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You feel his weight on you as he presses his body onto yours- You feel his muscles, his heat, his breath... and most of all- you feel him deep inside you. Each thrust filled with Passion. His hot steamy breath on your neck and ear as he whispers sweet nothings~

= = =

The New Audio featuring Mafia Boss is out now!

Hello~! Azeru Official here and we're back with another Full Version NSFW Audio! This time- featuring my Original Character, The Mafia Boss ( Yakuza works too! )

Now- I had a lot of fun with this character. Managed to play around with my element a little more~ He definitely has the vibe of someone who gets everything he wants- similar to the CEO/Boss, but this time I wanted to subvert a "Bad Boy" attitude. Rather, this character seems to be genuinely kind~... but- is that really all there is~?... I tried to add hints of a very confident Yandere in there~....

Of course- Implied stuff in Audios might get glossed over, so that's why I'm mentioning it here! I did enjoy writing this one- and the slightly more.. Natural Spicy Part was also fun~... I think~?

As for the Technical side of things- I did play around with Binaural again! Specifically, I wanted to improve on "Presence" when it came to whispering directly to your ear. Previously- the way I made "Whispering" and simply being up close to your ear were the same- now I tried to differentiate it a little. As in real life, whispering is much softer so your other ear wouldn't pick it up as much as if someone was talking softly right next to your ear. ( Whispering vs Soft Talking, very slight difference, but I like paying attention to Detail! )

I apologize this one was slightly late. I'm honestly behind Schedule due to some things happening ^^;....

= = =

As always I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think down in the comments below~! Make sure to leave a like as well if you want more like this in the future so I know that you actually want it!

- Azeru, The Fallen Angel




This man has incredibly soft, sensual moans. Quite a surprise, but really hot.



Yana S.

Being behind schedule means to work hard. 💪 I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't mind waiting for your high quality audios a little longer 🥰💕 take care

Leilani Frederick

I almost forgot about the ceo one, are you going to continue that?

Leilani Frederick

Also ooo I see the difference, I thought my headphones broke again🤦‍♀️


Good morning, Azeru! ~(´∀`~) ✨💙 I agree with Yana S. I do not mind waiting for higher quality audios a little longer as well! Just don’t push yourself too hard!


We know how much effort you put in your audios, so thank you so much Azeru❤️ But take time for you also, it is important. 😊


It was great, I really do like how you mix up your audios. Trying out new character concepts, and striving to improve your work. Your efforts certainly do show Azeru, your unique charms and spins on your audios draw me in. I know life can have the potential to hinder things, and that work may be too much at times, and you may not help but feel a bit of guilt as a result, but it is really totally fine. 🙂 I know your audios are worth the wait, you have continued to do so well and I hope you’ll take care yourself. I know you may be busy, but I also hope you’re doing ok. Taking a reasonable amount of time for rest and overall health. Thank you for your work, and take care to not not let yourself get too overwhelmed, and that you are doing well!


it’s okay Azeru! we know that youre working hard, take your time, don’t rush~ I hope everything’s okay! take care of yourself :) im gonna sleep (or try to sleep) while listening to this amazing audio~


Holy shit Azeru! This was so hot! Might just have a new favourite character! This was so good and the whispering sent so many shivers down my spine and I loved the moment where he carried us! Incredible work as always!! And don’t worry about the scheduling, you have been spoiling us so much recently we have plenty of amazing audios to listen to over and over if you need a break! 💜💜💜


„hot yandere mafia boss love passionate love making” looks like some hentai tags wait i mean Aww thamk you it was so (*≧∀≦*) love it so muhc 😻😻🥵😻🥵😻


How timely as The Way of the Househusband was just released hahaha. Great time for some kind yakuza vibes! Can't wait to give it a listen tonight.


Pleasant surprise to wake up to, normally I listen right before bed it hits different when I'm waking up in the morning. Well done.


Good morning to me! Another of my favorite fiction tropes you've done. Excited to listen to this later!


This was wonderful as always. Don't know if TMI but would it be possible to try on an audio with multiple big Os? like this one almost implied it at the end (like they were starting a round 2). I've listened to audios that banged (sorry) out 4+ big Os simultaneously and they were just 👌 and surprisingly easy to keep up with. Might work better with a switch type OC who wouldn't mind the listener taking over a bit, and perhaps would be great for a sub. It may not be realistic for the most part but this is fiction and it has been fire in the past, and I really think ur skills would kill it also. Anyway, I may have said too much. Thank yooouu

Andrea (Andibunny)

This is the perfect thing to wake up to...and here I shall give an unedited commentary 😏.... brb...


