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Hello! Azeru here!

So, I thought about doing this at the end of each month starting now! These will be just little updates about what I plan for the future and other important things!

= = =


Patreon charges you at the 1st of each month! Now, for those that subbed at the start of the month, that doesn't matter, but for those that subbed near the last week, or even the last day of the month, you basically only gain about a few days of access before you pay again. Now, I Personally Do Not Want You To Feel Cheated! So- to those that subbed recently, please DM me and I will try to set it right! Terms are below!

- To be eligible, you must be at least T2 ( $10 ) and above!
- This must be your first time being my Patron.
- You must Pledge/Subscribe for the next month.
- You must have Pledged/Subbed no earlier than 5 days prior to the end of the month! ( Depending on your tier, you this is slightly negotiable! )
- You must message me on Patreon starting with "END OF MONTH - [ Insert your message here ]
- You agree to understand all of this before messaging.
- You must message me next month! ( the 5th to the 10th! This is to ensure you are still Pledged/Subbed- once you message, you will get your return Asap! )

This will be my way of trying to ensure nobody feels cheated, especially near the end of the month! ^^ I would like to build a community and grow with you for the long term. And I think I might be one of the few who are willing to do this!

= = =


So, I know there's going to be Rings as rewards for higher tiers, but I also wanted to come up with a little extra thing for everyone~... A Plastic Membership card as a Reward for Patrons who remain for multiple months! Things are still being put together as we speak, so it may take some time- but I can assure you it'll be beautiful once it's out!

Shipping costs will apply ^^;

= = =


Now, for those who don't know, I also did mention that I will be giving special Rings as Rewards to long time Patrons! The cost of each Ring, Box, Ringbox, Shipping, Engraving, etc is fairly high, so it won't be out anytime soon for most! ^^ Once I send out the first batch, there will be more information regarding this soon!

= = =


Hello! I know that I said I would be trying to make Downloads available as soon as possible- but due to certain circumstances, it is taking longer to set up!   I will constantly stress that I do not mind if you let your Close Friends, Family, or Small Private Groups listen in on the Audios. I want to make you smile! ^^

But I also stress that this is my full time job and how I pay for my food, a place to sleep at night, bills, etc.   Please bear with me with this! Though, that being said, I will make certain Audios like Lite-NSFW and Sleep Aids available for Download sooner rather than Later! For the Full NSFW versions, I need to deliberate again, I apologize and I hope you can understand!

= = =


To those that have pending Redeems, I want to let you know that I am still chugging through the Redeems! I also want to be transparent that you are able to contact me via Messages here if you no longer want to wait for your Redeem or you want to do it another time in the future ( Though you will be sent back to the end of the Queue if you wish to do that ! )

This is completely and utterly my fault as I was honestly never expecting to get as many as I have gotten in such a quick amount of time! And since I refuse to give anything but the best quality that I can give, each one takes a lot longer to finish than you might think!

I am both extremely happy to see that you would support me this way, but also embarassed that I couldn't keep up ^^;.. of course, I am slowly getting back on track and the influx of Redeems and rate I'm pushing them out is stabilizing! So not much longer!

Expect a Post specific to Redeems sometime soon!

= = =


From here on out, I will be aiming to Double my weekly uploads! Specifically, I plan to do 1 Original Character Audio and 1 Character Audio weekly!

At least, if I can! ^^ And yes, I will be resting properly still!

= = =

I might have missed something, so I will edit this later, but if you have any comments or questions, do leave it down below! ^^ :3

- Azeru,  The Fallen Angel



First time doing this, and, again, big things like this, I become Anxious about ^^;... But I hope this is fair for you! I genuinely want to grow with you as a community afterall! I want to be fair and transparent!


