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He slides his fingers slowly between your legs... teasing you... caressing your sensitive spots before he plunges them in... You churns your insides- attacking your weakspots and making you cum before he has a good taste of you~...

Note : The more Canon interpretation of Neuvillette~

= = =

The New Audio featuring Neuvillette x Listener is out now!

Hello~! Azeru Official here and we're back with another Full Version NSFW Audio! This time featuring my AU take on Genshin Impact's Neuvillette ~! | Neuvillette x Listener | Boyfriend x Listener | Dom x Listener

Hello~! Neuvillette in his more compassionate and empathetic self is here~!...

Hm?.... yes... yes, I know. I should be sleeping and resting in preparation for the 12+ hr Livestream... but I wanted to work quq... I did update a few things on stream to optimize it and I'm prepped with food and stuff. There's really no plan for the stream other than spend time with you and-... Oh, right. This is an Audio post.


So, Neuvillette is here! I do apologize that I've been somewhat sick the past week or so. I'm feeling much better now and energized! But he's here~ ^^

Now, if you've already listened to my previous Neuvillette Audios- then you might notice that the previous ones do have a less Canon version of him. Think of it like the "Dream" version much like how I made an Audio of Arataki Itto, Wriothesley, Ayato, etc. etc. prior to their quests and voice lines being released.

This Audio, has a much softer, but still firm, tone to it. Something more fitting of our rather emotional Neuvillette~

But to be very honest, much like all my other Audios, I do kind of have to give him some spice. Otherwise it'd be too... Well- spiceless.

Heh- I won't really spoil too much.

Oh- and... yes. There is an effect in the Audio that sounds like the Audio is breaking. But all it is is an effect to obscure Neuvillette saying his first name. Since nobody knows as of right now what it is.

Who knows, maybe in the future I'll come back here and edit it back in. Or maybe I'll keep it as that and have it be explained in a future Neuvillette Audio!

Technical aspects wise. Well, to be very honest, the only big difference in this Audio is the Volume of the Spice. Made it sound somewhat unrealistically loud. It sounds good imo, and as many have asked ( Yes, I do read the comments~ ) I put it in!

That and the glitchy sfx.

Oh- y'know, Maybe I should experiment with a more subby Neuvillette. Or a more subby Tartaglia. Hmmm~ I do wonder. What would be best.

o _o... oh, and if I have time I hope I can schedule the next Audio. I also have to eat still and finish up updating a few things on stream. We'll see we'll see~...

And before you panic-... Audios will ALWAYS be my #1 priority in terms of work. I mean, I did this first prior to anything else when I was able to!

= = =  

As always I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think down in the comments below~! Make sure to leave a like as well if you want more like this in the future so I know that you actually want it!  

- Azeru, The Fallen Angel




Thank you Azeru for the audio~ Miss you a lot XD


I am so excited for tonights girl dinner 🔥


It’s good to see you’re feeling better! 💖


Pls we are being fed with all the neuvillette, i cant wait to listen


Really...like your take on this character among others ...look forward to hearing this a bit later..


A treat for wishing him home this evening! :o thank you azeru i hope youre feeling a lot better soon 💕

Tara Eilhart

Just in time for his release (hehe) tomorrow!! I really prefer this more canon version of him, this is my favourite Neuvi audio you've done! Thank you as always for an amazing audio 💙


It’s just so nice to see you right after coming back from class🥺


My dear please rest…you work too much🙈 thanks for your hard work❤️❤️


Sir! This is *chefs kiss* Thanks 🙏🏻 💜😈


On the note of a more subby Neuvillette, I really liked how you handled Dan Heng. Soft and rather submissive but not overly so. I find pleasure in the idea to make my partner feel safe, loved, and absolutely blissful, gently leading them to the "breaking point" and catching them as they come down from their high. How to describe? In a way, I enjoy if the differences between who is top and who is bottom are small, blurred lines. As for characters like Dan Heng and Neuvillette who are strong and aloof but have a soft core and are ultimately deeply lonely, I enjoy if they initiate the intimacy but I take over when they feel safe enough to be really vulnerable. Feels more realistic. That's a lot of fluff, but I find fluff rather sexy tbh. What also falls into the category there is gentle aftercare. Just some of my own thoughts here :) thanks for reading.


