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Feeling him buckle and tremble into you as he's overcome with pleasure~.... His hot c*m... His moans... More... You want more...~

Note : A true binaural experience?

= = =

The New Audio featuring Scaramouche / Boss x Listener is out now!

Hello~! Azeru Official here and we're back with another Full Version NSFW Audio! This time featuring Genshin Impact's Scaramouche / Wanderer ! | Scaramouch x Listener | Wanderer x Listener | Yandere x Listener | Villain x Listener

Scaramouche~!.... This one's actually based around his Birthday- but since schedules between posting on youtube and posting here are kind of set, I can't just post this on the exact day quq...

Apologies on that- but it's never wrong to celebrate afterwards!

So- here he is, our Villain-Turned-Anti-Hero.... Scaramouche~!.... But since it's on his Birthday- I wanted to portray a more... vulnerable side to him. Not just vulnerable as in defeated, or broken, but... hmm... like, longing?... I-... y'know as I wrote this I realized that I really lean into the Tragic Villain trope a lot.... I feel like eventually you'll-...

Well, you'll see an Audio of Pantalone drinking wine reminiscing on his less fortunate days... or Dottore ( or one of his copies ) maybe looking back at how far he's fallen... Dabi doing a good- xD... I need a proper Villain OC too...

Though to be fair, I also enjoy turning characters into Villains... granted that won't be very spicy in terms of Audios... well, it could... We'll really have to see~

But- as far as this Audio is concerned, yes, a more... cute... version of Scaramouche. Don't get me wrong, you'll still find a Yandere tinge in this one, and even a selfish side, but I feel like it does give a character more depth when you're able to see their weakness.

Their reactions when they're vulnerable.

It's like... the journey to the destination is part of the experience... so character development adds it all... I mean, sure, moaning and f*cking are nice and all, but moaning and f*cking with someone you've come to love and adore is when you really get that mind numbing org*sm~

Now, for the technical side of this, and oh boy, this was an experiment of the year for me so far. But, this is the first time I've used the new Binaural Microphone in a full Audio... well "Full" Audio.

Obviously I didn't want to just come in and shock you into the new Microphone- so I did it this way ^^;... And I've already learned a lot. I will be the first to admit this Audio isn't perfect. In fact, while recording this, I had to go listen to my old Audios as well to see how bad I was so I could give myself enough of a boost to power through and not keep re-recording xD...

And yes, this is a big departure from how I normally record- as I now technically have two completely separate microphones.

But- I did notice a LOT of things I could improve on thanks to this Audio. For one, while the new Microphone is AMAZING for 3D Audio, it's really focused at a large soundstage... so it has some shortcomings when you get really close to it from the front. Which makes sense as the capsules are inside the ears and speaking to it... or kissing it... from the front means that the capsule is turned away from it.

Easily fixable by breathing less and more kissing sounds.

Of course, this is where the whole... Realism vs Fantasy thing comes into play... because in reality, this is pretty much exactly what you would hear... and it's not as good as I would like-... at least compared to my current Microphone. And in reality, you'd also have your own sounds to mask or couple with the sounds you hear.

But- I mean, different tools for different jobs- I get it. In fact, maybe it wasn't too good of an idea to mix and match these two completely separate microphones... why?... because they have different sound signatures, noise levels, etc... It'd be like mix and matching different sized wheels and tires for your car- sure it'll work, but it's not optimal.

To top that off, when I get super duper close to the "Ears", it is SUPER easy to blow it out by breathing... that "HEWOIIONEIOFNFE" sound you hear when you get too close to a microphone and breathe/blow air into it?... you get what I mean right?... that loud bass?... yeah- well I ended up having to hold my breath quite a few times... It's even more noticeable in the next Audio-... normally it's fixed by having a pop filter between you and the microphone, but that would defeat the purpose of having the ear there- y'know?...

So much to learn, so much to do- and this post has already gotten so long!... I'll keep the rest of the findings for the next Binaural Audio post~... But tl;dr, New Microphone is a focused tool that has a few quirks~

= = =

As always I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think down in the comments below~! Make sure to leave a like as well if you want more like this in the future so I know that you actually want it!

