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He gets on top of you, burying his C*ck deep inside you... His hot and steamy breath on your neck... His pleasure filled moans... His lustful thrusts... What more could you want~?

Note : More new SFX~


= = =

The New Audio featuring Dom Boyfriend x Listener is out now!

Hello~! Azeru Official here and we're back with another Full Version NSFW Audio! This time featuring the Hot, Sexy, and very Seductive... Dom Boyfriend ~! | Boyfriend x Listener | Dom Boyfriend x Listener | Dom x Listener | Dominant x Listener | Top x Listener

We're back once again with the Dominant Boyfriend~! And this time, he's a lot more... Seductive... than usual.

Maybe it's the season~? Haha, well- anyway. So this Audio does feature more of the new SFX! But just like last year and everytime I get something new, I do experiment a LOT prior to settling down with what I think sounds best. This is definitely a lot more experimental as far as the SFX for the Spice goes.

Well, that and also the start of the spice. I've really been pushing more and more to have spicy context switches earlier and earlier into the Audios to really give you something new to listen to on the NSFW version. For example, this one does basically have spice as early as 2 minutes in! Albeit only in context and some uh... rubbing... Yeah.


Anyway, the meat and bulk of this Audio's new features does come by the spicy part. A.k.a the "Technical" aspects.

Now, the new SFX Library does have a LOT of SFX and I'm still in the process of trying to figure out which ones I do want or not want to utilize. Because to be completely honest, some of them are much better, some are much worse. So getting the best mix is paramount.

Of course, all of this experimenting does also mean that the Audios this month and maybe next month may take slightly longer ^^;... Like, with the Zhongli Audio and this Audio- I had to redo the entire spice at least once each. Though- in all that experimenting I did figure out that i do really like the uh... Start?... of the spice more than how I would normally do it. It's much more... Mmm...

Well, you'll see~

But I also did heavily use the SFX with the "Climax" and maybe- JUST MAYBE... I may have overdone it. We're talking like... H level of Climax. Like- man- you must be drowning >_>...


Anywho, that's pretty much it for the Audio... NOW I do want to mini-announce a couple of things... I should hurry before stream starts...

- The new DISCREET MERCH LINE is finally ( starting ) out! [ https://azeru-official-shop.fourthwall.com/collections/discreet ]. These are a lot more discreet than normal merch you might be used to. Good for professional settings or for those "If you know, you know~" moments~ ^^... NOW I also do want to say that if you're worried why the cost is so cheap for "Premium" items... it's because I did lower my Revenue share to as low as they'll let me ^^;...

OH ALSO! The new merch can ship easier international!!!! I'll probably make a proper post about these later xD

- I also wanted to say thank you for dropping by on the premiere of my first Song Cover~ ^^ [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPFqY9rbZiY&ab_channel=AzeruUnofficial ]. As stated I will be posting these song covers once a month starting 2024! So expect more~ ( Next up in line is... Never Gonna Give You Up and History Maker... Yes I'm serious... I'll also post these on Spotify sometime! )

= = =  

As always I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think down in the comments below~! Make sure to leave a like as well if you want more like this in the future so I know that you actually want it!  

- Azeru, The Fallen Angel




This one is my fave now😭 I love when they go emotional like this


woahh.. that ending was hot… uhm… holay molay 😳


omg he is so cuteeee~like a little wolf dog.I can feel that this audio is full of love.neck biting and licking is very comfortable.I cannot resist your kissing while muttering at the same time (≧ω≦) "I can't help you just enjoy yourself like that without me."omg How possessive these words are >///<


I typicly headphone up and casually listen to these while doing paperwork... God did you mean H-Teir, this one made me blush a little.


Um…WOW. I am having a difficult time leaving a comment for this because I’m still floored at how good it is. It felt extremely intimate, which I was not expecting, but I am extremely grateful for that. But yeah…pretty much every single word, sentence was perfect 👌🏽 Still don’t know how you do it. But I’m inclined to agree with Yuuki about you being an incubus ❤️


Hahaha so I’m calling myself out here, but it’s only been 3 days since I listened to this and I’m back again because it’s just that good. Also, I listened to so many audios lately I couldn’t remember which one had the “big, h*rd, c*ck line, and the movement that comes with that line 🥵So I’ve been trying to find it again. And here it is. It’s a bit embarrassing to comment on that but it’s also super hot and that must be acknowledged so….okay running away now byeeeeee

Lilly Ackerman

Lifting up chins just holds some kind of magic ^^ let‘s see, we have sweet words, tension building up and also spicy spice. All in one another really nice audio :3 and… I don‘t know why but that sentence „I‘m gonna c*me inside you“ holds another kind of magic in it… love that 😂 Thank you 🖤🪽


No words, just bliss


Is it just me or something but id loove to see the safe word used for once...i know it kinda ruins the spice but it feels like it would be great comfort...or it could keep being spicy .. just checking in and stuff...i dont know!

Vv ie

I would love to be kissed by him ngl