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You feel him kiss and lick all over your neck and ear... As his C*ck pounds deep into you... He wants to mark you... He wants to BREED you... He wants you all to himself~....

Note : Jealous & Obsessive~!?

= = =

The New Audio featuring the Tartaglia x Listener is out now!

Hello~! Azeru Official here and we're back with another Full Version NSFW Audio! This time featuring my take on Genshin Impact's Tartaglia ~! | Tartaglia x Listener | Boyfriend x Listener | Yandere x Listener | Dom x Listener

Tartaglia~! One of the first Harbingers we know of is back!... And possessive as ever~

Now- if you are unfamiliar with Tartaglia- he is also known as Childe... probably more known by that name. But- really, I prefer calling him Tartaglia.

Now- he is a very somewhat... psychopathic(?) character. Not in like an unhinged or broken way, but more in the... his morals are kinda off if you think about it really hard. That and he also has a weird look on friendships or comradery. I mean... he LOVES combat. Fighting. Getting stronger. He's basically a Blood Knight or even a Thrill seeker. He lives for it.

And without spoiling too much of the game, he also has some interesting... interactions?

Though- that all being said, this Audio and my general take on him, kind of revolve around his territorial and protective side. Paired with what I interpret as his unhingedness- and admittedly due to outside influence from Eri's art of Childe just... being the jelly person he is xD ( Eriimyon ! ), I've kinda been pushing Tartaglia to be a more... Jealous-type of character.

Is it that most canon version of him? Honestly, No. But, it is interesting imo~

Now, technical wise, I did use a liberal amount of KU-100 on this~ And I'm still experimenting on the spicy SFX~

As usual, I'm on the fence with realism/immersion vs making it sound more fantastic/movie-like. That's why lately I've been running through a lot of different ways of editing it so we can both go through different styles~ and see which one is best~ ^^;

Of course, the changes and differences between them are relatively minor since it's just tweaking the volume and "Depth". If that makes sense~?

Ah but yes yes, I do hope you enjoy this one~ ^^ Admittedly, I'm posting this prior to stream again xD...

Y'know, one of these days, I will post a thing here on Patreon showcasing the Stream tech I've also been working on.... Hmm~

= = =  

As always I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think down in the comments below~! Make sure to leave a like as well if you want more like this in the future so I know that you actually want it!  

- Azeru, The Fallen Angel




Oops you did it again. You played with our heart. Got lost In… uploading?


in honor of his banner next month!


Boss, why are you so evil~


I haven't even listened to the other one ;-; why must u do me like this TT


AHH! I’ve been wondering when you’d be doing another Tartaglia audio!! When I first started listening to your audios, his were among my favorites. Also, I see your still sticking to posting RIGHT before stream…shame on you. Shame…anyways, thank you again for all your hard work!! Definitely giving this a listen…or maybe five, when I get home! 🥰💖


I would like to thank Lord Azeru for blessing us on this day. Amen 🙏


Just as stream starts?? I- you really want us to wait this mean 😭 but I can't wait to hear the full version, I've missed Childe and you voice him well


yessss! two in one day, thank you!!!!!!


Two audios today. We've been blessed.




I...like tartaglia..look forward to hearing after stream...~

Rat (of the Pgh variety)

Two in one day?? And it's one of my favorite Genshin men?? Why did you post this during stream?? Do you hate me?????? (Real talk can't wait to listen later.)


Why you post before the stream TT Thanks for this audio Sir ! It's a pleasure to listen ^^


oh we are getting treated real good today-


Two audios in one day? Feeling a bit spoiled today ☺️ looks like todays is gonna turn out better than I thought. Thankee dear angle 💕


Two audios in a SINGLE day??? You spoil us too much, thank you as always kind sir I look forward to listening to this one ^^ ♥️


oh we are being spoiled today hm? thank you~ 💗


Aaaawwww yeahhhh !!!!!! Thank you for spoiling us today!!! ❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰 I really enjoyed the jealousy autos~


Can’t wait to listen to this AFTER stream 🤨🫶 I always loved the way you portray Tartaglia! Thank you for spoiling us today Azzy!~


Sadly I’m afraid to admit I was silently waiting for this

Tara Eilhart

Before stream again, smh. Anyways, been looking forward to this one since the YT version! Thank you as always for a fantastic audio 💙


Oh god, here we go! The way you change your voice from character to character is really impressive.