Ok, to say I didn’t melt when offered a fresh cup of coffee right upon waking up would be an utter lie 😅 I really liked it! I also really liked how the Mafia bosses general kindness is his main personality but there are also glimpses of the darker side lying underneath waiting to come out when someone crosses him. It gave another layer to your character and one reason I love seeing what you build. Side note: as someone who is a super auditory person be it learning, teaching, or relaxing I have been really appreciating all the little back ground SFX you add to each and every audio. I really liked the keys falling on the table this time around! Keep up the great work!


Hehehehe Possessive Mafia? Count me in!! Azeru~ Your audio is a bliss as always❤❤ Thank you for working so hard for us! I really really love how you work with the whispers and the kissing sound on the neck here. Usually it sounds too close to the ear, but now there's an airy, lingering feeling that sounds really similar to when someone is breathing on your neck. It's so nice! The spicy moment was too hot!! Hahaha I loveee it!!❤❤❤ slow deep thrusts in the beginning builds up the right tension and picking up the pace to finish it all!! BUT!! When I thought it was over, the slow, deep thrust continues!!!!! JAHABSKDVSISVSK I'm dead Azeru... Please just take my soul please


This audio was equal parts endearing and full of care to the control and sweet dom factors, the scene transitions were natural enough to keep it going smoothly and speaking does sound more distinctive. This audio is great and you can really tell how much care you put into making it :3 What a great way to start the day, thank you for your hard work and you got this


He's so passionate, I love him 🥰 Helps me almost forget that we just sort of...woke up there...with no idea how we got there...but don't worry, the guards will keep us safe! Yeah, I like this subtle shade of yandere.


definitely your voice is one of the best things to hear in morning ✨ i could have that "Good Morning" as a waking alarm every single day 💙 the audio was amazing as always Azeru, thank you, im totally in love with this mafia boss, love his care for us, his sweets whispers and that final part... 😳can't wait to hear more of him✨ then again, you just made my day perfect💙


Mmmm what a great way to start the day after a night of no sleep. Just drowning in Azeru's lovely voice

EA Gorman

Oh this was incredible. This alpha male truly *loves* the listener, you can tell. And the passion is amazing. Thank you for another amazing listening experience. <3


It’s ok if you’re a little behind. You gotta do what you gotta do! Take care of yourself and I love the audio ❤️


I adore how you've made him adoring yet obsessive! <3 and don't overwork yourself! We will still be here to love and support you! <3 Thank you for posting yet another amazing audio!


Agreed. With the first paragraph and the second with the SFX.


The covers? OFF Fans? ON Water? CONSUMED DUDE. Like they keep causing me to overheat, these audios. I- wow and the SFX is just- omggggg. And the charisma of this character is just a yes from me! But PLEASE DON’T OVERWORK YOURSELF! Although I do enjoy the audios, YOU’VE BEEN MAKING ME MAD NERVOUS, MORE THAN USUAL THESE DAYS ABOUT YOUR HEALTH🗿


You never cease to amaze! I loved waking up to this lol. I can visualize him moving around and facial expressions while you talk. I love being able to picture the scene with just your changes in voice and SFX. The transitioning to the ears are going and the whisper and soft talking was very... titilating lol. The charm and danger of the character *turns fan on* I'm overheated lol. I REALLY enjoyed this one's dynamic, how sweet but demanding and possessive of this one made me go "YES SIR." I always enjoy your character building and really happy that you actually enjoyed it! I felt like you were smirking/smug IRL lol. Also, don't apologize for lateness. Your health matter most. You spoil us so much anyways~


Ahhhhh. We are SPOILED😩😩. Audio sounds great and it’s nice being able to picture everything. And the sfx is 👌🏻👌🏻


I woke up to a notification of the audio being up. A perfect morning audio for sure. Again I became immersed into the audio, the scene and the character! His whispers are so nice and voice is so smooth. The whole audio felt comforting and inviting, how could the listener not want to stay with someone with such a silver tongue. The more natural lovemaking was also a nice little change, something softer, like this is good for a morning round lol. Thank you for your hard work and amazing audios as always, Azzy!~


wonderful as always, the only thing I have to complain is that I don't like when you repeat "cum" several times. I don’t know if I think it’s too exaggerated or if I think it's kind toxic. When you say like "cum for me", I think it's hot but order me to cum several times in a row turn me off...Sorry I do not want to underestimate your work, just have this detail that I have to criticize (◍•﹏•◍)