More neuvillette?! Aaaaaaa i love this dragon man super excited to listen to this!


Oh my god right on time! I just got back from campus and this sure is a surprise! Thank you so much for all the hard work Azzy and please rest well it must feel awful to be under the weather :( Oh and drink lots of water!!


Been looking forwards to this one ^^ Thank you for your hard work angle, hope you're feeling better <3

EA Gorman

Thank you for your devotion to your listeners. Now please, dear, get some rest and fluids. :)


This one is by far my favorite Neuvillette audio you’ve done so far! Thank you for all the effort & hard work, hope you’re feeling better!! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)


Eating out part— dear lord, it was so so great.


Pls make the eating out version with Pantalone one day 😭 I feel like I could almost beg for it ahha

Coppelia Rose

Haven't listened to the audio yet but I'm already excited! As for Spice, I don't think it necessarily always needs to be spicy as long as it contributes somewhat to the lore we have going on here ❤️ maybe he had a diffecult trial and feels torn and upset even. I don't mind audios where there is no spice but you get to just cuddle and comfort, even reverse comfort♥️ I do think Neuvillette offers a whole lot of duality! In the public eye he is a strong figure that is straightforward and absolute, distant from people to keep his integrity. Behind closed doors he is a man that loves melusines to absolute death, enjoys taste testing water and bawls his eyes out after trials. So he has this strong shell, but on the inside is nothing but mush. I personally think he should have both types of audios; the dominant ones and the submissive ones. He isn't just one or the other, be is both ♥️ I think that is something most people will absolutely love about him. Alright I've rambled enough 🤣🤣 I'll shut up now and listen to the audio like a good girl 🥹


I like the way you continuously work on SFX and improve it almost every video in a raw. You’re too good for us, Azeru, too good 😭 thank you so much for this. It’s not only the horny part but also aesthetic part that screams “oh, this is so excellently done” real. Thank you keep it up but don’t stress yourself much xx


I so much agree with you 🙏🏻 Especially for the spice part, sometimes some tragedy or upsetting is not bad, it makes the atmosphere refreshing too


Audio supremacy \○/ Thank you for working so hard for us. Happy to hear you're feeling better!

Coppelia Rose

I agree! I posted my own wall of text as well, but I feel similarly as well. I don't mind collecting all of the pieces and make them feel safe and loved and let them be ok with being vulnerable with you. It's sometimes more erotic than actual fucking 🤣 I just love it when they come undone and can no longer control themselves, even if they are bloody sobbing at the end cuz they just feel good and safe. It's the best 👌 I have a huge weakspot for men who are like 'me stronk, me also need cuddle🥹' Also yesssss after care. Even if it's just an audio of nothing but aftercare I'm fucking here for it baby! 🖐️


Honestly, slay, Queen! 🫱🏿‍🫲🏻 Always a pleasure meeting someone who appreciates the same stuff as I do.

Coppelia Rose

Exactly, I mean we know we can get plenty of audios where we get fucked into the mattress, and we are here for it 🤣🤣 but it's also good to have something to break it up a little, wipe away our beautiful man's tears, kiss his cheeks and tell him everything is going to be ok before shoving him into an otter onesie and cuddle him in your lap even if he is a fucking foot taller than you cuz who gives a shit ✨


Ooooh thank you lord Azeru!!! 🥰🥰🥰🐉🐉


I love this guy more and more thanks to you Azeru, amazing work as always boss


Glad to hear you’re feeling better :) loooved the audio and can’t wait for the 12+h stream later!! ♥️


im treating this as my birthday treat. thank you azeru for all the neuvillette food. i am eating ✨😌✨


