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As you slowly undo his belt, you look up-... His blue eyes look down on you as if you were nothing to him but his personal c*m dumpster-... His eyes were full of pride and arrogance... and you know he has the power and dominance to back it up...

= = =

The New Audio featuring Gojo Satoru x Listener is out now!

Hello~! Azeru Official here and we're back with another Full Version NSFW Audio! This time- featuring Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen!

Okay- So I finally got around to making this audio... I had some trouble actually writing this as- well.. Gojo is the type of character who takes almost nothing seriously because he knows he's the best and the strongest. Which is fine and all and makes for a good story- but it really doesn't make for a good "Feels good" moment in script writing ahaha~... I still tried to give it some different undertones though~ And I'm not saying that Gojo is a complete arse to begin with. Rather he just has a different view on everything. A very complex character that really can't be properly shown with just one audio!

And... that's not even talking about the difference in our voices. ^^;... I had a lot of trouble with this one as carefree characters tend to really move around the spectrum a lot. Looking at different scenes you can clearly hear the difference in tone and inflection, etc... which makes mimicking each one difficult q-q... So I'm sorry if it's not up to par...

Technical wise- I tried to put more SFX in the NSFW part- considering this is a more service based audio- y'know, the audios that I normally don't like to put SFX in since it's mostly the listener doing/making the noises~...

= = =

As always I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think down in the comments below~! Make sure to leave a like as well if you want more like this in the future so I know that you actually want it!

- Azeru, The Fallen Angel




Time of death is 21:38 seconds into this audio. Cause determined as lack of blood to the brain, most likely triggered by this man dropping his voice and talking filth. At least I died doing what I loved.


woah another new characyter yayyy


Please make more jujitsu kaisen 😍


oh my fucking god just the title


Omg 🧎‍♀️i have to wait tonight 😭😭 thanks you 💗💗


the way my hands are shaking as I get my headphones omg... Thank you Azeru, Gojo is gonna be the death of me


Oh my oh my Azeru~ I see you’ve been working really hard 😏


Good lord... just the title itself 😱


well that's surely one way to say it


Oh, the title is certainly straightforward ^^;;; I just got into JJK recently as I’m a bit of a slowpoke to newer series, but I’m sure I’ll still enjoy nonetheless.


I just read the title and I can already tell that were going to have a soar throat. God pray for me Azeru.


Oh my lord. I'm usually a quiet follower of yours, but boy oh boy. After the manga was announced to be on hiatus, this is totally what I needed. Thank you ~


the title got me lost for words oops but i cant wait to listen, thank you !!

Nectarine Ackerman

Haven't listening to this yet, but when I saw notification about this post I almost choke on my sushi reading the title XD


Everyone keeps telling me to watch this anime, so I guess this is my sign to finally do it. Right after I listen to this lol


Oooof, your Gojo is perfection! I am deceased and ascending 😌👌


NO... ahahaha~ I've just started it but I already know that I will love it. "Rise and Shine sleepyhead" .... yes ,,, i... uuhhmm... I´m in heaven now ....* excited *


okay ..... * leaves a piece of her soul here* take it ... this gojo ...is perfection ... i would enjoy if there will be a next time ....


I- Uhm- *Yui.exe has crashed*


Omg god yes! are you going to make one of Sukuna soon!? 😍


That would be ... indescribable ... I have no words for it .... But in the positive Way ...

Andrea (Andibunny)

Based on the description, I’m not waiting to listen…


Thank you king 🙏🙏🙏🙏


AAAAAHHHH FINALLYYYY A GOJO- I’m Sorry I’m Just To Excited But Thank You🙏🙏


*reads description* Oh, I'mma love this character...


I am not familiar with the series but I still like to hear what you put out. It’s fascinating to see the amount of thought and effort you put into shaping it and all. I also appreciate that despite some challenges in the process, you seem determined to make it though as best as you can, and the quality shows well.


Listened while watering my garden this morning....damn....just damn still not sure how I feel beyond flustered.


Goodness...I was excited for this one as soon as I read the description, and even though I don't prefer Gojo as a character, you did such a good job of grabbing the sort of person I feel like he is portrayed as (with my infinite knowledge of all two episodes that I watched of JJK xD). The adherence to the story was an interesting take...almost as if we were put in the place if the main character, or as another like Sakuna. Or, that's what it felt like, to me...but I am certainly no expert. The sound of the chair clattering gave the impression that he'd been sitting on it backwards while talking (since he seems like the sort to do that)...which actually added a lot of immersion. I liked that. The newer...wet sounds....you've been using are also very, *very* noteworthy. They sound so much more realistic, which is nice for the ear assault, and the usage of the belt buckle really does strike the senses. It's nice to see a change in the style in which you approach the subjects, too. The straightforward characters are always my favorite ones...because they get right to the point, and usually right in the ear. It feels like it allows for so much more story to be unfolded in an audio, more character development, when topics aren't danced around so much, and I would love to see more story with the characters, kinda like you have with the catboi audios and this one. The scenario is so much more exciting to fall into when a story is also being told. Sorry, rambling out of adoration for this one. I have been trying to pinpoint the things that you've been messing with and the things that I really enjoy when I'm listening...almost like a game. The only things I want to note are that some of the newer sfx were startlingly loud...and that I reaaaally wished you'd have kept the original rhythm during the spicy bit because...well, I can only *ahem* so quickly, unless the character is physically controlling my head. xD Plus I just enjoy the slightly slower rhythm...a...lot. *Takes a deep breath* "Andthankyouforanotherwonderfulaudioazzy!"


