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As you peruse the books, you thought you were the only one in the Library... at least, until Satan walks up to you, his curiousity peaked~ You see a glint of desire in his eyes as he leans in~

= = =

The New Audio featuring Satan x Listener is now out~!

Azeru here~ This time, a seemingly level-headed Satan from "Obey Me!" is the focus of this NSFW Audio~ Just like Lucifer, this one does feature a bit of Japanese in it to show the two's connection to each other~ Same for the accent! It's quite interesting learning about the characters and how they got interpretted in the game!

And yes, I do plan to make more Obey Me! audios given the chance, but I also want to make an audio featuring Azeru.. me. ^^ And I'm working on that as well as a sleep aid audio and the patreon redeems for custom audio as soon as I can!

Now, this audio once again, features a dynamic-style of SFX for the NSFW part~ I think it turned out amazing and realistic~ I did turn down the volume as it felt a bit loud, so do let me know if this is  better~

With that being said, I hope you enjoy the audio~ ^^

( Little update on moving, as I stated before, since I do still work at least 60-ish hours a week on top of the audios, I have little time to move so it is taking longer than what many may expect ^^. but progress is being made~! )

= = =

There's also a few more things coming up as Thanks Giving rolls around~ Nothing too big really, but something that some might look forward to ^^

- Azeru, The Fallen Angel.




idk why he said he's the youngest, bc he's not, he's the 4th brother, belphegor is the youngest


You’re trying to kill me with this! I legitimately wiggled around so much during this audio that I almost choked myself with my headphone cord 🙈 You had me that giddy and on edge. I know nothing of this character, but a Satan role play is always hot and honestly not a single one of your audios has disappointed, ever. Yeah your voice….oh my. How it changes when he gets passionate during things. And the dialogue! Knocked 👏🏽 it 😮out 🥵of 😍the 😘fucking ❤️park 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 it’s divine, it’s dirty, it’s evil it’s perfect. And when he tells us to calm down in the beginning… Anyone telling me to calm down: 😠 Azeru’s voice telling me to calm down: *obeys immediately* 😂❤️❤️




😳🤧🤧 shit man..... I wasn’t ready-


Oh... 😳 I... I... I dont know what to say. I knew I was in danger with this and well... I was right. U sir are really talented.

Bellamy Eden Rose

Oooooooof, this was niiiice. Love me some Satan, though Beel is my absolute favourite (he so tol but so squish).


Where do you find the time sir? Jeez. Well take care of yourself and I look forward to your future work. Take care of yourself!


S-Satan 😳👉👈 oml


Everyone else when they listen to this: Oh wrow. This is nice☺️🥵 Me: AHHHHH SNJBSNSGHBSNS BSHNSBSKBSHJ HEELP SHUT UP-


That was so Amazing!~ Oh god, round two would have been intense!!~ <3 <3 <3


I really love the charm you gave Satan! The whole audio was amazing from beginning to end. I'm really liking the addition of the pleasure you can hear in Satan's voice. Makes it seem like the listener isnt the only one enjoying themselves. Overall stupendous audio!! Loved it! Cannot wait to hear more about the story of Azeru! I'm super excited! Remember to take care!

Liza Lindsay

Oh, and what a wonderful way to wake up. Coffee and Azeru upload. 😁 Happy lady right here!


Eeeee!!!! can’t wait for more obey me!!!! Edit: also excuse me while I shuffle off to pass out from blood loss caused by nosebleeds XD


Oh my, left me speechless. Uttering “fuck” singularly the first time really undid me. I really do enjoy the slower pace rather then the fast sfx. Outdoing yourself every time.


I'm not even waiting to work to listen to this, absolutely amazing as always



Kathy Mc

Oh, my God, Azaru or Satan, it doesn't matter! The sheets are on fire and so am I! Iove the slower pace and your voice in my ear gave me shivers everywhere! That "Fuck" took me by surprise and over the edge. Amazing, as always. You get some rest, my love! I know I will!💕💕💕💓👏👏👏👏👏👏💖💖💖


I haven’t listened to the NSFW part yet (I am now lol), but I know it’s gonna be good he just never misses 😌. I ALSO CAN’T WAIT FOR THE AZERU ONES 🥺.


You called? 😌

Amaris Louvel

Another well done “Obey Me” audio. -Hides nosebleed- I agree with what someone else noted on Satan’s charm. Charming yet Inwardly dark. I love the way one can hear your voice in one ear or the other . I also really like that you emphasized he was enjoying himself as much as the listener was. Really amps up the sensuality. Sometimes, I hate how I lack detail in what I write lol. Amazing audio Azeru!