Omg best Childe audio ever!! The possessiveness, the obsession, the SFX. Please I need more of this 😩


🙏 Sorry, late for stream but...hey call of lust y'know XD Characters like that are reallyyy fun to play, there're vivid, blood boiling entity!! It's SOOO COOL~!! Yes and I always really really love those hot moans and even more if it's locked on one side~ *sigh* I love your work so much ~!! (^^♪

Katheryne Nevarez

I can't wait to get off work and listen to this he's my favorite


This one made me weak in the knees, I’m such a sucker for yanderes (especially wanderer)😭 I was shook because he canonically doesn’t seem like the type but hoo boy it works! The SFX were fantastic as always and I hope you’re doing well Azeru! You spoil us so much already, 2 audios in one day? You’re a mad lad! ❤️✨

Pam 701

We just continue to be fed these delicious GI treats by our angel! ❤️🥵❤️


Thanks Azeru. I Love how you do Childe ❤️ all the other takes on him and this New one 😍 oh i just waited so long for you doing him again 😘😘😘 thanks a lot


The TIMING, AZERU!! IT'S TOO PERFECT. Especially after the Fontaine trailer was released?! Ahhhh! 😭 Thank you for the meal and I love your Childe and everything you do as always 💕💕 So worth the wait after seeing it on YT 🥹💓 Rest when you can, king. 🙏


I listened to this and Azeru, you've done more than I could have imagined~

kxllxrbxnny (aspen)

Finally listening to it after stream <33 my good sir I LOVE this take on Tartag! I've always thought of him as being more...feral than he lets on. This is fantastic! Thank you Azeru!


i think how you portrait tartaglia is one of the best I've listen to. he may be the always happy blood thirsty tortellini but i can imagine him being possessive over the one he loves and hes not the biggest fan of sharing whats his.


Fontaine trailer teases Tartaglia return, azzy returns as well with Tartaglia. Coincidence i think not lol. Gonna listen to this in a bit


OMG Azzy! This was phenomenal. Every audio you make is better than the last, the sfx were amazing and I've officially lost one of my lives! 🥰🥰 gladly btw lol thank you Azzy!


Our dear Childe is loosing it.... Thank you for a fab audio!!


*speechless* (thank uuu🥰)


I missed Tartaglia in your channel. Another great portrayal this character

Rose Nights

Can’t wait to listen to this while writing!!!


Whoa that bit at 2:00 was way different and very interesting. Oh and the whole part at 7:30 till 9:30. I think you used the silence and pauses really well in this one. Please take this as the compliment it is: you do "crazy" well. The character was so good and immersive, I could have a whole radio show with him. (Not even my usual cup of tea.)

Cael Anima


Mimi - ria

This was a pure joy to listen to once again,<3 So, so so well done, thank you Azeruuuuu ! ;////;

Anonymous Shade

Notes for Azeru regarding the noises, I dont mind them bring unrealistic. I just wanna be able to hear it! It's half the fun The moaning to audio is perfect 🥰


ajax is always the best 😍 thanks a lot for this one 🙏🏻 😘


First off, bless Eri for the continued inspiration! 🤭 Second, perfect timing on the audio drop just in time for the 4.0 Fontaine trailer, haha. Yandere's are not my usual cup of tea, but Childe lends himself well to the trope and you portray all of it really well here. Scarily so, at certain parts. But I really wanted to compliment you on your Foley work as well as the experimenting with the bias levels over your most recent audios. I've noticed more clarity and less blow out from your whispers and breath when you get really close to the KU-100. As well as that increase in depth of sound! I think you're starting to find that sweet spot in audiological biomimicry with all your tweaking. Essentially a 3D soundscape. So, yes, I get where you're coming from. Also, I think what you have going here is a good balance between real and cinematic sound. Nothing is too small to go unnoticed and nothing is too dramatic to be jarring. A nice compromise. Keep up the great work, Azeru!


Ahh you portray Childe so well!! He has been carrying me in spiral abyss (^∇^)


My Childe bias is screaming right now

Kate Zhang

You know, I really have america visa. Within these 3 years I can go to America. I'm almost going to look for my passport. (You have made me loosing my mind.) This is too sexy, I love it. When he said "can I" my tears almost coming out."I wanted to be the dest... doesn't matter how many times I fall...", this touched me. First time too see Tartaglia is so humble like this. That's touching.


Jealous and insecure Childe is the best Childe. The canon need to get stronger just plays so perfectly into the idea that he is really insecure and needs to prove himself. I’m glad you used the KU on this because we need to be able to hear the shivers and tremors in his voice to fully appreciate that desire and anxiety. I think you made the right technical choices to compliment your performance. Kudos as always!!!❤️


Ahaha~ The downside of the KU-100~... It's somewhat difficult to do a center biased Audio~


Really now~? I personally do think that this fits Tartaglia very well~... I don't know why though~


True true! It's really difficult finding a balance as everyone listens to these at different volumes and using different mediums ( Headphones, Earphones, etc. ). ^^


Considering i was squirming the entire time i definitely did. Feral/ yandere men just flips that switch for me i guess lol. Was expecting more rounds since it mentioned breeding. Nevertheless it is a good audio!


I'm actually a jellyfish, brainless, 100% water, pretending to socialize as an adult, only bursting into tears and shrivelling when I'm frustrated, but if I hear Childe's voice, I'm full, really.