I sort of forgot to comment on the last two audios, even though they were wonderful, too, so here's a comment for you. You are getting more and more bold with your audios, and I love it. The way you integrated the aspects you talked about in the description was very well done, and the SFX were just....dang. It actually felt like I was being picked up with the way you did the rustling, and the romantic aspects actually hit better, though I'm not sure you really switched anything up there. Maybe you did, but either way...more of this, please...? Keep up the awesome work! And please don't worry about doing multiple audios in a week if you get too much going on, Azzy...


aaaa amazing as always, and dw about "being behind schedule", be sure to take the time you need- dont overwork yourself >:v ❤️


I love how your audios just keep getting better and better 👏🏻👏🏻 The SFX, the scene, the character, everything about this audio is ✨immaculate✨ Like the whole audio just felt really comforting, inviting and warm ^///^ Really really nice. And please don’t apologise. Your health and your wellbeing matters the most here. You already spoiled us too much ^^ And please don’t overwork yourself. Don’t be like me tho, almost went into a burnout cause of assignments 😅 That said, おつかれさまでした!! So so proud of you ^^ XOXO <3


I really like this character and it's a really refreshing personality shift, with a good balance of passion, gentle, and obsession. Don't worry about "being behind schedule", you're still delivering quality content, I'd rather wait a little than get something that felt rushed.

Kay Pagli

Azeru.... This was amazing! The whispering was spot on! *Chefs kiss* would definitely love to see more of this character in the future! As for being behind schedule... Well I'm pretty sure all of us are happy to wait! As long as you're taking care of yourself and not working yourself too hard, then having delays is perfectly fine! Your work is always worth the wait! ❤️


Every time I think your audios couldn’t get any better, you outdo yourself!! Loved how passionate and sensual this character is- just the way you’re able to bring characters and their personalities to life through audio is always so excellent- Your whispering was already satisfying but in this if felt softer and more realistic- I could really feel phantom tickling on my ear 🤭 Overall the quality, sfx, and writing- all amazing and well worth waiting for! I hope to hear more of this character! Great work!


Amazing work as always! The whispers were perfect, actually, everything was perfect. I hope you’re doing well and resting properly.


This audio was so nice to listen to! Since I really like romance you hit the right boxes with this audio for me. Also the kindness of him with a little of edge was a perfect mixture. Made me swoon a lot! Good job, Azeru!


I guess it's a personal preference. I personally love that part to the core haha

Ami Lunami

Oh my, what a way to wake up to~ I really love the effort you put into this audio. It's quite romantic, charismtic, soft and of course passionate. Not what you typically hear from a Yakuza/Mafia but I like your own way of dealing a outsider. The whispers are absolutely perfect and you prob know that I have sensitive ears but it felt really gentle~ I hope you make more of this Yakuza/Mafia archetype as I said before, I really enjoyed it a lot~♥️ I don't mind the slight delay but I'm glad you're taking care yourself more. As always, keep up the great work!


Thank you so much! This was absolutely the perfect balance of domination without degradation. A slow burn, intimate but passionate, without trying to make you feel like less of a person. That breathless I love you, the completely precious distracted lead into the kiss. Will definitely be revisiting this one.

Sandra See

this is so good!! my favourite oc so far 😍


the effortless confidence of this character was sooo good!! love the attitude he has, and the way he treats listener is just *chef’s kiss* 👌🏻 he reminds me of the host character, but with a little bit of an edge! love it love it love it


Yesssss. Perfect. I’ve had to wait the whole day to listen to it and immediately grabbed my headphones and hit the play button at light speed when I came home earlier. Your audios just keep getting better and better honestly. Amazing job, Azeru!


Oh wow! His voice sounded so sweet and soft the whole time but then the contrasting content combined with the whispers just made my heart flutter~! 💕 Also the way it sounded like he was slowly drowning in the pleasure!!! Just >/////< Oh and that sudden "I love you" near the end really caught me off guard, in a positive way. Loved this one a lot! Thank you so much!

Cel Ishtar

This character suits you so much. The SFX was nicely done. Don’t get me started on the whispers. Those send shivers everywhere and heart to race. Any and every time in any audio when you talk to into one ear I always feel your breath and in this one I felt it more~ The drowning in pleasure part is sweet in its own way while still that yandere in there. Those words at the end tho >< fuuuuuck!! Okie I need more of Mafia as well!! Istg all your OC audios I fall for all of them. Hmmm more like crave for more. So hott and sexy. Yes yes ^^ aish your voice is too powerful Azzy rawr.

