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As you rummage around the office looking for something, you hear a Familiar Voice pacing outside... yet you heed it no mind... at least until you hear footsteps enter the room... As you are startled by a sudden knocking on the door, you see the GREAT MAMMON *ahem*... Mammon... standing there with the most mischievous smile you've ever seen

= = =

The New Audio featuring Mammon x Listener is out now!

Hello~ Azeru here! And this time we're back with an Obey Me! favourite, Mammon! And before you ask, yes I do plan to do all the brothers eventually!

This audio is very different from what I normally do. Though, it's still not too too different~? Ahaha~ For one, Mammon's personality and speech-pattern is the complete opposite of what I normally do. He's much more... aloof and happy-go-lucky. He speaks relatively unrefined compared to how I normally do Audios, so it was an adventure to do!

You'll notice that Mammon is a bit of a  tsundere in the Audio and that you are actually relatively pro-active this time~ I hope you do enjoy this take~

The technical side~... well, this is another Audio featuring my new Microphone! And I realize that my voice has a lot of Bass in it no matter what I do, especially if I get to whisper-distance... I can EQ it out and remove it, but if you like it as is, I'll keep it! I don't want my voice to get too overwhelming if I get close to the Mic ^^;...

The Audio also does feature some new SFX! I thought that since I'm doing a different voice, or... tried to... that I might as well introduce some new SFX too~

Ah- NSFW Incoming! But, for the next Audio(s)... I do want to experiment with other things... like actually doing it on a bed again for one... more oral?... I'm unsure how you would feel about "Servicing" a character and just hearing moans, but it's something I haven't done yet fully. Or would you prefer me to focus on you more? I'll most likely do a poll for this, but I wanted to put it out there too if you want to think about it~

= = =

To Patrons here, I apologize for the lack of a file download for the audio! It's only a temporary measure! I don't want to prevent you from downloading my content or to be honest even sharing it with friends or groups ^^.

Below is just sappy thankings. ^^; I apologize if I keep doing these. I'm just. Thankful, really ahaha~... if it gets annoying, do let me know and I'll keep it out of these posts!

Though I do have a bit of a problem if it's publicly posted anywhere for even strangers to listen to. As I posted, I'm full time VA now so I've been a bit scared of what the future holds. I'll keep working my hardest for you and hopefully make you proud!

And, of course, I want to grow with you. Both as a community, content creator and just as a person ^^;... at the end of the day, this Fallen Angel of yours just genuinely wants to get along with you.

- Azeru, The Fallen Angel




Massive Hawks vibes! My body can't take anymore simping! I listen to the Hawks audios once a day, I'm exhausted!





Carolyn Mellon

I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE YEEEEE!!! NAILED IT AZERU!! Also, completely understand why the download link isn't there considering I've seen leaked audios from other creators onto 3rd party sites that I'm a patron of illegally which really sucks. You are doing the right thing looking out for yourself and your patrons :) Look after yourself and keep up the amazing work!



Lady Fenikkusu

Mammoney!!!!!!!!! please send me the download link, I waan add this to a playlist with Lucifer and Satan




I've been waiting for this 🥰🥰🥰 You nailed his voice and personality so well! Also is it weird that I find it adorable how you say human? 😊


Ahhhhhhhh! Dude, you did so f-ing well!!!!! This is the best!!! And this is why I am here thank you so much for making this!!!! I am happy to have tired up to support you. I want ya to bloody know you are an amazing VA and pls don’t ever doubt yourself! Ok?! Just cause I can’t afford royalty does not mean I don’t support ya the same way. You are an amazing person and can’t wait to see you go far


You nailed Mammon so well! You have such a wide range to your voice and you improve each audio. You're doing so well!


I love that the listener finally took the first step. More assertive listener for the win. This was so well done keep up the amazing work.


Thank you for the food 🙇‍♀️


Thank you... ♡♡


I like that you made this character less forceful than Satan and Lucifer were. The kissing sounds were a really nice touch too (I don’t know anything about these characters so I don’t know what their personalities are supposed to be like) this is one of my favorite audios of yours and so far my favorite of this series. I actually think the idea of the listener “servicing” the character would be a nice addition to your audio. Great job once again! Oh, and your new mic is amazing and it makes everything sound so clear and clean!


