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You find yourself alone in peace, sitting idly before you hear the door open. To your surprise, it was Dabi-... and it seems that he's not just there to have a chat.. his eyes look at you and you realize- he wants you.

The New Audio featuring Dabi x Listener is now out~!

Here we are, back with the resident Bad Boy, Dabi! And as always, he seems intent on making you his- in his own way at least. Now- the audio adds more NSFW than usual, in fact, I'm trying to extent the NSFW parts to be longer! It takes more time to make though, and as much as I want to make audios that are an hour or so long, I'm a one man creator ^^;... One day I will strive for these since I do want to add more after-care or continuations to the Audios!

This audio does feature the system I made to add variety to the SFX! It adds almost procedural-level of variety to make the sounds more realistic while keeping the process streamlined! ( The perfect way to make it realistic is to record the SFX live or hand place custom made SFX, at one point I would like to record things for SFX! )

Well, with all that being said, I hope you enjoy! Do feel free to leave a comment down below and let me know what you think! Or any suggestions ^^ Now I must prepare for tomorrow as I begin moving more things into the new place~

- Azeru, The Fallen Angel.




Fuuuuuuuuuck 🥵 🫠🤤 I have no other words at this moment


Pffft who needs sleep Said my perverted mind..


YESSS Dabi is back 😍


I’m a simple girl. I see Azeru uploads anything, I click on it. But man, this audio- 🤧 //w//


You sir are too talented. That was just....damn. What a way to wake up


Oh my....that teasing really worked. This is exactly what my sinful soul needed this morning




I would be listening to this... if I weren't roted on for a 12 hour shift on SUNDAY. I'll be back with further comments after my shift XD based on the start on youtube, it will be awesome :3


Its 6am...what a ✨BEAUTIFUL✨ way to wake up ❤

Liza Lindsay

Insomnia be damned. Azeru uploads and I must listen! 😈 What a way to wake up too. You always shake me up so well so nicely in the morning. 😳🤤😈


Oh boy... That was... That was amazing ^^ I loved the teasing aspect ;~; I've been waiting for another Dabi for a while, so i'm very happy 😍


Oh! That was soo good! 😍😍 I love the teasing! 🔥 Once again, nicely done Azeru, and great job on the sfx!! ❤❤👍


See I don’t think he understands what he’s done to me...like...his audios are so freaking good I can’t listen to anyone else since they don’t reach or exceed my expectations like Azeru does...he’s literally ruined my life (in a good way obviously haha). I literally re-listen to at least one of his audios every night and I don’t think it’s healthy...


10/10 I love your Dabi voice actually its not too rough and feels closer to the show. I was so entranced that I almkst burned dinner 😅 great job once again Azeru-kun!


This was cool! :0 That ear eating feeled real 😲👉👈


Just gonna leave me all needy like that 🤧

Louise Ek

What a tease!!!! I hate it but I love it too😄💙💙💙

Kathy Mc

What a rat bastard to leave me like that!!! So deliciously on edge and waiting. That "princess" is now mandatory in your audios and that ear kissing!! I'm so ready for my bad boi!!!😚😚😚😚😈😈😈💓💕💞💖💖💕


Idk why but I find your Audios so relaxing. I always listen to them so I can fall asleep... yes I fall asleep to you basically saying dirty stuff in my ear 😂😭 sometimes I snap out of that half asleep state when you start moaning and I’m like: “HUH?WHAT DID I MISS??😳IM AWAKE, IM PRESENT”


this sums up exactly how I feel-- his audios just keep on getting better too and idk how to handle em


Ahaha, Dabi is definitely a much more... jaded and selfish person in my interpretation. But I'm glad you enjoyed it~


Careful with dinner! And do you think so~? I actually think that maybe I should make him more breathy? Depending on the scene, his voice changes quite a bit q-q... but thank you~


Ahaha~ Of course! I do think that my interpretation of Dabi has him... a bit more... selfish? Definitely the bad boy type... the "Crave for me, b-" type... ahaha. And "Princess" is definitely his way of calling the listener~


Ahahaha~ Perhaps it's my smooth voice? But I take that as a compliment that I can sooth you that much~


Ah yes dabi.. I totally don’t have issues that may or may not need resolved. And your voice suits your audios so much. I might have a problem 😅🤷🏻‍♀️


ALSO.. princess being whispered in my fucking ear is too much...


Now that I finally got to listen to it. It really did come out well. Also, resolution pls? Like... we WERE left hanging... a TINY bit.


Is called Princess. Me listening to audio: .///. You have my attention.


Okay, big fan of the teasing and the edging; that seems to fit Dabi really well. I personally would love more of that in part 2 as well as becoming his. Also..it kinda seems like we're taking the place of Hawks in this universe, although I would hope he's one of the good legit heroes that Dabi wants to keep around. And I don't have a problem if we are taking Hawks' place in this version. I'm kinda curious as to why we've "joined" the L.O.V. What happened to us that made us consider switching sides.

Cel Ishtar

Now that I’m physically a lot better I let myself finally listen to this since I know your audios make my body react intensely >///< but DAMN YOU ARE SUCH A TEASE!!! No one can satisfy me the way you do my fallen angel!!! Only you make me feel intense feels. I crave for more!!! T...T

Charlee Wicca

Gods your voice is soooo devine.


Is this considered a sequel to the first one? And also would kill for it to be a series

Cheeky Princess

That sneer, I just can't handle it

Jadyn Ewing

I’m not even two GOTDAMN minutes in and already my heart 🦋🦋

Jadyn Ewing

I have never felt more frustrated in my life omg please tell me there’s a second part?? Your audios are so good, and I love all the little details you put into them!


the way he purrs "princess" is... illegal. a second part to this *would* be pretty damn amazing, not gonna lie. i've lost track of how many times i've listened to this. brilliant.


Yeah, definitely a part two!!

Arlina Bloodgrave

If Dabi ever said in my ear “Princess”, I’m done! Shyness would take over and already blushing like a madman 😂


I absolutely love this audio of Dabi! It's so nice and the tease is just so perfect! I'm in love with this piece and I keep listening to it over and over again! If you don't mind me requesting another Dabi x listener, can you possibly make one of Dabi and the reader showering together and then spice it up, if you know what I mean lol. Great work Azeru! Keep it up!

Jamie Lynn

Ohhhhh my bratty side would threaten him by saying we could probably go find Hawks to do the job he couldn't (jk jk, absolutely amazing!)

Gabriel Sandberg

I honestly want to download for all the dabi and hawks audios 😌 I like to listen to them at work but I have terrible wifi there 😂

Lady Naive

Dabi I may need to come with a trigger warning. Definitely not my cup of tea. I much prefer Hawks.


Totally became a Patreon for Dabi and Deku🖤💚 but Dabi MY LOVE!


Ok this teasing dominate Dabi is life🖤💙🖤