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Hello! First off I wanted to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season! And I hope you are staying healthy and safe!

2021 is just around the corner! Let's do our best and get through to next year together! 

Ah- I don't normally do these types of announcement posts, so the format may be a bit janky, I hope you can forgive me until I find a good format for these!

= = = 

Now- with that out of the way, I wanted to begin by telling you that starting today, Annual Membership at a 16% Discount is now available for my Patreon!

Now, I really wanted to thank you for supporting me and I wanted to give back a bit. And perfect timing that Patreon just allowed me to do Annual Memberships! With these you can sub to me on a yearly basis- and at a sizeable discount of 16% as well! Now, you might be asking why 16%?... Well, that's the maximum Patreon allows... I- I don't know either, really- and it's only for the Annual Memberships...  Well- that aside, I do want to stress that you will still be able to support me as you have been supporting me so far! This is just a small extra that I'm trying to give back a bit during the holidays! ^^

= = =

Thank you.

I also wanted to thank you. For your support. It truly means a lot to me that you support me this much. No words can really express how grateful I am to you. 

No matter what, I will keep doing my best and try to make you proud. I want to be the person that you can be proud to say that you support. And because of that I will do my best to keep improving. To keep getting better and growing with you.

I don't mean to be sappy all of a sudden, but, again- thank you. 

- Azeru, The Fallen Angel



Ah my entire heart. Thank you but make sure your taking care of yourself as well! 🙏

Dark Queen

My heart and soul! Take good care of yourself as well!


God the ending is so adorable 🥺 stop being so precious this is a crimeee


Aaa wholesome and precious post 🥺 wishing more health & success for everyone this coming year!


I just switched!!! Thank u so much!!!!!!!!! I was worried that I may have to drop the Patreon at some point because of college but this way I was able to keep being a Patreon!! U r an amazing human being!!!!


Mannnn I love this dude. (NOT LIKE THAT)


So you just going to pull at my heartstrings early in the morning, aren't you? 🥺 I've seen so much change and improvement the short time I've been here so far, and I'm going to keep supporting for as long as I can! I'm so proud of the accomplishments you've made and I cannot wait to see what other successes come you way, Azeru!

Cel Ishtar

I love you so much and I am always proud of you!! I want to always support you and be by your side. I am happy to see how far you’ve come Azeru! Thank you for all the amazing feelings~

Amaris Louvel

I had been following your content for quite some time, but it took me awhile before I could support you a tad. Pandemic is great....I’ve seen you grow (from the shadows) haha and it’s been lovely watching your journey. I’m happy you’ve come so far! You deserve all the love and support you get. 🖤


loving your content so far! do you have a way that we can submit new ideas in a poll or somthing?


As always Azeru is so sweet. Hoping you take care of yourself along the way. Annual membership was a great idea. I'm quite happy to support you.


Get sappy! Get cheesy! Improve and make all these wonderful arts! Seriously, your voice is far too nice to listen to. Stay strong, and work hard! I will try to keep providing cheers and maybe criticism :3

Wicked Dreamweaver

Azeru, you fallen angel I can see now why you fell....that voice.....hot damn you can seduce a saint to sin easily lol... I was introduced to your YouTube channel 2 weeks ago and now I'm here. Keep up the amazing work just remember to set aside some down time for yourself. I'm looking forward to what comes next. Blessed be,


I love what you said and i agree Azeru should keep up the good work!! and his voice...I legit listen to his YouTube vids so i can fall asleep. His voice is just so calming!!