


mm don't really agree with that XD she is one of the characters that actually got more screen time and development with so many episodes to talk about about her life and what pushed her to be who she is. I think she is a very real character and one that a lot of people relate to, but I personally am very different, that's why I don't feel a strong bond or connection between us, if anything, I think black hanekawa is the side of her that I can appreciate the most, for her raw nature and not holding back. wow long.. sorry I really like Monogatari lol


Interesting, I usually like the childhood friend trope so maybe that's why I felt like she needed more.


thats good to hear, good luck with the dentist tho


It's great to hear things are getting better. Keep it up and you'll be good as new in no time!

Rode Tovenaar

Yay! I'm glad you're feeling better!


Hope you make a full recovery soon! And hope your wisdom teeth are fine because the surgery is no joke OwO