- Azeru, The Fallen Angel




Finally had time to listen to this, btw thank you for the biting, I love it when you include some~ Lovely ninaural experience! Certainly a thing to get used to but lovely~


re-subscribed for this audio specifically. OH MY GOD!!!!! you're scaramouche is so delightful!! the vulnerable side to him is so well portrayed... i never comment on anything but this blew me out of the water lol. also the binaural mic really aided immersion for me!! best of luck using it more in the future :)


Subbed for scara and scara only because WHAAAT HOW CAN YOU DO SCARA SO WELL IM OBSESSED




Is the audio echoing for anyone else or is that just me?


And now we do have Scaramouche who... is not so bad anymore! I love his more gentle side and it was so so sad that his life story was so tragic... Awesome audio!❤️❤️❤️


Revisiting this on Wanderer's birthday in 2024! I love the development throughout your Scara/Wanderer audios, and in this particular one it's really sweet that Wanderer is adjusting to the new relationship status, plus there seems to have been a conversation about boundaries since the prev audio that Wanderer has taken to heart. I adore it!


Scara... Can you please take my heart already? 😭😭😭. Edit: sometimes I forget... Azeru is just.... Ugh... crazy good at making people feel weird and all tingly. Sometimes I can't stand the tingles, I was contemplating on unplugging my earpiece and throw my phone somewhere. LOL. I just noticed a very weird stuff as well when you can't stand the tingles you sometimes will just automatically clench your butt. LOL. It's like enduring smth. 🤣🤣🤣.


Happy belated birthday to scaramouche..the villains are some of my favourite audios..will enjoy listening later..~




Bout to get myself fired bc im supposed to join a zoom meeting with my boss but the need to listen to this is too strong. 😶 i can do both i swear. Priorities fr


My day just got so much better, thank you Angel Daddy!


Im saving this for after work today. Thank you so much for the goodies to wake up to this morning! 💕💕💕


Love more Scara. He is just a super loveable villain. And the way you portray him is just amazing.


Right when I just clocked in at work 😆 well... i can't wait to listen to it after my shift has ended

Trippy Mau

in love. ❤️🫣


Thank you for your hard work! Its Villain time i see. Take care of you~ Greetings Mö


I personally like the chatty audios, they add on to the story your telling Azeru. Makes them seem more "intimate". Great job as always!


Thanks for all the great audios! Also with this one you make the day better with me again! Will listen directly after work 🤍


oh no please don't worry about it! I usually take my time to read them, we care about you! and thanks for your hard work as always, take care of yourself ✨


Azzy, thank you so much! I've always love your Scara impressions so much. They're amazing 💓💓




so cuuuuuuute!!!!!!!


Ooooo what a way to wake up


The more the better, I love reading them haha


I love your technical explanations and how hard you work for your craft. Thank you for all you do. Labyu Angel!


You and your content are always the best reward at the end of anything. I'm so excited for this xD


New mic!! So excited!


It's a struggle between sleeping or listening to this audio.... Maybe I do both... But glad to see that you are figuring things out with the new mic! :>


Your scaramouche audios are my favorite, and I’m so glad he got one with the new mic setup!! Eeeeeeee






Good evening Azzy! Now I'm losing sleep because of you!∠( ᐛ 」∠)_


i'm coming(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)


I must say I hate time difference…You're too late here babe…😪😪😪


I just wanted to go get groceries but now…now I Simp. Azeru is literally everything 😭😭


Oh, this a bit different was very, very good 😊😊 Thank you x

Roselin ♥

Azeru your little rambles is oh so cute. I hope you know that if you didn't then let me tell you that they are. I'm glad you got your hands on a new mic. We all know that you worked so hard and I hope you have a wonderful day/night ♥


Ya know, the Wanderer has become one of my favorites. That villain-turned-anti-hero trope is good for a reason and damn, you do it so well. And I can tell you love it too, haha. On another note, I did have some concerns about the blow out in the levels when the YT one dropped. When the new mic kicked in my first thought was that Scara was eating my face, lol. But it seems like you have adjusted the bass levels for the audio here on Patreon. I can't imagine learning to do mixing with two omnidirectional condensers AND your cardioid mic with SFX. I'm sure that once you get through that learning curve, you'll really start to hit your stride. ...And I can't wait to hear THAT. ❤️




i can feel you licking my ears...lol its interesting XD


We’re blessed to have you Azeru


In love with technology and your amazing audios are a bliss


The what sound when you “get too close to the microphone”?? “HEWOIIO..” LMAO.. anywaaay it was an enjoyable audios ngl BUT THE PANIC when the microphones changed I thought my headphones disconnected!, the sound was very much realistic, and the Scara voice acting god.. I somehow liked it more this time <333


It tickles my ears~~~ hehe >//< I love it! Can’t wait to hear more!


