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Making Love to you turned into a Br**ding Session~!? What more could you ask for when he's completely lost himself to Lust~?... He completely explores all of your body~

Note : An EXTREMELY Sensual Raw Audio~

Note 2 : You get called a "Girl" in this Audio.

Note 3 : Please read the entire post as it does explain how these Special Bonus Audios work ^^

= = =

The New Special Bonus Audio featuring the Dominant Boyfriend x Listener is out now!

Hello~! Azeru Official here and we're back with another Full Version NSFW Audio! This time featuring the Dominant Boyfriend ~! | Boyfriend x Listener | Dominant Boyfriend x Listener | Dom x Listener | Top x Listener

June is finally here~! It's honestly crazy how quick time's flew by... We're already almost half-way done with 2023, but it feels like it was just yesterday that it was 2020.

Ah- and before I continue further, here's a few things to note :

- This is the Special Bonus Audio for this month!
- The previous
Special Bonus Audio[ https://www.patreon.com/posts/nsfw-premium-may-82803231 ], has been moved to T3 and above!
- This will NOT impact or replace normal
Bonus Audios.
- There will be a poll for next month's Special Bonus Audio!

Okay, now that that's all said, we finally get into the meat of this! No pun intended.

Now, this, much like all the previous Special Bonus Audios ( Not to be confused with normal Bonus Audios. ) features the KU-100 almost exclusively. No script, no editing, no nothing.

It features a very VERY raw experience, about as close to real life sounds as you can get- which I think offers a unique feel to these Audios... That and the fact that these Audios are about 40-ish minutes long of pure bedroom spice compared to the normal Audios.

Now- this Audio specifically does touch on adding a bit more "Live" SFX... As in I had to do some Foley Artist work live while doing the voice stuff... which is also Adlib'd. So suffice to say this one wasn't as easy to do as you'd think.

Of course, that's mostly because I do want to upgrade the experience and add in some specific sounds that you might enjoy... like... a belt being taken off... or a zipper being unzipped. Granted, to add those I needed to be a bit creative in how to do them as well as slow down the pacing at the start.

If you'll notice, this one starts off with you being picked up and put onto the bed, compared to the other ones that start off mid-f*ck-session. But, this one allows for a bit more fore-play comparatively at least!

But- well, I don't want to bore you with a long post, so please do enjoy this Audio~ ^^....

EDIT : NOOOO I did not actually take off my pants... or did I?... The point of Foley work is to make sounds sound as realistic as possible!!!. Though granted, yes I was actually uh... on top(?) of the bed on the mic. Staring into it. While making the motions to make the sounds of... y'know. I just wanted to clarify!!!!!....


Or maybe I did put on an extra pair of pants and took them off. Who knows????

Like the previous Special Bonus Audios, these ones really are the most raw experience possible I can offer in Audio form ^^;

Oh- and I do also want to say that I was debating putting these Audios on longer at T2 instead of just one month, and I do still plan to do that, but the caveat is that the goal must be achieved in the month it's posted at... I know some were curious why the last Special Bonus Audio did not stay longer- that's because the goal was actually achieved on the 1st of the next month. ^^;... And I do stress that while I do do that goal, that you should only like this post if you genuinely like this kind of content!

= = =

As always I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think down in the comments below~! Make sure to leave a like as well if you want more like this in the future so I know that you actually want it!

- Azeru, The Fallen Angel



Wahh! Thank you for all the work you've put into this, Azeru! This certainly is such a big upgrade 🥹 very very much appreciated...uwahh-- Also reading the notes is really nice. I love how you share just how much work you put into this, and the other stuff, also cause it helps me take a breather from the whole audio ahhsjdjsksk-- hh I gotta breath ahaha!


had to listen to this at work🤭only thing that kept me smiling through my shift 😵‍💫


Am i the only one that wouldn’t mind at all if our Azeru actually…ehm, took off something?🤭 I know ok? I’m the naughty-naughty type…but c’mon really?😏 this audio was amazing 💋 incredible…thank you my dear

Mary ♡

Ah yes getting on top of the mic for a good staring contest xD Can't wait to listen to it~ Thank you for your hard work !!

Cael Anima

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME WOOO i mean three days early but who cares WEEEE


You've done it this time! You've killed me!


When I tell you this got me going insane. The power your voice has is terrifying


Just the imagination of someone pulling pants down while wearing pants underneath and making out with a mic on top of a bed...thank you so much for your dedication. The art and coordination behind these audios amazes me everytime


Just quickly leaving a comment to thank you again for all of your work. When you mentioned belts, I afraid I will give this one a miss. Looking forward to hearing more soon :)


Another banger big boss, I love you playing with all the SFX. It makes it very fun and new and therefore exciting. Thank you for all you do 💜

Ava Rose

I don’t understand, this audio is posted mid-June so should the goal be reached in late June or mid-July? If it is at the end of June then the time is rather short to reach the goal =X




Wow Azeru...i paused it twice so i can calm down.This made me just go crazy!Thanks for your hard work!

Jaden Nowlin

Not me trying to quietly take my meds without waking my roomie and spilling all my pills due to belt sound.


it's really cute when you want to clarify about you actually take off your pants or actually....on top.... Hehehe it's made me giggle when I read that🫣

Pam 701

Your bonus audios are beyond hot. Love the fact that this one has a little foreplay at the beginning. Thank you for this audio and for all your hard work, Azzy! ❤️🔥🥵🥵🥵🔥❤️

Michelle Otero

Your bonus audios are really my favorite work you do every month. I love the sfx in this one! Keep up the good work Azeru 💚


I honestly can’t imagine all of what goes into making these audios, it seems like such an undertaking. You’re so professional about everything and I love how honest you are about the process (good, bad/awkward). It really shows how much you care outside of the amazing quality of your work ^-^ (also the belt was a good choice 🫠)


I was about to rip my hair out while trying to remain calm while listening to this 😭


BEST 10$ a month man 😭 this shit is SO GOOD. i think i have a new crush 🤭


I'm so glad I upgraded to Tier 2 yesterday, this was amazing with pacing and the SFX was really good (the belt made me jump several times 🤣) keep going Azeru, love you!

Ren ✨

This is so hot I can’t breeaatthhhheee


43 minutes?! 🫣 I barely survived the first 10


The last 5 mins got me howling at the moon 🐺


Well, I just melted like butter in a pie crust. 🥧 This could be my favorite bonus audio yet. It’s arguably more vanilla then the other bonus audios, but it is also the most natural. I could easily hear where you were relative to the KU mic, and the positions were easily identifiable even if you weren’t describing them. Not to self report, but the way the audio started was so true to life! The sound effects were great, but I was most impressed with your moans and inflections in your voice. Nothing felt awkward or forced, and it really paid off in the last portion of the audio! ❤️❤️❤️


Just a minute, i just melted away from all the whimpering i heard because of how good it feels for him, breeding the listener real good.


ok so i had an idea for an audio: make the listener think theyre in charge and let them do whatever they want to pleasure themselves but after some time u cant hold back anymore and take the lead again if u know what i mean 👍🏻👍🏻😁