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You feel their bodies sandwich you... Their hands exploring your entire body... Caressing you gently- Lustfully... You want more... And more... And more... Their moans, Their breaths...

Note : Two at once!?

= = =

The New Audio featuring the Duo x Listener is out now!

Hello~! Azeru Official here and we're back with another Full Version NSFW Audio! This time featuring the Duo~!... Which I still don't actually have a proper name for... Should I name them Twins OC? Hmmm~

We're back with TWO characters~! Which, as stated above, I genuinely don't know what to name this OC... It's not exactly a Bonus Audio with no specific character and it's not any of the other OCs. There's obviously various options. Two BFs, Twins, Two Doms fighting over you, etc.... But regardless of what they'll be themed after, all we need to focus on right now is you getting completely and utterly railed and lusted over from both sides~!

Now, to be very forwards as well, I will say that I did start the next Batch of Royalty Rings ^^;... which means I'll be a bit extra busy ( Haha- when am I never  busy?... I feel like anytime I get more extra time, I decide to fill it with work... ) this month and next month- Paired with this being a Duo Audio- Taking more time to finish up... Well, you can see how I'd be a bit stretched thin ^^;

Ah- but in regards to this Audio... Well, this one features the KU-100 once again~ Paired with two very lustful, hungry and thirsty Doms~

Not only that, but I also focused more on Ear and Neck stuff on this one~... Which isn't really anything special, but the SHIVERS...

o _o... y'know, in hindsight, this Audio is just all about some spicy times...

Soooo... technical wise, well, more experimentation with the 3D space... It's not easy at all to make things sound realistic and coherent when I have to combine the KU-100's realism, with the normal Mic's absurd clarity... and the pre-recorded SFX's studio quality.... fancy way of saying more sterile.

So, while it might not sound or look like a ton of work- especially when it's just subtle details, I actually had quite a bit of problems with making the wetness meet well with the skin slapping...


Well, because I had to record that skin-slapping live while doing the vocals. Much like one of the previous Audios~ ^^

I feel that it helps with the sense of realism and making the vocal part sound actually genuinely winded.

o 3o


It's not what you think!

= = =  

As always I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think down in the comments below~! Make sure to leave a like as well if you want more like this in the future so I know that you actually want it!  

- Azeru, The Fallen Angel




...I think this is my new favourite. The work you put into it is very evident, and the results are especially hot.


It felt they were here for real, oh the tingle. 😍😫


I think it's OK to name this two OC as Twins. Twins usually has their own tacit agreement,I can felt it in your previous OC DUO audios. Twins Duo series (pls allow me to name them as Twins first ovo)is of my favorite OC.>///< I prefer the last twins audio because the slapping SFX of this one is a little dry... TUT


idk what you did differently to make this one but the deep ear licking feels VERY realistic and I can actually feel so many asmr tingles with this one, might be my new favorite

weili HE

As one really likes ear licking, I FELT I LOST MIND listening to this. It's too good that I almost couldnt finish the whole track. My everything just melt so bad T T. Thank u for the excellent work.


Omg your ear licking is the best🫠thank you so much Azzy🥺


The only ASMR I'll ever want.


Well holy f*ck. Can’t believe it took me this long to find this version. Hearing it on YouTube I swear is what got me to Patreon. And it’s been months and I’ve never found this before now. I listened 10 minutes ago and I’m STILL tingly. The line where they talk in unison & one in each ear, well it killed me 💀 This feels and sounds so realistic with the ear kisses and licks 🫠🫠🫠 this will be on repeat for a bit, starting now with a second listen ❤️❤️❤️


This audio is simply mind blowing…, it’s number one on my list of favorites,,,, and it’s a pity that I didn't find it earlier .. Edit: my favorite part is the foreplay, especially when it comes to the ears.. Oh god.. this is probably my biggest weakness.. So wanna thank you, dearest angel for such a treasure..❤️