May I please have the download file


yooooo I just listened and this one is soooo mf good 😍 you literally got his voice and characterisation spot on!!! (he’s my fav character so this j made me sososo happy 😁😁😁)


I dont mind adding varieties to your audios. "Servicing" or "assertive" listener or having a 3rd character speaking to add to the atmosphere are some ideas i like to see


Mammoney!!!!! I wasn't expecting him so soon!! Thank you so much for your hard work Azeru!! You are amazing ❤


Thank you for this good ass food Azeru 🤩❤️💖✨🙏😳

Kathy Mc

Azeru....I'm so in love....the paint is melting off the walls from your voice!! You can definitely have the listener be more assertive and giving you some attention!!! This was sooooo good!💓💓💓😈😈😈😈


Ahh subby noises a bit~ you know that's nice too even as a sub lol


"Help me get goldie back" Me: Remembering how Lucifer hitting us with his meat last audio and wants to yeet self out of conversation. XD Must. not. anger. Lucifer.


Awesome work Azeru~ SFX were on the point again but I felt them in a more realistic way❤ also I hope to hear more Japanese lines in your future audios❤

Mandy May

I'll agree with another comment here that says the kissing sounds are extra good in this one, and there's more kissing (right?). It's nice. I'm also glad he's softer than Luci and Satan. More assertive listener is also being mentioned and that's also nice. I know I said in the poll I preferred your original characters but this one gave me hardcore butterflies. 🖤


I shuttered?! and my face went bright red


Will never view him in game the same way again...


1. Your Mammon was legit spot on. Insane on how well you can adapt to the characters and their personalities 2. we made the first move that’s crazyyy😳 3. I always listen to the audios laying down so that kabedon felt mad real so I started panicking. LOL 4. Great audio (I MEAN IT😡)5. I honestly don’t mind what ideas you have for the future because I literally love anything you post 6. LAST ONE sorry, keep up the great workkkk ahhh see this is why I only listen to you because you’re just so good


Aww.. I want to put this Mammon on my keychain & carry him around always. Maybe even add a lil chibi Goldie. ^,^


Ahhhhhhh!!!!! I love this so much!!! So awesome Azeru!!!!!! 💕✨


I really want to return to the regular schedule as soon as possible so I'll be working hard until we do! ^^


Hooman~? Ahaha~ I tried my best to get as close to the real VA as possible~ I'm glad you think I did well~!


I try my best to get close to the Original VA as possible ^^. It's part of being a VA I think. Ahaha~


Would you like to see more assertive Listeners? I've been debating on some audios like a Cat Boy audio or the like~ It's be fun to do~


I only try to portray their... spicy scenes as their personality would~ Satan being Wrath and Lucifer being Pride, and their in game temperment, I thought they'd be more assertive~...while Mammon is the more passive type~ And yes... I've been debating on a more assertive listener audio for some time now... but for most things I keep the listener's SFX silent... so "Servicing" would just be moans ahaha~


Of course! ^^ EDIT : Ah, can you message me on Patreon~? I'm unable to send you a message for some reason ^^;


I really, REALLY like the idea of "Servicing" a character and just hearing moans. It was an idea that had been haunting my mind for a while now and I really would like to hear from you ... *cough* that way a little more passive maybe? *cough* I don't know XD


I'm glad you think I did!! Just like all my audios, I did a lot of research into Mammon as I wrote his script and did his voice~ I hope you enjoy~!


I do really want to do some "Servicing" audios... a sub audio would be... interesting ahaha~


Ahaha~ Thank you Kathy~! I took your input from last time and I did change how I did kissing, I hope you liked it~?


More Japanese Lines~? I'll try! And I'm glad you enjoyed the SFX~ Constantly trying to make them feel better and sound nicer each time~


P.S. the kisses in this audio were incredible. The more I listened the more I fell for him <3


Ahaha~ Perhaps because this audio is different~? I do try to bring something new each audio, but this is truly quite a different audio from my normal ones! And thank you~ I took input from previous audio's feedback on the Kissing, so I changed it! ^^


Ahaha~ I try my best at all times! I'll try to add more new things to my future audios and keep you entertained as much as I can~... and I'm flattered to hear that you only listen to me ^^. That really made my day ahaha~


I swear you could make me love any character as long as it's you! The kiss sounds are really good here btw~not sure if it's the new mic or your new technique? Maybe it's a bad idea, but when listening to this I had a random vision of Levi washing the Listener in his bathtub because they smell like Mammon :p

Amaris Louvel

I do agree with what others are saying in that the kissing in this audio is very much improved from the previous audio. As far as servicing audio, that sounds interesting. I wouldn’t mind listening to an audio with the character on the receiving end.