Cel Ishtar

fuuuck!!! the Azeru effect causing my body and breathing losing every ounce of control. Only you have that power over me. Only you. No one else. Btw cant wait for you Azeru yourself to debut 😏😏 my body is excited my controller.

Carolyn Mellon

I loved this audio just because of the playfulness but also the flip side of him making me flustered! I love your audio's no matter what it is and if you do decide to do the one as you aka Azeru, that would be so cool just to see what you come up with! Also, please take care of yourself doing so :)


Why did i just now notice a clock ticking in the background


oh my, oh my! you saying fuck like that seriously is the hottest thing


Wow! These "Obey Me!" ones are so great!! I love how this was gentle but you could definitely hear that dark side in Satan's voice. Absolutely brilliant. 🥰 not to mention you always know just what to say and exactly when to say it! 🖤🖤 excited for more!!


I think this was a fairly detailed comment~ I love reading these~ And thank you~ Ahaha~ More obey me~?


"Azeru Effect" has a nice ring to it~ Ahaha~ And so am I! I really hope you enjoy my take on... myself!?


I want to do my best for you, so I do hope you enjoy the Azeru audio! And of course I'll take care of myself~ You as well, yes?


Ahaha~ I do add a lot of really small details in all my audios~ I'm happy you noticed~


Oh~? Was it that nice? I tend to avoid those words most of the time- but if you like it-...~


Slower pace~ I'll keep this in mind~ And I do agree that I do want to add more teasing~... if I had infinite time to make these audios.. I'd have a full course each time~

Dinosaur Nightlight

This was incredible Azeru! I’m hoping sometime you’ll attempt Beelzebub! He’s my favorite from Obey Me! 🥰


But also very welcome haha😅😳🥵


Him: I got to be careful so I don't break you Me: break it, break it it's fine, no break it!

Rinn Vipper

This is a little late but you should do one of solomon too 👉👈 if you want of course

Hasta La Pasta

*At the "what do you desire?" Part*: Can you teach me to love myself and heal? No? The search continues...

personal assistant

Someone just walked in on me listening to this huddled up on my desk, and I had to say I was sad about a celebrities recent passing because my face is a strawberry

Hasta La Pasta

Falling asleep to this was weird. I wasn't even aware that I had drifted off until I realized the audio wasn't playing anymore and it was 5 AM. I have to say, this is my favorite Obey Me! audio so far. Keep up the good work!


Wow this was worth every penny of my patreon subscription! Incredible! Loved the Mammon audio too now just the Lucifer one to go but maybe some calm down time first! Please say you’re going to do the other brothers?! I can just picture Levi punishing you for beating him in a video game. Belphie teasing and touching you while cuddling in bed. Beel having fun with you in the kitchen. And Asmo well everything goes out the window with the avatar of lust!!

Andrea (Andibunny)

Oh Azeru... what it does to me when you speak Japanese. /actually gasping & swooning/! You’re worth every penny of my Patreon to you, darling. I’m just completely in love. 😍🥵💖

Andrea (Andibunny)

The clock in the background plus your voice, the depth, accent, cadence, breathing, it’s so hypnotic I’m afraid I would sell my soul to you... 😩😂😅💖😙


Help! This audio isn’t playing on my app 🥺 and it won’t download(to the app) either? What am I doing wrong

Andrea (Andibunny)

I’m commenting again... ok but the roughness... the well timed and never over used cursing... (why are swear words so much sexier in your accent?🥵) and yes the hair pulling and slight degradation ... I need more of this. Maybe more messy come play too. I have many thoughts but I’m... shy. 🥺👉👈💖


Holy shit! Are you actually speaking Japanese!!! that is so much hotter!


Ohh this audio hits just right 👌 Love all the dirty talk towards the end. As a newer Patreon I’m slowly making my way through all these audios and you truly keep impressing me after each one! Thanks for all your hard work Azeru, it is very much appreciated! 💜


I wish my boyfriend said more 😂

foxy kitty

God you play all these so perfect just how they would act exactly makes it feel like so real I love it


I would love to see the other demons but I'm gonna be honest if you just did a series of Satan audios I would be more than happy XD


well, "I" am not supposed to understand when you speak Japanese, but I do. I suddenly feel a little shy XD


...tell me why did I actually shout "no!" when he started to slow down. Satan baby, be free. If I break, so be it!


I can't wait until he does Beel and Asmodeus


you did such a great job! the grunts is so hot omfg please do more of those 😭😭❤️❤️❤️

Dorkus McDingus

It's the "Calm down... Calm down..." Before he completely gives in that does it for me. I forgot how many times I played that part 🥵


I started the anime and the mobile game because of these audios