I just subbed today but I'm okay with paying again. Your content is worth it, no worries <3


Thank you for being so open and honest with us! But please don’t push yourself, if you need a break or can’t meet the upload schedules we will understand. Much love ❤️


This sounds like you will be losing sleep and eat time 👿👿 remember to rest well and eat/stay hydrated!! 😇🌸


Careful not to push yourself too hard ❤❤

Leilani Frederick

I'm not saying this made me soft but I'm not saying it didn't. 🥺


We are very proud of u! ٩( 'ω' )و


Recent sub here and no worries! Absolutely fine with paying again


don't stress too much! im sure everyone concerned will understand its okay~ ^^


If you don’t take care of yourself I will cry ;-;


thank you for putting so much work into this and your audios! be sure to take breaks from time to time!! we love you azzy^^ <3

Cel Ishtar

You are doing the best you can. I am happy that more ppl want to support you and lub you more. Cheering you on and more ^^ I AM PROUD OF YOU!!!


You better take care of yourself or you’re gonna make me worried T-T You deserve more recognition for your work!!! I’m very very very proud of you ✨✨✨ XOXO <3


I've been here about a week and I don't mind paying again. I've been listening enough to get more than my money's worth :D


Your content is worth it besides i still think of it as paying my months worth so I don't mind paying again 💛 make sure not to overwork yourself!


Thank you for always being transparent! Two weekly audios?? <_<;; I really hope you're not stretching yourself too thin, Azeru. Your Well being is more important than any reward, redeem or purchase. I'm still so proud of your growth and how popular you've been getting~ and you deserve SO much more recognition! ☆


Wow! Thats a lot of work for you. Don't overwork yourself, I understand you want everyone to be happy and remain a supporter, but don't overwhelm yourself. You important too. Take care.😊


Literally subbed yesterday, but it's already so worth it! I actually don't mind paying again, your audios are amazing and I wanna support you! Please don't overwhelm yourself tho and take care :)


Of course! You mean a lot to me, so I don't ever want to hide anything from anyone! And I will take breaks if it gets too much quq...

Ami Lunami

We labyu very much Azeru and please don't push yourself too hard q.q


Stress is completely natural when it comes to new and big projects, but I do hope it doesn’t overwhelm you. It’s so wonderful that you take the time to do such things and aim to grow yourself and the community you build. It shows how dedicated you are to your work, and to your followers. ❤️ And thank you very much for your consideration with making an update post, it certainly makes it exciting in regards to what to look forward to.


I actually became a patreon twice. At first I thought I wanted to do a one time thing. And after that I unsubscribed. But I followed you on YouTube and the content keeps getting better hahah so here I am again and here to stay! I don't mind paying for these contents for you Azeru. Do take good care of yourself alright?


Listen, you are fine! ( ̄▽ ̄) Your audio is worth paying for it again, So don’t worry about it! Just keep spoiling us with your amazing talent, Azeru 💙✨


Thank you for all your hard work and for being so transparent with us; sounds like a lot of exciting things coming up & I’m glad you’ll be taking care in the process! You’re so talented and I appreciate that you continue to try new things and grow as an artist; I’m happy to have found your content & to support you- & If you need to take a break, the comments here are a testament to how many would continue to support you through that! Wishing you more growth & success!


Don't push yourself too hard. Angels need rest too😇

Michi Kun

I would love a membership card. Found you on YouTube and I had to subscribe. Then followed you here and plan to stay!


To be honest, the ring reward is the best reward I was ever offered for a reward on Patreon. So I will patiently wait for mine. (Cause I know I won’t get it in the original batch) but I feel like out of every ASMR artist I follow you are my ABSOLUTE favorite. You take time and care to us the listeners and are willing to expand for us. I absolutely will follow you to the ends of the earth! You keep growing an expanding. Every time you post I get excited and I am blown away every single time. Please keep up your hard work!!!


I subbed a couple of days ago but I don't mind at all! You absolutely deserve it ❤️


It's wonderful to hear that you are finally finding a rhythm with all of it, Azzy! That's half the battle when taking on new tasks...and it makes me so happy that you're enjoying what you do this much. I'm proud to call myself one of your patrons!