Yeah it was really immersive! You deserve so much praise both for the technically and the way you portray characters and your voice changes ect (not to mention the amount of fun on stream) just keep doing what you do because you're slaying it (angle translater: it's a compliment hehe)


Aaa it’s so cool that you reply to our comments!~ It really does suit him, I initially thought he was the jealous type but more focused on his career(?)🤷It might work because he’s a bit of a loose cannon lol I hope to get him someday ❤️


I….sir, you work plenty hard dear angle. I think you should be a little nicer to yourself. Maybe a good bonk and a nap is what you need instead 🤔

Anonymous Shade

I think there should be a "test test~ this is how I sound Whispering in your ear~". As for sounds like slapping, I think there should be a vote of realism vs lightly exaggerated sounds


As I don't like Tartaglia, but after this audio I'm liking him more. You improved so much as I compared your old creations ( I love to listen the oldies too)I'm just so impressed so I couldn't sleep after I listened the audio ( Mostly I have free time at late night so that's why I'm listening the majority of your audios at that time). Keep the excellent work and please have a good rest too ^^


The tension in the middle was amazing. It's kind of like we got the good ending because we hugged him. The bad ending... hm 😏


I don't know, you typically do most characters well, But your tartaglia is really really my favorite. Not just that I'm into childe himself, but your take, the way you interpret him is absolutely amazing. Please Please Please do more tartaglia, even though he might be higher pitch than your normal vioce. I love that you are taking the challenges and yet giving better and better performance, that's so sweet and fascinating! Thank you and looking forward to your next tartaglia take! <3


You're very good now. I should imagine it takes some guts.


it really does ^^ oh do you already know who you'll pull in 4.x? :3

Erin Keegan

The moaaaaaans during the spice, the way he talks about his cum and what he’s gonna do…the ending, the noises…dear god, Azzy.


I am forever weak for a yandere but oh my word Tartaglia makes such a fantastic yandere! the repetitions, the desperation, the needy demands, this is done so well.


Your voice was just incredible in this. It was so controlled and smooth, yet unhinged and needy. The mic choice elevated the whole experience. Incredible work. Just. Wow. 😮‍💨


My sensitive left ear being blessed (///▽///)


I would absolutely love one of these where we wake up tied up or handcuffed or something

Ava Rose (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-25 12:44:17 I love to hear whispering in my ears, it’s my weak point &lt;3
2023-08-23 03:58:29 I love to hear whispering in my ears, it’s my weak point <3

I love to hear whispering in my ears, it’s my weak point <3


Jealous Scaramouche When (asking for a friend of course)


didn’t realize that i needed yandere Tartaglia in my life, and here i am, listening to it on repeat. wonderful and spicy work as always

The Hermit

I have money again! Time to bing on Azeru!


Oh ... my ... jeebus ... it was like you were right in my ears ... It was like I could feel your heat and breath against my neck, your lips and tongue against my skin ... -swoons-

Julien Madsen

Ohhhh my f*King god...What was that??? Omg omg...I felt so many goosebumps... how delicious!!

Wendy ShadowGaming

I can imagine him even making Creepypastas sexy like this 👀 your awesome

Jennifer (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-03 04:42:18 I freaking love childe this is perfection 🥰
2023-10-03 00:37:13 I freaking love your Tartaglia this is perfection 🥰

I freaking love your Tartaglia this is perfection 🥰


yare yare~ (´꒳`)♡ Ok. Here we have my favorite audio! You manage to convey his oscillations so well and I loved the hints of realism, which helps us to formulate the image well! I won't go on too long so as not to be boring, but thank you Azure! You have my heart! ♡

Shelly Camellia

I need more theme like this!!!


I feel like this is my Tartaglia on my account left unbuilt 👀




Your voice really suits him .I am looking forward to the new work about him🥹🥹


One of THE best audios I've ever listened to that I find myself thinking about this one a lot 😅

Ellen Fox

I really enjoy you adding little nods to his lore though. I know this is your take on his personality but it really does help root the character


I...I just have a very big soft spot for a very well written Yandere. Please don't look at me like that. (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠). I honestly appreciate the longer talk a lot and they are so sweet (for me, I mean it's just me liking the way he obsessed over me and feeling special. Like I am the only one). And the spicy part is a mix of the intense expression of his feelings for you with a clear aggression from his obsession. But it was clear that it was out of love so feels like a make love session instead of just having s*x. It might sounds weird but I feel cherished in a different way. I.. I will just request for more Yandere and some story driven stuff. On another note, this sounds extremely hard as I know your usual comfortable register? But you have always done a superb job at this stuff. Idk how this is possible. You are just... Idk. Talented is an understatement. Please feel proud of your work.



Shewolf Nita

Omg... I've never been a big fan of this Character, but this psycho side is just hot 🔥 (I love jealous characters, even though I don't like it irl)


I also do not like obsession, its very unhealthy but! Superb acting Azeru!!! Your chuckles and laughs were so airy with a touch of lunacy. Loved it.




My favourite Tartaglia audio. I was “on a break” with Tart and this brought me right back. Amazing work, Azeru-san ✨

Remy Darling

I love the KU-100 with Azeru's skills.