I can’t wait till I get home to listen to this one, already fell asleep to the sfw version on YT... idk what it is but your voice is so soothing I always wake up with my airpods next me... which sucks when you miss the nsfw part🤣🥺


Do I know this anime? No. Do I DESPERATELY want a sequel? YES.


Gojo 😍😍😍😍 Oh my god those moans i’m *faints*


I got the notification for this while at work and so that title made me blush and smirk! Amazing job Azeru! 💜💜💜

Kathy Mc

It never matters what character you do, they all are delicious, be they angels or devils, or vampires, or mafia bosses or anime. This guy is a no nonsense man who knows what and who he wants. I can't wait for more from him! Bravo!💋💋💋


Hehe! One of my favorite characters for sure. Love hearing you in a higher pitch every now and again too


Ugh love the moans and panting


Deeeeeefinitely have a tickle in my throat now for more Gojo in the future, please lol 🤩

Shallow Truth

This was done so perfectly 😭


I love how much noise you made 💖 You did a very good job!!


My favorite blue eyed man: Gojo Satoru🥵🥵🥵 Azeru, you portrayed him perfectly 👌👌




The way of speaking fits him perfectly! WOW (♡o♡)


I've been hoping for Gojo! He's so much fun to write because of that carefree, doesn't-give-a-fuck attitude of his. He get's what he wants. I think if you don't think about it too much and just have fun with 'going with the flow' you'll have an easier time scripting him. And he's definitely one that you can play up the dominance and power with since we've seen his character really letting loose in the manga and it was pure insanity. Just have fun, Azzy, and I'm sure you'll get it!


Haven't even seen jjk yet but now i want to 😅

Mandy May

Catching up on all the audios missed when I was on vacation! 🎉 I just finished watching Jujutsu Kaisen a couple weeks ago! It was amazing! The sounds in this were phenomenal! 🤭

Breaking Back

I'mma just have to say, choice of words MAN. Oh yeah I do not like this character because of his pride and arrogance oooh... in other words, you brought the arse in this fella well because dayum I am getting worked up with this fella!


Oh... o h... OH.... ✨O H✨ 😳

Cheeky Princess

Well, he's definitely my type.

DarqChylde Audio

Gojo is legitimately so overpowered. And so totally flippant at the same time. He's not my favorite, but I do still enjoy him.


we need more gojo tbh


I love Gojo and I loved this audio so much!!!


Just wanted to say that I find your YouTube channel through this video a few days ago, and after checking more of your content I totally decided to support you here in Patreon too, Azeru 💖 Your voice acting abilities are amazing! And this was a great introduction to Gojo’s character, I’m curious to see a part 2 about him. And yeah, I admit that I just want more content about my sensei~ Lol or even about other JJK characters too, I saw in your latest Dabi audio that you wanted to try a full yandere mode, so Sukuna could be an experience? Hahaha 🙈 anyway, just wanted to say that I’m loving your content so far! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


The fact that you were pretty spot on (voice wise with character) with my favorite Gojo has sent my senses over the top 😳🤭🥰 you are special and I am thankful to you!


Please I need moreeee 😭😭💖


Will you do another with Gojo ? ❤️ I Loved it


Maybe one day there will be an audio with Sukuna? 😏


yup we definitely need more of gojo


The sound affects were lovely on this one. Y///Y

Len Namikaze

This one is amazing!! (and I will keep waiting "part 2" of it... he promissed a payback)


I only just got into Jujutsu Kaisen. Supply chain shortages meant no Manga for poor lil me, even though I work in a bookstore, but now that I got my greedy hands on volumes 1 &2, I am madly in love with Gojo Satoru and this audio is goddsdamn perfect and hot as hell. I hope you do more with Gojo in the future. Pretty please???


The sound effects were amazing 😫


WOW that was amazing. Honestly perfect, though I think gojo in a scenario like this really wold try to take advantage so maybe he'd be more rougher? Like degrading and all? Idk just one of the kinks I'd thought he'd kinda be in cuz he acts all high mighty. But please do more gojo audios honestly they are perfect and he is literally my favorite character ever since I read the manga