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He shuts you up with a Kiss... Making out with you as you're pinned against the wall.. Until you can't take anymore and push him down onto the chair... You grind against his C*ck... His tongue licks circles around your N*pples...

Note : Just SHUT UP & Kiss me.

= = =

The New Audio featuring Delinquent x Listener is out now!

Hello~! Azeru Official here and we're back with another Full Version NSFW Audio! This time featuring the Rebellious, Hot, Direct & Flirty... Delinquent ~! | Delinquent x Listener | Boyfriend x Listener

The Delinquent is finally back and he's ready to enjoy you fully~... Yep! I know it's been a little while since I've done this OC, but I finally had some inspiration for him!

Like- he just genuinely fits the whole theme of this scene... at least I think so! Admittedly, I've been wanting to do more of my OCs lately- but like I mentioned before it's somewhat difficult at times to just do them in certain scenes. Mostly because I do want them to fit their "Name".

What do I mean? Like if I had to do the Doctor OC and we just ended up not doing anything related to being a Doctor, then eventually one might think "Oh, why is this a Doctor ASMR? It has nothing to do with being a Doctor!!" even though in reality characters/people are much more in depth than just their occupations.

Anyway anyway, I did start this one off rather abruptly. Like, just a Kiss within the first 30 seconds. Now what preceded that moment? I leave it up to you to decide! Did you have an argument? Did you have a bad day? Did you just say something that has nothing to do with the Delinquent?... Up to you~ But regardless of what the initial cause was, I do think that the Delinquent will be the type of character to do something like this just out of the blue!

Now as for the technical aspects of this, I did want to play around a bit more with f*replay in this one. And actually- the next OC Audio expands on f*replay and dirty talking even more~... but I do want to make the spice more in depth as opposed to just slapping and moaning. Though really at the same time spice does boil down to just that...

I think?...

I did also record some new bed/couch/chair movement sounds. Yep- it's a small detail that many might never even notice during the spicy part where the Delinquent grabs you and starts thrusting into you- but the subtle "Thud" with each thrust really does add a LOT of immersion to each Audio in my genuine opinion.

Again, minor small details like that along with some phrases/sentences being changes to be spicier for the Patreon version give my Audios a feel of authenticity.

Ah, but I also did want to remind ya'll of 3 things!

One, new merch is out now [ https://uwumarket.us/collections/azeru ]! These will be limited runs specifically for this collaboration! ^^ ( I'm working on more merch that has different shipping options and more value for you! )

Two, Speaking of Merch, please make sure to vote on the previous post! ( It outlines the potential Merch that I can get for us with an Azeru theme! ^^

Three, The new Song Cover is going to be out soon~! ( Maybe I'll tease it again on stream today~? [ https://www.twitch.tv/azeruofficial ]

= = =  

As always I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think down in the comments below~! Make sure to leave a like as well if you want more like this in the future so I know that you actually want it!  

- Azeru, The Fallen Angel



Neana Hidden

Delinquent is one of my favourite OCs. He is so unfettered. Doesn’t give a damn about rules or trying to please people. But that doesn’t mean he’s unfeeling. He would hate this comparison but Delinquent is a macaron. Hard on the outside, sweet and gooey on the inside. Tough demeanour hides a caring heart. A perfectly tasty treat anyway. I see the beginning as him getting completely frustrated because of our self deprecation. Maybe we feel like a complete failure and keep moping about it, probably over something insignificant. He pulls us out of the dark clouds with an angry kiss. Even soothes our insecurities. Saying the sweetest things (getting a little embarrassed, adorable) Things have progressed a lot since we were stuck in a locker together. I like the dynamic of a people pleasing overachiever and a smart playful rebel. It’s less about corrupting someone to the dark side, more about letting go and accepting freedom. He’s letting us be who we are. Encouraging us to be brave and admit our wants and needs. No facades. Being assertive and taking the lead was just another step. Showing that you appreciate the wake up call. That you can be free together. His reactions were so hot. He clearly enjoyed being so wanted. Kissing and licking and nibbling breasts. His purring playful voice braking at moments because of too much pleasure. Those satisfyingly messy sounds. Delightfully evil neck kisses and bites. Definitely a good thank you.


Reassurance and spicy in one - perfect combo. Thank you!!


I started to explore random stuff on your list. I noticed that you really built a lot of diverse characters and voice acting. I don't understand how you do it. Like some I can hear your base voice but it still is different for every other character it is just mind-blowing. I mean even with voice changer people will not be able to voice act subtle noises like the way ones grunt or breathe or the slur of the speech. Idk how you make them so diverse but still sound put together and natural. Jeez. I have a big suspicion you have tons of other talents as well cos I read briefly you did this all by yourself. QwQ. Bruh, I won't be surprised if you drew most of the assets (if not all) by yourself. Jesus. Anyway, I actually was too skeptical of a person to imagine I will react positively with the pep talk. LOL. It was not your fault. And this doesn't mean I don't like it! They are all very nice and endearing but a bit scary and I know it was intentionally aggressive for the flavor of the character. I just can't help but chuckled sarcastically whenever he said smth positive. LOL. The build up with the forepl*y was a nice touch, I find the progress more believable and it was such a nice place to put grunts and male sound as if he was holding himself back cos he was taking his time. It felt like a sweet gesture but also probably more enjoyable for people who likes it! The deed was pretty hardcore but your execution was superb. It was so believable that the character were exhausted with all the nuance of the breath and everything even more so than usual it made me blush. Q///x///Q! I don't know how this is even possible. Aah! Sorry, I keep ranting on my comments. >//^//

Ava Rose

Why ?? Why this audio has an end ?! Az be a good boy and give me more xD. The delinquent is part of my favorites. Good work as always !


"Do you want me that badly" yes🫠


The more I listened to this, I feel like I am liking the script more and more. I have a weakness for someone that is vulnerable (it is a contrast with this character cos he is supposed to be a delinquent). But I keep feeling like wanting to comfort him every single time he says things like being worthless. :(. Maybe I just like some angsty stuff sprinkled in (which admittedly I am obsessed with). So, I am looking forward to script similar to this as well. Thank you so much for making this audio, Azeru. (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)

NinjaFoxStudios- Allison Adams

I started listening to this at a perfect time. I've been self deprecating a little bit so to have it start that abruptly made my mind immediately pay attention and he is so sweet and assertive and what he says helps so much. the way it moves into the spice is just really nice. I really loved this one I really wish they would let us create a favorite pins or something so I could come back again and again when I need it. i was looking for the audio pack for the reassurances pack but saw this and very happy I decided to listen to this one. Thank you Azeru for making these for us, and I hope you have a happy new year and take care of yourself as well. You give us so much, and we are grateful.


The delinquent is just so very special. He’s quite complex & multi dimensional. I love how he’s soft and forceful at the same time. I teared 🥹 up a bit at his sweet words. There you go again making me cry during a spicy audio 🥲😛 How he can say such sweet things one moment and dirty things the next is real talent. You make it flow so well. I really enjoyed the foreplay, and the sounds of movement when we got on top of him. Also, obviously the urgency of him needing to get his pants off is wonderful. The delinquent never disappoints 🥰❤️❤️