Maybe I should suggest when we're all qualified our clients won't need any sex therapy, we'll just get them to do a bit of meditation, massage and some Azeru asmr. His voice in this audio , wow! Sometimes I lend my friends son my device to watch YouTube on when I'm out . Really hope he never finds these. I might have to say it's broken. I had a very good time with this one. It's all in the breathing you know. Among other things. Learning to not just, nevermind. Fluttering is also really good, but too much can cause some harm. It's a term we use in our little group and I think it's cute. They're the same muscles that, nevermind about that either. I'm babbling again. I wish I could use some psychological techniques on myself but I suppose it's the same as the mechanic and their car. You will sleep, right? I'm wearing a little choker with a bell on it. When I move things jiggle and my little bell shakes, causing it to jingle. I love it, it makes a pretty sound. This audio was good, I really enjoyed it. I'm sorry you weren't well, I hope you're feeling a little better now. Going to do my exercises , probably to a mixture of C O F, H I M, and Mastodon. Black/death metal, love metal and alternative rock. A bit of both worlds right?




I love Neuvillette. Thank you♡


I would absolutely love a subby neuvillette, he gives the vibe of dominant in the streets and subby in the sheets XD

ooga booga caveman brain

i’ve always loved the breathing-down-the-neck thing! glad to hear it in this one hehe


I would like to thank Lord Azeru for blessing us on this day. Amen 🙏

Pam 701

Spectacular GI audio, as usual! Love this Azeru, and hope you feel better soon! ❤️🥵🔥🥵❤️


This fits him so well !!! Amazing audio~


Oh my gosh, Thank you so much Azeru! 😚✨ I hope you rest well after the stream!


How did u know that i really wanted a Neuvilette eating pussy 💀


Is the audio supposed to freak out at the 6 min mark? That scared the shit out of me☠️😭


I personally love your idea of doing a dom and a sub for a character. Sometimes I can't cope with a total dom, yet I love the character. Although, this does add more work on you. I loved this Neuvilette. Thank you ( ^ω^)

The Hermit

When are you gonna do Dottore again? It's been over a year 😭


I’m glad that you’re feeling better Azzy! Thank you for the amazing audio~ and some subby Tartagila sounds amazing!~


a shuby tarta ?? very interesting indeed


Sometimes when you speak, your voice hits a certain point. When your voice tapers off or when it growls, it makes my back arch the tiniest bit. Like someone is gently running fingers up the base of my spine. It always makes me shiver a little. Makes me smile. So when I listen I always put music on in the background. Please, I need it. It's like a fucking metamorphosis, a split second thing. It's difficult to type. It's like a magnet pulls my body upwards from the centre. Like half of me is on the bed and the other half, or something very pleasurable is floating over me. Not in a realistic sense, just a sexual dream like state. It makes my erogenous zones buzz. I'm trying explain this, but I can't keep up with the feelings.




Just read the note and yesss, please go on and experiment with subby side🙏


I had to check the comments to make sure it wasn't only me. It startled me too.


It was explained in the notes. I tend to read them after the audio maybe I should start before now.


Same... I realized that after I listen to the audio as well


You should totally do another dottore audio kitten 🐺🐺


I need sub Neuvi in my life


Subby Neuvi would be amazing 😮‍💨🩷


Ngl the audio breaking sound effect scared me😹


Very much flustered now


Thank you for another amazing Neuvillette audio! ❤️


Neuvillette! I GOT HIM TODAY!! HOYOVERCE DRAGON FESTIVAL~ He's very gentle~ You said the effect in the Audio that sounds like the Audio is breaking which is an effect to obscure Neuvillette saying his first name. I think your design is very ingenious, and I'm surprised that you even considered this point!


I’m a slackerrr, I forgot to comment yesterday But AHHHHHH NEUVILETEEEE, Thankee for the audio Azzy and hopefully you’re getting plenty of rest today 💕 Hydro Daddae has come home but I need c1 now T-T

Lane Harmonia

subby Neuvillette? 🥺👉👈

Cat in a phone

I don't know if your familar with the game Baldur's Gate 3 but I think you would be great at voicing Astarion (the sassy vampire)! ☺️