Nectarine Ackerman

I'm a sucker for dom boy and this one is so gooooood 🥵💦

Cheeky Princess

That's really passionate. Feels like I'm in romantic movie. And I really enjoy listening to whisper and breath. I almost forgot I have to breath too.


Azeru, I love all your content, but I think my favorite ones would definitely be the more passionate rather than animalistic and rough. The whispers like my GAWD I shivered every single time. Good job as always!

Spring Heart

I loved how he was clearly the Dom but he never yelled to get the result he wanted. Also not gonna lie, being carried was really nice. I did not want him to put the listener down! >///<


I still want to be able to deliver more though! ^^ I'll take a good rest of course too~!


Interesting concept~ I'd like to try in the future eventually~ Though Editing the NSFW parts do take considerable amounts of time that it's somewhat difficult to make them longer ^^;


I tried my best to improve on that part- and I'm glad you noticed~ Ahaha~ And I'm really glad you enjoyed it~


I always give it my all with each audio! And I try to experiment and improve each time~ So I'm glad you liked this one~!


fuck i didnt get a notif for this 🤦🏻‍♀️ besides that you did a really good job as always azeru~! please dont worry about being late or anything we understand ^^


This was lovely. If you need to take time to deal with Life, don't be afraid to let us know. I'm sure I speak for the majority when I say, "We'll understand if you need to delay the next video." Love your attention to the difference between soft speaking and whispering. Most ASMRtists don't differentiate between the two. Honestly, I doubt most fans differentiate, but for those like me, it's wonderful to hear someone taking that level of detail into account.


Absolutely amazing! You never fail to amaze us, Azeru~ But please make sure you get plenty of rest and don’t overwork yourself, I know you say you want to deliver more content, but you should also take some time for yourself, your health and well-being is also important~ Take care~


Just joining the convo to echo the point that, if you need to take time, please do so. You, the real person behind the screen/mic/whathaveyou, are important. Your health is important. Your life is important. While we all love to see you post, we love to see your uploads, we want what's best for you as a person too not just as a creator. All of your work is quality. It's apparent that you work hard. But it's okay if you need a breather too. We'll still be here. and even just from a selfish consumer perspective - you being happy, healthy, and not burnt out and not worrying about everything else - means that we will have more content to look forward to in the future.

Kathy Mc

The romance in this, along with his strong, yet loving Dom style, was like a romance novel. The soft spoken words and whispers just sent shivers down my spine and just kept going down! I felt like you were right next to me! I love him! How did we wake up in his mansion? Oooh, more intrigue! You really did a great job with this character. The kisses on the neck and ears were magical. I liked that this had a very "love making" vibe, rather than a demanding, rough tone. You can make anything work, but this was really hot and sweet! Where can I find a man like you?! Outstanding job, Azeru!🔥🔥💞💞💖💕💕💓🎊🎊🎊


Everything I've ever wanted? Including kpop tickets and worldwide travel?


i just finished this one and good LORD..... i absolutely LOVED his entire vibe and the “love-making” portion was phenomenally good. the ending was such a tease. great job as always azeru!!! 🥰💦


Catching up on listening since I was too busy working. Why did I think it was a good idea to listen to them back to back??? Dear lord. Only 2 down so far and I need to crawl into a freezer 😅


Oh dear god. I loved this so much that I think that I need to cool down. Can we get more like this? Please?


I suddenly forgot how to breathe 🥴


Oh Azzy... I am SO DAMN GLAD I discovered you! It’s hard to even find words to describe how utterly awesome this audio was.

Steph Cullen

H-have I found my...my Number 2??!!? Azzy, the plot of this story and the tender blend into the romantic- was total ace, love~ ❤


That was amazing. My fave so far! ^^

Breaking Back

There are SO many things that I love about this mafia character. The confidence he has in himself is so charismatic and it weakens me in a different way because he is not really demanding anything from you, yet you give in to him anyway. And I love the fact that there are hints of him being a romantic here and there, making it a lot more realistic and genuine, not corny. And like Usher's song, he just wanna take it nice and slow. I can wholeheartedly say that I am perfectly fine listening to the SFW version of this audio because, I felt I'm being romanced and courted rather than being "cornered" to submit, which is a refreshing change (although the muchness that hit me during the spicy parts further intensifies it ngl). The fact that the word "smitten" was used shows the slight but significant difference Mafia has over others, imo anyway. Which hits a really sweet spot for me, and now he is an OC that I would love to see/hear more of. Thank you Azeru

PaviElle Siebold

Something about the way this character dances with his words is breathtaking 😊


This was phenomenal 👏🏽 I want alot more of this character


I have to say that again, sir I love u so much! Our dear dear mafia boss.