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Holding you tight as he works... Each moment passing in bliss and comfort.... Safety~

Note : A Sleep Aid~

= = =

The New Audio featuring Boyfriend x Listener is out now!

Hello~! Azeru Official here and we're back with another Full Version NSFW Audio! This time featuring a comfy, sweet and relaxing Audio~

Hello hello~ I'm back once again but this time with a new Sleep Aid!.... Yeah- it feels like it's been a hot minute since I made something just comforting and cozy like this! Ah! But before you go in case you don't care for Sleep Aids, I'd say at least give this a chance since this Audio is different from the other Sleep Aids I've done so far! ^^

But but but- the reason I don't make as many Sleep Aids isn't because I don't like making Sleep Aids- it's more along the lines that I just haven't been too inspired to make them as of late?

I mean, there's really only so many ways for you to make a Sleep Aid. Between Rain, Storm, Fireplace, Wind, Car, etc SFXs... to the theme of it of you being stressed out, sleepy, angry, etc. And I can only breathe or keep my mouth shut so many ways!

Though for this one- I had a spark lately. I've been wanting to play with new and more SFX. In fact- a little tid bit, but when I first started making Audios, I made it a point and focus to get new SFX and use it in every new Audio. Which worked amazingly well because back then I didn't have over a hundred Audios... but now- well, I've used pretty much all the "Normal" SFX that you can think of. Chair movements, Footsteps, Clothing, Bed Sheets, etc. etc.

Which- isn't a bad thing. I still do make variations of them so they're still different. But in most cases a glass cup being placed onto a wooden table is always doing to sound like a glass cup being placed onto a wooden table. Not something you can really change up too much ^^;...

Though- maybe one day I'll play around with water/tub sounds. Hmmm~

Anywho anywho, for this Audio's technical side. I recorded the typing sounds myself. o 3o.... I also played around with movement as always. I rarely mention it lately- but you might notice the background ambiance changes as you and the character moves around the scene. It's very minor in most Audios where the only real changes are a few decibels and a slight change in direction as you navigate the scene. But this one I can show it more as you move from the office with the computer hum to the bedroom with the clock!

It's subconscious- but the lack of those sounds makes something feel... missing?

Yeah- you'd be surprised how much small details can really make or break immersion... or at least, it can in my humble opinion ^^;...

But yes~ I hope you enjoy this one! I'll be working overtime to get a spicy one done as soon as possible. I know I'm backed up with Audios and I apologize for that!

= = =  

As always I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think down in the comments below~! Make sure to leave a like as well if you want more like this in the future so I know that you actually want it!  

- Azeru, The Fallen Angel




I'm still working overtime to get caught up on Audios~! Thank you for your patience~ ^^


Thank you Azeru~! Take some rest ^^


I would like to thank Lord Azeru for blessing us on this day. Amen 🙏


ready to cry my eyes out


Always... Enjoy the sleep aids they really help... So.. Thanks..will listen to this one later...


I thoroughly enjoyed the YouTube version this morning! So excited for this version too 🥰🥰🥰

Julien Madsen

omg!!! I was excited waiting for this one....tysm Sir... 🥰


BONUS AUDIO. Bless you old Man. Tho I couldn’t sleep after cuz Brain was too busy going brr, the humming made me really happy. Ty for all the hard work Azeru 💕 😊


listening while i work 💜 tyty


Thank you for your hard work ^^ Take care of yourself ❤️


sweetest angle, thank you for the sleep aid :) i really enjoyed the yt version, and i love the lil immersion details you put in!! 🩷🩷


Omg yesss the best medicine for a bad mood 🤌🏻🖤 thank you sir


I will not give up. I still hope that we will get a Boothill Audio. But this is what i needed at the moment.