I gotta admit I agree, mixing the 2 microphones audio is doable but makes it less immersive because personally I am way too aware of the changes in the surrounding scape(?) of the audio, just like what you say about the noise level and whatnot. But then again it's probably already hard changing your.. um- usual settings, yeah? So this is good nonetheless With the audio in this amazing quality, I can't imagine how tasking it is to do the edit even the recording since you mentioned the need to hold your breath to not have "HEWOIIONEIOFNFE" 😂😂 Never mind all that tho, I'm just trying to say thank you for working hard always to deliver quality content~


Also, I think we all love tragic villain arc anyway so 🫠 Edit: the amount of tingle this give me is unbelievable 😆


I had to pause at various parts cuz it was so much "in your face"! Or more "in your ears" lol. I literally flinched so hard the first time... And I still can't handle this audio 😂 it's so different, but not in a bad way. It really took me by surprise and blew me away. Holy shit. I never felt this embarrassed while listening to ASMR (again, not in a bad way!!) and not because of the performance - just because that audio really pushed some buttons and messed with my stupid little monkey brain 🤣

Mad Dog Madness

O.o I'm currently at work but that description... I can not wait to get home! Your last Scara one was amazing and I have even higher hopes for this one! Thanks for spoiling us! X3 And... yeah... that was well worth the wait o.o >///< poor broken boyo deserves the world >~< another amazing one Azeru! I think I'm liking your new mic! X3


HEWOIIONEIOFNFE MIC SOUNDS LMAOOOOOOO i love how you describe the technicalities of your audios, it’s amazing to see how much effort you put into the audio creating process. I found this one great as usual, but I gotta admit I had a little jump scare when the mics switched - wasn’t expecting it to sound so realistic surrounding-sound wise (?). great work as always az ❣️ take care and remember to stay hydrated


blesssed us yet again ~ this was amazing. The whispering and the sounds. It was very immersive and set the image very well~ You did so well Angel~


your rambles and word walls make me so unbelievably extremely happy lol reading all of them really brighten up my mood (even more than i would feel in those moments)

Neana Hidden

Having a more vulnerable Wanderer was sweet. He was sad but also daring to be little hopeful for the future. Slight ray of positivity n his normally sarcastic or dark moods. But it still felt very much like the same Scara, just getting to know him more and more, seeing how he has trying to change somethings in himself. That connection is key, feeling like we’re really close and he wouldn’t be like this with anyone else. Sharing something special. Technical wise it was a bit of a jump from the older style to the new. Of course it would be, being enveloped into the sound was so different. (Ear kissing made me squirm because it tickled so much. That was fun :) Only thing that made me distracted at times was when with the microphone swap the “space” also changed. The location felt different from one to the other. First we were outside and the sound had a wide open feel. But with the kissing we were suddenly in a closed up small place. (I don’t know the proper audio technical terms, but that’s how it felt like to listen. But all that was only a little thing and easy to overlook. It didn’t spoil anything. We know how much of a perfectionist you can be but it’s good to be patent and allow some things be ok, even you want to improve on. Not getting every little detail perfected from the start is as it should be. Part of the process. New tools need to be used to get to know them and integrate them into everything you already use.


my ears are very sensitive but I looove the tingles ( 〃▽〃) your Scara audios are such a blessing, and despite how *coughs* seggsy it can be, you showcase his character well imo p.s. you are SO cool


so nice🥹i luv it. it feels like ur voice came from deep inside of my head.