Cheeky Princess

There is a perfect work with voice, perfect sound and perfect SFX as usual! But what about character...May be I just spoiled by Azeru's perfect work. I feel like your Mammom is not tsundere enough. I DO like guys who don't hesitate to get what they want. But I enjoy tsundere audios too. Mammon is the one who blushing every single time when someone talks about his feelings to Yuki/Listener. Sorry for my poor english btw😅hope you can understand me. He admits his desire so easily. I was expected more fun about this. And I feel like he is not acrid (?) enough. But still it's great work, Azeru. I've enjoyed soooo much


I have one main thing to say about this audio: Holy fuck, Azeru, thank you. This was the best audio you have done, yet. The new mic is utterly fantastic, but the addition of more realistic sound effects was P E R F E C T. You absolutely nailed (no pun intended) the balance of the SFX in relation to your voice, and that kiss absolutely killed me. Straight up turned me into a blob of Corrbin on the floor because I couldn't even think straight. It was SO GOOD. I hope to hear more like this. Seriously. I loved the way you had the listener take control of the situation a bit, too. It really made me feel like I was actually involved in the story versus being more talked at and doted on (which I'm totally fine with, too, but always prefer the back-and-forth action/banter more because of immersion purposes.) When I can sit here and comment at the audio and have you respond, it's always very enjoyable, even if the response isn't necessarily something that fits with what I said. Overall, keep it up! I love the changes...there's definitely a bit of harsh cuts in the audio in a few places where it was edited, but it's bound to happen with something this long. I would love to see more dominant tsundere, in the future, if you ever feel like doing it with any of your characters. I know there's a solid few that could pull that role off pretty well. As for sexual things, I wouldn't mind oral from either you or on the listener's side, as well as a bed, as you mentioned...but that definitely isn't a "must" for me, haha. Please feel free to delve into different areas because I know a lot of us have a wide variety of things that we enjoy listening to, and would very much enjoy listening to you act upon them with your characters. Feel free to DM me in discord if you ever want me to elaborate more...I'm always full of ideas for things and willing to give honest feedback. Oh, forgot to mention that being pushed up against the wall....beautiful. Omg, so much yes. Thank you. And thank you so, so much for doing this...you are such a wonderful voice actor and deserve all the best. Don't be afraid of doing what you enjoy!

Dessi Bear ❤️

This was really good 🌞☺️ I love “dom listener” audios so much. Being in charge is such a turn on lmao. 🥵 Great job as always ,Azeru 🥰


Love that you always bring something new to the table in each audio you make! The kissing sounds has changed and seems more real. I really liked the fact that you made this audio a bit more Listener dominant too! I'm sure it was a challenge making a script for a less suave personality, but I enjoyed this very much!! Never cease to amaze me~♡ Edit: To add, you do have some phrases I hear you say allot in many audios such as "I'll make you feel real, real nice.." and I think maybe finding an alternative to the phrase in a different manner might help the script! I like the new SFX better in this one! Seeing so much improvement in each of your audios from feedback is something I admire! ♡


Mammon wasn't a character that I particularly cared for when I started playing the game - Lucifer has always been my favorite (he's how I found you). But he's definitely cute in this. Hearing you speak Japanese keeps me motivated to keep working on learning the language. Keep up the great work! And yes, can tell the difference with the new mic! 💖


I just wanted to add in my 2 cents that I also REALLY like the idea of "Servicing" a character. Especially the Obey Me characters. The new mic really made a big difference so it sounds more realistic compared to the older ones. Keep up the fantastic work!