Thank you for the audio Azeru !! 🎀🫶✨


Help me a lot…I'm still buried in the nervousness because I couldn't fell asleep👉🏻👈🏻Hope that I can feel better after I listening to it…Thank you for your hard-working my love Azzy…😴


Thank you for audioo. Yt version was really sweet I liked it. Glgl with all your work


Thank you for all your hard work, and please remember to take care of yourself as well!! 🩵


I love your sleep aids so so much! They're really one of the few things that help me relax~! Thank you so, so, so much! 🩵 ...As always, don't overwork yourself!


Azzy thank You so much for this audio! I love falling sleep listening to this kind of audio. It makes this so easy🥰🥰🥰


I listen to your audios to fall asleep and this seems like a really perfect one > w < Thank youuu

ren ★

It warms my heart whenever you upload because it lets me know that you haven't passed away from age yet 🤗


Thank you, Azeru! Your comfort audios are always wonderful! ❤️


sleep aids are my favorite, tyty for the audio angle!


Finally the full version is here !! Thank you so much our sweetest angel 🥰❤️❤️


Just when i was abt to listen to one of your sleep aids, i get to see this a minute after you posted it 🥹 one of the things that I like about your sleep aid audios is the clock ticking at the background. Idk why but i calms me to sleep tho i cant help (pun (not?) intended lmao) but hum whenever you hum too 😂😂 thank you so much for this azzy!! Hope you’re doing fine todaaaay 🙌🏼


YESYESYESYES I WAS SITTING ON THE FENCE FOR A NEW SLEEP AID !!! perfect............thank you azeru truly the goat


Take your time, don’t worry about us .. we will wait patiently for your masterpieces ❤️

Nat Perring

Your sleep aids are amazing! They always help me. I also love the idea of possible water sounds in the future. Thank you so much! ❤️


The new update on the OC IS BEAUTIFUL ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


This one might actually dethrone my all time favorite Professor sleep aid from... uh 2022 I think? Something about being asleep/resting while someone else is working is very comforting to me I don't know why lmao maybe I really was a cat in my past life hehe The typing, the clock and ✨ the humming ✨ my favorite- I was so ready to fall asleep but actually let out a chuckle when I heard "I still suck at humming" wherever did you get that idea lmao I always love the humming. This audio just has it all for me 🥰 thank you so much for this, I'm glad you were inspired to do it :>

Samantha Ga

Love it especially the ambience with little nosies. In the country with none of those sounds it's harder for me to fall asleep but back at home with my fans running and cars driving down the road right by my room, I sleep like a baby! Loved this so much ❤️ 💖 💗 ♥️ 💕 💓 ❤️


I'm so happy 😊


thank you for the audio Azeru 💕


~But I caaaan't help, falling in looooove wiiiiith...~ *snores loudly* Thank you for putting so much effort into making your audios. Hope you manage to relieve your own stress. 🤞


I'm gonna sleep so well tonight 🥰


Oooh delighted to see a new sleep aid, these are such lifesavers with how much travel I have! Still have your Hawks one as a go to but this one might topple it from first place.


Thank you for the new sleep aid! Excited to sleep well tonight. 🥰 Don't overwork yourself too much though. We can wait for the spicy stuff. 🤗 Just noticing about the keyboard sounds though... I think I'm hearing some rattly stabs that needs some love. 🥲

Sunsun mio

Thanks for you work


it’s in the works, he posted the sfw version on yt ^^

Didit Okta

Good morning Baby..... Thank u for this sleep aid... ❤️

Julien Madsen

I just loved you humming "Can’t Help Falling in Love"...I never thought I would enjoy a sleep aid so much in my life....thank you for this experience. 🥰💕

Lilly Ackerman

This was absolutely beautiful! Simply loved all of this. Humming the same song as in my favorite sleep aid from Feb24th last year made it even feel more comfy and save. „I still suck at humming“ made me laugh a bit before the keyboard and breathing sounds made me fall asleep. Could listen to this for hours without understanding why it is able to calm me down that easily. Sleep aids / comfort audios will forever be my favorites. Thank you so much for doing these. They help a lot 🖤🪽