I GOT HIM!! this audio gave me luck ;D i really love this more canon version of him. don’t get me wrong, i liked the previous “dream” versions as well, but this one just hit different. it made me think, oh that’s our neuvi :) i love how you incorporated some of the themes from his recent trailer/lore! such as observing humans to learn more about himself, and the fact that we really only know his last name. though, to be very honest, when i first listened to the audio, the part where it sorta “cuts out” when he says his first name scared me 😭 i think i just need to get used to it, but still, very cool sfx! the “my dear’s” make me swoon, he would totally say that ☺️ and how he gently lowers us onto his desk and kisses us? yea that also made me swoon. gentle spice with this man is very suiting for him i think :) also, i would not be opposed to a subby neuvi audio.. hmm.. i find that interesting because i usually like more dom characters, but for some reason i can also see him being shy while trying to keep his composure, and then asking for more ;D thank you for another tasty treat! 🩷 hoping you’ll do another wriothesley one now that he’s been introduced in the archon quest (i cannot stop thinking about the previous one. like my god, i DREAM about how good it was) but may i offer the idea of a duo audio of him and neuvi perhaps?? ;D


I...like your take on these characters look forward to hearing this soon..


The script here was wonderful! His explanation of his skill set and what makes him capable are word for word what a trial lawyer or a judge would say, so there was an extra level of immersion. And the spice? Goodness gracious the spice! That spice is powering starships to race across the galaxy and right down my spine. Spice Melange!


Literally after listening to this i got the luckiest pull in my life. Got double Monsieur Neuvillette on my 46th pull 🦦 would add listening to your audios before pulling to my little ritual from now on


I can't sleep at all without listening to your audio every day. Thank you for saving my life🥺🥺🥺🥺


I pulled my first Neuvilette while listening to this 💕 Listening to ASMR of characters I REALLY want to pull has been my ritual since I started playing genshin

Julien Madsen

I can only say that all the characters are more delicious in your voice. Thank you always Azzy for providing this to us...


Subby Tartaglia sounds wonderful a "flipping the script on him" sort of situation sounds perfect for it.


I had just recently discovered this master 🥰 Azeru you truly are a king!


We’re getting spoiled so much thank u Azeru sama ❤️🙇‍♀️


I like the quiet, slowness of this character. Oh footsteps! Nice sfx. The glitch was clever and not too jarring. I vote leave it, if we get a vote. You built the tension in this one so well. Like taking the moments to breathe at 13:12 gives this one a pace and almost a sense that he is truely savoring, which in turn welcomes the listener too. He could have taken the actual act a little slower at the beginning to and built it. Not that Im complaining at all! I don't know how that works with sfx -the sounds and what constraints they give. But some teasing/edging and taking it slow might be fun. We love Costco samples and always want more! Hope the streams are going well particularly that 12 hr one. Always appreciate the audios.

Janette Spear

Can I request a shower scene with Neuvillette in the future? 👉👈

Sioned Davies

I would love that too, maybe getting the chance to hear him whimper slightly? 😉

Neana Hidden

What is it with these irresistible water dragons lately? Even if I’ve enjoyed the punishments from the strict and haughty Chief of Justice getting a gentler Neuvillette is very very sweet and refreshing. Seeing different sides of him makes his character more complete and interesting. Neuvillette is always sophisticated and polite. But behind it all there’s also burning curiosity with human emotions. And loneliness. He has long thought of himself as an outsider. Separated from all others by his role as a judge and his own personal history. To connect with him makes it that more meaningful and sweet. He clearly enjoys seeing the reactions to his actions. Holding power over someone not as a judge but by his own touch. He’s very determined and commanding but we are not a mere plaything. There’s care behind it all. Neuvillette says that he can resonate with water and with human feelings. And that he can get swept up by them if he’s not careful. So by conjecture… when he is giving pleasure to someone else that resonance would make him feel it too. He’s choosing to let himself be lost in the moment feeling the echoes from all the pleasure. Who knew water tasting would be this hot of a hobby :) —- In the future having a Neuvillette who would lose his composure. Allow himself be taken care of. And fully let go by being more submissive. Mmm. That would be a treat.

Ava Rose

Dear Neuvillette if offering you my body can help you so I am ready to sacrifice myself for the cause xD. The part where it sorta “cuts out” when he says his first name scared me too ahah. Thanks Az ><