Subbed like a week ago and hope everything is fine? Definitely will sub again - worth it<3 Your audios are great but! Please take care of yourself first <3


that's honestly so sweet of you, but i don't feel cheated at all. lol i could've waited a couple of days before subscribing but i didn't want to. i'm happy to support you and your work. thank you for all that you do. <3

Sarah Velez

Thanks for all the hard work you put into everything. I think everything you set up is fair and look forward to another month of fun times in your community.

Wisp of Thought

I got more than my money's worth :)


Please always take care of yourself but thank you for working so hard! Can’t wait to see what the future holds. This is my first month here but I think I’m staying for April and the future. Thank you for making my days a little more interesting!!💖💖💕


I've been here for about a week, I don't mind paying again I love the content so it's worth it


You are very talented and work really hard, I'm very excited about the two audios per week especially knowing you'll be resting properly 🥰


Meh, I subbed like a day or so ago, but I knew what that meant. If I could request anything, it'd definitely be a part 2 to the cat boy audio or any kind of gentle dom listener with a shy or tsundere original character. Flustered boys are my SUSTENANCE. 💜

Andrea (Andibunny)

Your content and updates are so high quality plus your communication is wonderful dear; I am so happy being your patron and love you so much. Your professionalism and work is tremendous. I have so much love and admiration for you, and thank you truly for the art you have crafted here. 💖✨


ive only been a patron for i believe almost 2 months now, and ive gotta say you’re so incredibly hardworking and so so kind. im very glad i discovered you~~ i originally joined just for your hawks audios but soon found myself absolutely loving your original characters as well (the prof, ceo and most recently the delinquent are my faves of your OCs!! c:). i do hope to hear from my favourite bird boy again eventually ^^ remember to stay hydrated and eat/rest properly !! take care of those wonderful vocal cords and that gorgeous mind 💜


As long as you keep your promise to rest enough and not push yourself, I know you'll do great! We are all so proud of what you've done already ヾ(^-^)ノ


Really like the update! Really happy and proud of the world you are doing! Plus it is great to see how fast you’re growing! You’re doing well keep up the good work 😁


Recent sub here and your work is just immaculate 🥰 and worth the money so I don't mind paying again. Please take care of yourself too! Dont forget to drink water, eat, and sleep. ( That goes for other supporters too).


Wow this was a nice surprise! I recently pledged yesterday but I don’t mind paying again too. The content you put out is amazing so it’s definitely worth it. Looking forward to more and hope you don’t tire yourself and get ample rest too 🤗


I joined last week and I do not regret each cent I spent-


I subbed like 4 days ago and paying again means nothing :3 it’s okay thanks for the offer it made me smile ~ <3


Even if some people pay at the end of the month, they still get acces to all your previous audios which were released this month and earlier so please don't feel like you cheated somoene because you simply deserve it! You are always so caring toward your patreons and you always give us high quality content, Thank you for all of that! And I am happy to hear that you will be resting properly ^^


Please take your time :) I can’t remember when I became a patron on yours but originally I became one for the Hawks Audios but I’ve come to love your work n I simply wish to thank your for your works!! Some of ocs have become my favorites next to hawks n Dabi :) again thank you for everything that you do

Kathy Mc

I'd gladly pay you double for all your work, effort, and excellent audios. You are magnificent and never should feel bad for any thing. I'd be interested in hearing about custom audios you make for your Patreon. That would be so special and I would get one for sure!!! Take care of yourself and that beautiful voice!💞💞💞💖💖


I subbed just 5 days ago or so and honestly I knew I’d get charged again.. I don’t feel the need for a refund..


I also subbed a few days ago, but i dont mind paying again so soon. Your content is worth it to me <3


I upped my tier from 10 to 30 just the other day 💓💓💓


69 comments are now 70.


Same for me xD have to absolutely agree! ^-^


im so sad that i only recently found out about Azeru T^T


I subbed just today, but yea like most people in the comments idm paying double cuz azeru is worth it uwu

Britanny Madaguez

Downloading the Sleep Aids would be awesome, sometimes my internet doesn't work at night T0T