Amie Rich

I'll try to be brief this time because I know I wasn't last time. You did an amazing job on matching up to the original VA's voice, especially with your Japanese! Your tone and inflection for him were also spot on. I know last time I commented on your accent, so I was SUPER impressed to see how well you were able to suppress it for Mammon. I think it's important for some characters, especially Mammon, given his more laid-back mode of speech. You've got the personalities of the brothers down rather well and I'm so thankful you actually do your research. I know not every artist who has done OM! audios has stayed that true to the characters and story. I will agree with others, though, that I'd like to see a little more tsun to your Mammon. He feels a little too... affectionate isn't the right word, but accepting isn't either and I don't know how to say what I'm thinking. I think he should have been a little more of the "well, I guess you're not ugly so I'll just... but it doesn't MEAN anything!" But I know that also doesn't work well for this genre of audios, where it's all about pleasing the listener, making them feel loved and wanted, and having the right level of aftercare and reassurance that even the hard doms don't mean it and are doing it because they know you enjoy it... Oh, and I definitely think he should have called Listener "human" more and made an OBVIOUSLY false claim that he didn't need to know our name or care... and he was only taking care of us because he was told to and he pitied the pathetic human who wouldn't survive a day without The Great Mammon. XD Guess that wasn't short at all, was it? Oops. Sorry! I love your stuff, as always! Keep up the great work!


I am utterly speechless right now. The kisses? The tsundere feel? The possessiveness? The catch you off guard kisses?! So good!


You did a really good work with Mammon's voice! I really enjoyed this audio. You are very talented~

Kay Pagli

Wow! Just wow! You have done an amazing job, Azeru!! I absolutely adore your 'OM' audio's and I feel like you got Mammon spot on! Also, you can really hear the difference with the mics! The SFX has also gone up a notch and is brilliant! The background noise before he came in, the kissing, the rustling of clothes.... All amazing! Every character you portray, you put such passion and dedication into each... And it shows! Oh, and the listener taking the initiative and kissing him first.... I loved how that put Mammon on the back foot a little! Hehe! I like the idea of the listener interacting a little more with the character! Keep up the amazing work!!! ❤️


Great as always!


Ahahah~ It's probably the new tecfhnique~! I did my best with it and I'm glad you liked it~


Thank you~ I listened to the feedback and improved! Ahaha~ I'm just glad you enjoyed it~ And yes, it'd be very different just hearing more subby moans vs the usual hm... perhaps~?... Mmmm~


P- Perfect~!? You flatter me Princess~ Ahaha ^^; And yeah~ I did hear that my Mammon is more on the play-boy side vs tsundere~ Though I didn't know how realistic it would be for Mammon to suddenly be falling for MC this quickly if initially he didn't like it~ I thought it'd be more like "I lust for you and you are gonna help me get goldie back... so let's do this~" kind of vibe! I apologize if it's not up to par story wise ^^;


Ahahah~ I'm flattered to hear that you really loved the audio~ And yes~ Trying to figure out what the listener would say is the hardest part about these~ I want to make it flow well and I try to drive the scene in the direction I choose, otherwise it'd feel so disjointed ahaha ^^; And oh!? Where's the harsh cuts? :o I actually do all my recording in one go without much retries, if something feels off, it may be the actual audio messed up and I'd like to fix it! I do want to do a very different audio with a sub character... I wonder how though~ Hmmm~


Ahaha~ I've been debating a full sub audio as far as the character goes~ It'd be... amusing to be on the recieving end of a Kabedon or be tied up and made to-.. oh.. .I'm getting into brainstorm territory!


I did change how I did kissing! Feedback helps and I try to improve so I took the previous audio's feedback and improved~! ANd yes it was ^^:... And yeah... I apologize if some parts of the script seem too normalized aha ^^; there's only so many variations I coulld think of... Mmm... I'll keep in mind! Thank you~


Ahaha~ I do agree. Lucifer is also my favourite. His suave-ness and just general aura~ Regardless, I hope you enjoy~!


The older ones didn't have much of my Sub-Bass or high tones~ ^^ The new mic I think is a bit too bassy on me ahaha~ But I'm glad you think it's better~!


Oh no! Brief or not, I try to read all of it! So please, I love the good feedback ^^ Ahaha~ Yeah, I've been working hard on trying to hide my accent at times ^^;... but some words are too difficult! q-q... Yeah... the tsundere-ness was really subtle at best... but I thought it still fit with the whole "I lust for you, you turned me on... and besides you're gonna help me get goldie if we do this right?" scene ahaha~ ^^; I'll try to improve on it better, but for spicy-audios, it's difficult unless the listener and character already know each other... which I have a bad habit of "Introducing" my characters first... minus the prof audio~! Ohhhh, true true... I tried to stay true to the story, but due to how I did Lucifer's audio... I had to change some things!... quq... Add my own spin while remaining true to why a character was loveable in the first place!


