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Azeru here! I wanted to keep you all updated on what I've been working on~!

= = =


From here on out, I still plan to make at minimum two audios a week. I know that I've been a bit busier than usual- trying to juggle a few projects that I can't showcase here yet. Now- I do want to make at least one Original Character and one non-OC audio each week. I have been also debating what kinds of audios they should be. Since most my characters tend towards the more dominant side- yet I want to balance it out...   

I also have been wanting to make shorter "In The Moment" style of Audios. Be it just spice, just moans, just some kind words to cheer you up, just looped breathing- etc. Things that I will let you download to keep with you in case you need it or for you to loop it/edit it yourself! At one point I did think about making a modular audio where, with some creativity, make it more personal. Think of how some games pre-record common names so the characters sometimes will actually say said names! It's hard to explain! Ahaha~  

Along those lines, I obviously still want to do the Alarm/Ringtones Packs as well as the Immersive Audios I've been doing so far. But I did want to mention what's been going through my mind in terms of Audios~

= = =

VIP Cards

The second batch of Metal VIP cards will be shipping out! I will make a new post about it with a form for people who are eligible to fill out! If you're wondering what the requirements are to recieved the Metal VIP Cards, you just have to be at least T4 and have been subbed at that tier for two months.

= = =

Membership Cards

I have been working on getting regular Membership Cards for people who are interested! These cards will be similar to the Metal VIP Cards, but they will be made with Synthetic Polymer and have a slightly different design! Eligibility-wise, I will most likely be making a new tier between T2 and T3. And you just have to be a member of that tier for two months to be eligible! ^^. Or, at least that's the current plan! Things may still change!

= = =

Redeems And Perks

I wanted to also let everyone know that I am almost caught up with redeems! Thank you very much for being so patient with me and waiting ^^;... I do want to say that for those that have stayed at the tiers with redeems, each month you stay and get charged, you will earn a Redeem which you can use at any point in the future! I want to be as fair as possible afterall! And if you ever feel like not waiting anymore or if you changed your mind- I do offer refunds for the difference of T2 and whatever Redeem tier you are on! ^^;

If that is the case, please feel free to DM me and I can work with you~! Otherwise, I will be making posts this month to streamline the redeem process!

= = =

Royalty Rings

For those in the Royalty tier, I will be also making a post with a form sometime this month! Keep an eye out for that~!

= = =

That all being said~ I did just finish working on the Vampire Audio all day quq... So- my brain needs a bit of rest as well as some food~... If anything here doesn't make sense or if you have any questions- feel free to comment down below or message me on Patreon directly! I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible~! ^^


Andrea (Andibunny)

Take a nice breather darling Angel, and thank you for all you do for us 💖✨


Thank you for all your hard work Azeru! And I’d definitely be interested in that new tier! 💙

Sandra See

thank you for your hard work azeru!! 💜🙆🏻‍♀️ rest up~


you're a freakin' boss, azzy. and flippin' amazing too. i hope you know that. thank you for all your hard work, it goes very noticed and appreciated!

Ami Lunami

Thank you for hard work Azeru-san!! Be sure to take care of yourself as well!! お疲れ ^^ *hugs* 💕


Ooh how awesome! I’ve been at this tier for a month, but it’s all good. I’ll just make a Costco card like I did before. :3

Cel Ishtar

It’s okie~ thank you for everything you’ve done for us!! Labyu~! <3 Take care of yourself as well. Remember that please!


definitely get some food and rest! you work so hard, we appreciate everything <33


But since you've planned a lot O.O best make a list: D and now rest ... get some food and water ... you are doing a great job ... <3


Thank you for all you do and all the hard work you put into making content. I truly appreciate it 💕💕💕 please rest up and take care!

Queen A

WOOH HOO. I'm surprised and yet very glad that I could get anything. I've been subscribed for what almost 6 months now??? I am saving up so when my subscription ends I might be able to upgrade to Tier 3 but we'll see. I have enjoyed hearing how your audios are developed. They truly are an immersive experience. Keep up the good work!

Haruka Haru

Thankyou for your hardworking 💕💕 Lots of great work, And I believe there are a lot of people out there who like what you do. I don't know what happen in behind screen. But, please take some rest... 🥺


Thanks for your hard work, and for keeping us updated! お疲れ様です!