Comfy zzzZZ


*sigh* 😌😌 I say this a lot but I love every single part of this audio. When I listened to the YouTube version this morning, it gave me so much relief from my normal morning anxiety. I second what Lilly said about you humming the same song making this extra comforting. The humming is divine and beautiful. Don’t hate it on it 😇 The password is our birthday ☺️ Carrying us to bed 😍😍 Oh the accuracy of the listener saying you should work or they will feel bad. That’s so me 😅🙈🙈 Kisses and a “naughty naughty” plus lots of “I love yous” 🎉🎉 Listening to this after stream has made me giggle while listening to the typey types because all I can think about is what you told us that you typed 😂😂 The keyboard is so calming I can’t keep my eyes open. Thank you for this, I’ve literally started and ended my day with it. it’s so lovely 🥰❤️❤️


Just what I wanted for tonight! Thanks~


Didn't realize until a couple days ago how long I had gone without listening to any of your comfort audios or sleep aids. I'd been shuffling through some of your older audios when you uploaded this today. Fortuitous timing, really. I know you posted this as a sleep aid (of which I will surely take advantage) but, for me it's still the afternoon and I'm currently trying to buckle down and finish some work in my studio. The combination of keyboard typing and slow breathing is the PERFECT combination I needed to focus on the remaining work I have at hand. In fact, I would love more audios like this, if you were willing. Something not necessarily geared towards falling asleep but is soothing and lets me focus more on the tasks in front of me. I hesitate to use the term "background noise" because I feel like that's a disservice towards all the detail and effort you put into an audio. I guess what I'm looking for is... more of a soundscape? Sounds that paint a picture of the world around me but isn't distracting. Hmmm, it's hard to describe the vibe. Think like, a quiet study session in the library. And don't get me wrong, I still like vocals, a story/scenario, etc. I don't mind the presence of someone there making commentary but just, quietly. And one more thing... you hum just fine, Azeru. Give yourself more credit, lol.


I can't explain how much your sleep aids makes me feel so safe and cozy, the feeling of going to sleep while feeling so loved and taken care of is just everything I need. The typing sound is something I always liked on the streams and in the audios it is even more relaxing. Thanks for the audio, sir, I'll listen to it a lot!


I just listened while doing some work and I really can’t wait to listen again in a bit when I go to bed, such a warm, cozy, comfy audio 🥹 I already know I’ll be listening to this every night for a looooong time haha ♥️ but the keyboard sounds are also nice to listen to when not sleeping

梓宁 李

Sincerely hope that you will never be able to use the endless inspiration and your subscriptions are getting more and more🩷


Yay thanks for the good news

Nerdie Beauty

Officially one of the best sleep aids Ive heard in a long time! The SFX were immaculate in this piece! Hopefully you stay motivated to keep making more masterpieces like this whenever you get the chance! 100/10 🥰


I fell asleep before I even got halfway through. ☺️ Thanks so much! This is exactly the cuddly, comfy auditory co-regulation I need to relax. 🙏🙏🙏 Your voice is so pleasant and soothing, and I loved the humming. 😍 Dear Azeru, may you always sleep well knowing your voice helps so many of us. 🪽


Sleep aid, yeeaah. For me your breathing works best. Yes maybe not so interesting to do, but it's magic. Keyboard reminds me of my own work what I still have to do and I get motivated if sb. is so productive :D But that's subjective. Lovely work, thank you!


Ok, maybe this is a ridiculous thing to say but my eyes got a bit watery at the humming part. Guess the audio was so comforting that it brought out some of my inner emotions. And trust me, it doesn't happen everyday haha. Thank you very much for this sweet audio !


azeru this is perfect timing i'm not feeling well so this is much needed 🤍 the background noise is great and the whole password thing is soo sweet 🥺🥺💘💓 i hope you do rain sounds for your next sleep aid 🤍