I'm glad you liked it~ Ahaha! I've been debating more pro-active listeners for a while now, especially since the first Vampire audio where the listenr was very VERY active. But it's difficult to predict how people respond in situations~ quq And I'll do my best as always to make you proud!


I want to be able to give constructive criticism but I genuinely cant think of any. The sfx at the end?????!!!??? Lordddddd... 💖💀💖💖 you're so talented. Everything about this makes my heart flutter


Beautiful as always! ❤️ You’re too good for this world azeru!


I actually prefer audios of the listener servicing the main character. Nothing hotter than moans tbh

Cel Ishtar

you did so well with this audio. new mic is...!!! idk what to say. damn.


Absolutely scrumptious. Love your Mammon! Each audio you just get better! I appreciate you and what you do!


Oh my demon! I liked this very much. Mammon needs our love ♡. But Beel, Levi and Belbhie are mine fav demons 😈


That WHHHHHYYY sounds like me when i question my friends on their stupidity


This was too reaction inducing to the point where it will not be forgotten, that every time I remember there will be a physical reminder of listening from this audio's effect... Well, yeah. That's gonna leave a mark. Mammon can do this as much as he wants. Sir..fuck.


You get better with every audio. Try everything. Keep challenging your self. By the middle you were doing well, by the end I ⁄(⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄ ...Let's say I look forward to hearing your continued improvement as an artist.


Oop the kiss sounds are getting better. Servicing a character would be nice too. Thanks for the Obey Me content :) always looking forward to more of your stuff. Could I get a download link? I like saving. :))


WOW! It took Mammon 8 minutes and 25 seconds to say his name? And even without saying "The GREAT"? I am sure that´s a new Diavolo Devildom Record, if such a thing exists. Also: *stops at 13 minutes, goes "borrowing" Lucifer´s coat (he fell asleep at you-know-where again), snuggles into the coat, sneaks behind Mammon & says in best possible impression: "MAAAAAMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNN!!!!~"


I really liked this one! 😊😊💚💚 great job with the sound fx too. I really love when you tell us you are going to cum deep inside us. Every character you do, when you say that, it just adds that extra little bit that makes it hotter than it already was. Haha!! 😉😄🥰🥰💋💋


This was done so well 💛❤️🥲


May I please have the link to download?


Absolutely amazing content by the way ☺️


I... love this. I love this so much. Mammon is.... my favorite little trouble maker. NOW if I can get Good Boi Beel, I will be the -happiest- woman >.>


Had no idea who the character was, but decided to finally give it a listen. Oh my god it was absolutely ADORABLE! Loved listening to all the little shifts in tone while he was talking about Goldie. Must have replayed that "Whhhhy!?" like 10 times. Also, the listener being more pro-active and hearing the characters shocked responses were awesome possum~~~


I love the sound of Mammon being startled by that first kiss. Give me that sound on loop lol


It sounds like you must have put a lot of work, both physically and mentally, into making this so high-quality. Cheers


may i have the download link for this as well? thank youu


I found your Patreon after finding the YouTube version of this audio and subscribed straight away 😅🥰


Every night? Damn that’s a lot of stamina. Just thinking about it makes me light headed. 😅😱


All the Japanese makes me do the happy dance.


Wey noOoOOOo y al final qué pasó con Goldie??! 😩


Oh wow Azeru! You really managed to mimic Mammon’s voice and mannerisms so well! He’s not my favourite of the brother’s by far but I enjoyed this audio even so and I think I can say I like him quite a bit more after listening! As always, great work and thank you! 💙

foxy kitty

Mammon is my fav and you did his voice perfect ty so much for this


Like I'm like god yes but at the same time im going to need Solomon to give me a spell so I don't die


“They literally froze Goldie!” I finally get the joke 😂


The nostalgia! Hearing this on YouTube around the time it was posted was what got me to actually play Obey Me! And maybe that's why Mammon became my favorite brother haha. Thank you for all your wonderful work! You truly have such a positive impact on people's lives <3


Mammon has a special place in my heart. Thank you so much for blessing us!!!🥺💕💕💕

Dorkus McDingus

Ngl I took some pointers from this audio just to mess with my friend who is a huge fan of Mammon lol. But I'm really curious (and ngl excited) to see how you would portray Asmodeus. He's my favorite character next to Lucifer and him being the avatar of lust can definitely bring a lot of ideas 🤭

Tommie meow

Occasionally I get shook by remembering azzy can speak Japanese