Rest up azeru, you do too much for us ! Hope you're happy and healthy behind screen. You're a very talented, awesome person and it doesn't go without notice :) <3 お体を労って下さいね !


It will just be an inbetween~ Something to differentiate people who want the card or not~!


Thank you for your hardwork Azeru, honestly your audios have been helping me so much in the past months! It started of as a way to fuel my MHA brainrot… but honestly I think some of your OC ( especially the professor, he will be the dead of me) gave me a new form of brainrot🤭 Go take some rest and don’t forget to eat! ✨


Keep up the good work, Azeru! And take breaks when you need to! You already do more than enough for us. You are very talented and your work never goes underappreciated! We love you and we love to continue seeing you grow! <3


Azeru, you are such a hardworker! Every audio you post and the comments you put with them shows how much you love your work. I have honestly never been more happy to be a patron of a creator. Please don't forget to put some of that hard work into some self care too love ❤ Thank you for everything ❤


I'm just here to tell Azeru to definitely rest and take good care. It's amazing that you work so hard and your fanbase appreciates you. However, I think it's safe for me to say that none of us would ever want you to burn out - so if you need to make changes creatively or even just take some personal time to recharge, we will all be here when you're ready and able. Thank you so much for being such a thoughtful and wonderful creator.

Midnight Moon

This is all so exciting! Though I have to wonder, what tier do founders fall under?


Azeru San you are by far the best your audios are excellent and even more each character you make is a real happiness and an intense pleasure every time thank you thank you for everything and take care of yourself a big thank you for your work

Chakairo Kai

Wow! Azeru, you are such a great person and we all love what you do for us. However, feel free to rest as well since we don't want you to get stressed out or overworked. You're more than enough and we appreciate you very much <3


You’re doing a great job. Excited to see what else you have in store! Thank you for putting so much time into your audios, it’s truly appreciated 😊


Thankyou for all the effort you put in your work Azeru, and don’t forget to take some rest, you work really hard <3


Thanks for your hard work Azzy, it’s very much appreciated and needed kek But also never forget to take care of yourself ;)


Thank you for all your time devoted to this project and that you're still adding new things for us. I appreciate everything what your doing and I will be always supporting you with this. I'm just a bit sad that I found you that late and I couldn't see your progress from the start, but at least I'm here now and I can be a part of your community. I promise that I will be a good bean and if anything happens I'm always there to help in anyway I can, even with a good word. Take care of yourself, be happy and good luck with everything you're planning to do :)


Omg this man…thank you so much!


You know one thing that I need… an outtakes audio! I would literally die laughing ;D I’ve been listening to your audios for a pretty long time now I’m sure you have some funny moments that happened while recording😂😩


If you have room on your list of characters you wanna do, do you think you can do an audio of Thoma from Genshin Impact? I really love him and he’s one of my favs right next to Kazuha!! :) Only if you have room for him though, please don’t over work yourself and get some rest!!

Angela Shortall

was just wondering is there a tier or a way to purchase download links? i like download links because I work full time with a fishing crew and we lose our stupid wifi alot. i let me know. im saying either way, dont worry.


Just wanted to echo everyone else’s thanks Azeru! Sounds like there is a lot of exciting things to look forward too! You really do spoil us! Just don’t forget to look after yourself as much as you do us!! 💜💜💜

Kathy Mc

You couldn't be more perfect if you tried! Thank you for all your hard work. You give me everything I need and more! Get your rest and eat. All my love to You and take care!💋💋💋💋💓💕💕💖💖

Lucy Maria Romero (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-10 14:39:51 You are a GEM Azeru-san I absolutely adore your dedication to your fans, please take proper care, eat well stay hydrated and sleep soundly <3 <3
2021-09-03 05:41:22 You are a GEM Azeru-san I absolutely adore your dedication to your fans, please take proper care, eat well stay hydrated and sleep soundly <3 <3

You are a GEM Azeru-san I absolutely adore your dedication to your fans, please take proper care, eat well stay hydrated and sleep soundly <3 <3


Here…take a breather have some tea 🍵🫖 … now go get ‘em tiger 🙌 rawr 🙈