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Just F*cking. Just S*x. Just Making Love.

Note : Don't Listen in Public. :)

Note 2 : Please read the entire post as it does explain how these Special Bonus Audios work ^^


= = =

The New Special Bonus Audio is out now!

Hello~! Azeru Official here and we're back with another Full Version NSFW Audio! This time featuring a one off Special Bonus Audio~!

Another Special Bonus Audio that's focused on JUST S*X~!

Ah- and before I continue further, here's a few things to note :
- This is the Special Bonus Audio for this month!
- The previous
Special Bonus Audio [ https://www.patreon.com/posts/nsfw-premium-two-94726070 ], has been moved to T3 and above!
- This will NOT impact or replace normal
Bonus Audios.

Okay we're finally back with more Special Bonus Audios~! And before you think "Wait a minute, only ONE Special Bonus Audio for January AND February!?"... No... I'll be posting another one later today~! ^^

I know, I know... it's late. And I know that I should be working harder. But as I stated in the past few Audios- making Song Covers is a lot more work than I honestly anticipated. Like a TON more work.... I'm honestly surprised that I managed to do all of that ( I have Ikanaide out right now... [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPFqY9rbZiY&ab_channel=AzeruUnofficial ]... and three more covers just waiting for artwork and such... )

>_> I just love to push myself hard huh?... in fact- someone asked me recently how many hours I actually work a week-. I honestly don't want to think about it xD

Well- at least I'm doing what I enjoy!... But but but! Back to the Audio...

Uh- there's not much for me to say in this Special Bonus Audio because it's literally just S*x. Pure S*x. F*cking. Love Making. Boom Boom.

About as raw as you can get. I did at least experiment with making SFX while recording though- I think it turned out well! Also, let me tell you right now that juggling all of the things at once is NOT easy...

For one- the KU-100 is NOT a living being. I have to constantly make sure it doesn't roll over or fall or something. Other wise I'd have to start from 0 quq... I also have to keep an eye on the timer to make sure nothing goes on too long. Gotta keep an eye and utilize a few different stuff for SFX. All while making sure that the sounds of movement are realistic.

So all those bed SFX you hear? Majority of that is intentional... I feel like I'm honestly playing a weird game of twister doing these sometimes.

Oh- sorry, was that too much information? Did it break your immersion?

Trust me- that's the nice explanation. xD


= = =

As always I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think down in the comments below~! Make sure to leave a like as well if you want more like this in the future so I know that you actually want it!

- Azeru, The Fallen Angel




Thank you, it turned out fantastic like every time 🖤🥹

Nope Bruh

i had to keep switching hands to keep pace but damn it if i didn't have a very happy Valentine's, Happy Valentine's Day Az!


I listened to this casually as I was doing house chores…. Big mistake bc I was trying not to scream the whole time 😩 I’ve said this before but the SFX keep getting better and better. Thanks for the treat this Valentines Day!

vanilla_beans 🍀 Hara

‘Did it break your immersion?’ - I was thinking about KU Chan the whole audio 😂 It’s okay to work hard - as long as you’re having fun and as long as you love what you’re doing. When you ‘put something of yourself’ in every work, or do something with passion, the best just gets better. Thank you for your hard work and happy valentine’s!

Ranting Ash

Listen to this for the first time while driving, don’t ask me why I thought that was a good idea, but that’s what I did. Pretty sure the entirety of my face was pink. 😳🪭 really well done though, listening with my good headphones I can hear all the little sound details and…again 😳🪭 lol


Hooolyyy f******ck... this was beyond amazing! I almost pity my neighbours that I am keeping this gem of ecstasy alllll for myself teeheehee Thank you so much Azeru!


I loved this so much 💕


Well, Azeru, it’s really nice and creates an immersive experience that in the majority of your audios - as you usually mention it as well - we get to know the characters before you know… getting it on with them. But this one is… something else alright. It felt utterly real and intimate and so so enjoyable… Wow! Absolutely stunning work :))

Sassy Stardust

Though I enjoy almost all of your audios, I tend to enjoy the character and story focused ones most. They let my maladaptive daydreaming and fantasies run wild! But this, oh this really hit me in all the right ways and ended up being exactly what I needed to unwind after a really stressful few weeks. Beautifully done and outstanding quality (truly, you are unmatched) for this incredibly satisfying piece. Thank you Azeru 💜💜


I keep coming back to this 😅😅 heh


Oh… My… God… This was incredible, and just what I needed right now. I thought I was going to pass out from lack of oxygen, and I only made it halfway through! Saving the other half for later! 😋 I also stopped breathing during the binaural sections like another commenter said. Thank you!!! ❤️‍🔥🫠


Okay it’s probably like the 7th time I’ve listened to this now. And I swear I hear new things every time. How does it seem to get hotter the more I listen? You’d think more exposure to it would mean I sort of adapt to it right? NOPE, it’s like new every time 🥵🥵🥵 I definitely experienced the lack of oxygen during this too. Couldn’t catch my breath a couple times ❤️❤️


Listening to this, followed by the January/February sleep aid? Oh my god. My night is made. The level of peace I feel right now is unparalleled. I love your audios (Hawks ones are my favorite ofc, but I'm trying to venture out into your others like these too, and they definitely don't disappoint~) Thank you for working so hard and sharing them with us, they're so appreciated.