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I believe is mostly Patreon's fault for not having some kind of address verifying system but then also.. why are there people like this..? Gosh..
it's not like they wouldn't be able to know from me if they didn't join my patreon, this is just a more private space for me and you guys. I try my best to offer content here first and keep you updated with my my news so having people taking that away is annoying~
At least the big sets and the Polaroids are not sent out until everything goes thru :')
I wish for people to stop being so rude one day.

Also guys if you ever need to change your address let me know when you do because sometimes I prepare the envelopes ahead of time and maybe you do the change after and I send the envelope to the wrong address <3




Also all of you in the $5 and up tiers, if you haven't joined my private Instagram and you want to, shoot me a message with your username so I can approve your request! My username is moewanwan

David Townsend

Sadly seeing this on a bunch of of other creators pages too. People sign up to snag what they can and post it on the patreon Reddit.


Oh I feel you :( Having ppl like this on a daily basis. They usually only stay for a few hours until Patreon itself deletes their profiles but it sucks :/


yeah that's why I mostly send everything via messages in gdrives tbh :')


Isn't there a possible way to make people pay upfront first before they are able to see rewards? Or does it still get abused that way too? It is a tad sad things happen like so. I think people do it because they feel as though they shouldn't have to pay for pictures? But I digress. Only if Patreon had a better way of skimming through and finding real payments instead of it being approved right away.


Stuff like this always gonna happen with people 😞