Pam 701

That new mic is something else. I had shivers throughout this audio. You do these GI characters so well, I’m constantly amazed! ❤️🥵❤️


I love the vulnerable side of the Wanderer, he's soooo cuteeee!! 💗 But idk, the new sound type (?) didn't satisfied me like the old one, I have auditory issues (idk how to call it in english sorry) and sometimes I felt like something was scratching the internal part of my ears full of water, especially when the sound switched while I was making out with the Wanderer, and that made me shiver in discomfort a little 😅 Btw thanks for everything Azeru 💗💗 If I'm being rude pls let me know I'm sorry 😭😭


New sound type was good during the talking but during the kissing it sounded muffled and distant. I honestly thought my ear buds were finally messing up. I couldn't enjoy this one as much as the older Scaramouche audios. However, I still listened all the way to the end.


omg my fav so far definitely. it just felt so real and like the Wanderer/Scara has really started to change. this was amazing thank u so much for ur work good sir ❤️

Ari Y



loved this audio!! although, much like everyone else, i was a little confused at the first kissing part. it sounded distant if that makes sense? the second/last part was great though!! i’m loving your experimentation and progress as a VA ❤️❤️


I've been looking forward to this ever since I saw the notification this morning… The first dip into full audios with the new mic; I imagine it's equal parts exciting and intimidating to use. There were a few distant parts in the middle but it seemed like your confidence and skillset grew throughout. The more you practice and record to perfect your work… that just means we get even more audios to enjoy. A win, win 🤭 This is the first time an asmr gave me actual tingles, so I'm a bit biased when I say I liked it a lot LOL. Thanks for sharing, can't wait for the next one!! ♡


this is a scary coincidence, it's my birthday today and I love Scara..

Ava Rose

I was a bit lost with all these sounds... It was difficult to immerse myself and my level of English showed its limits here! I know you’re still learning with this new equipment so it’s OK =)


You uploaded this on my birthday! :o Thank you~


I- I’m a bit lost for words, I have to say. Usually I’m not one to comment on any content that I follow but that was for sure an experience! I found it astounding! I felt more immersed in it than I normally would by any of your audios. As someone with naturally quite sensitive ears and hearing, this sent shivers through my body. Like just from the vibration of my head phones! Truly amazing. The transition was very surprising but I would absolutely love seeing how you do it sometime later, since you said you’re still new to this microphone. But I can absolutely see the huge potential you mentioned! You’re acting was on point as always but I bet you also heard that quite a lot already so I’ll keep this part short. I’m excited to see new content from you in the future! Stay healthy and safe


A new experience for me. At first I wasn't feeling very comfortable was very more used to the other audios but then I caught myself feeling my boy almost breathing in my face and each side of my ears 😳and that was so dam hot. I want my boys breaths on my face and neck everyday yes. Also delicious 😋 😍 happy birthday to my wonderboy Thank you for your hard work my angel also..... 😛I would love to have a version fellatio . I like stroking but I love eating them too 😋


Omg this is sooo real like he is really whispering just beside my ear. Thank you for your amazing work!

Anonymous Shade

Me personally, I'd say the change in microphone was drastic. I'd make separate audios for the microphones similar to how not every audio is duel-character. I will say... I enjoyed the special audio in the last Christmas pack. General ASMR and praise is good ☺️


Honestly this was such a fresh and new experience!! The way the “distancing” sounded really just made it feel like he was behind me rather than in front..so maybe my placement in the scene was a little harder to find but sir my neck is STILL tingling so I think it went very well for a first run!!!


This audio is wonderful, and I love getting to see the soft side of Scara as well as his yandere tendancies. However you have given me full brainrot over the idea of a contemplative Pantalone thinking about his past. The angst. The comfort. The inevitable reassertion of control.


YOU ARE FEEDING US SO WELL WITH THESE SCARAMOUCHE AUDIOS!!! i love them.. sm.. 🙏🏾🙏🏾 thank you so much, azeru!!!


The new microphone is really amazing!!! The experience of feeling the character's distance is more real and the changes form left to right and such sound so smooth (oh kisses are sooo reallllll🥺). Looking forward to more www and thank you for your hard work Angel!💖🥳


This audio is amazing, I will say. However I also have to admit the sound change when you switched to the binaural mic was a bit of a startle. I know you're still experimenting and practicing, it's totally fine. But the sound felt like to me there was a curtain suddenly dropped. I think I prefer the other way you've normally done the audios... Just cause the sound felt more clear. I know you're still working on it though but I'm just not sure 🫣 excited to see how the audios do in the future though!! 👀👀