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Yes, I need to get new fangs for Shinobu cause I lost the ones I'm wearing in the photo XD 

Ahhhh school is pretty busy already and I just finished a third assignment QQ plus I have to do 30 hours of service learning so I'll be doing that a lot //sigh

Don't worry tho! The sets for this month are already complete and I'm already working on side projects and Patron specific requests <3 

I'm so tired right now and just thinking of all the things I have to do this semester got me spinning... but it's never easy right? XD

Let's stay strong together! 

Luv WanWan



Rode Tovenaar

You got this! Especially with new kawaii fangs


Such a cutie!


Stay strong! You can do it. &lt;3 Shinobu

David Townsend

Stay strong, 30 hours will fly by if you can stay busy.


Yep that's life. Hang in there!


You can do it! Later on, you'll reap the rewards and won't remember how tired you are right now.


Don't worry the life of the college student is hard