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Oppenheimer (2023) Full Reaction


David Caine

Man, I'm late to this reaction, again, been that kind of year. Always enjoy both of your comments during the films, your back and forth, as you perceive what many miss sometimes. As to why Strauss did what he did, what his reason was to drive him to destroy Oppenheimer's credibility and influence on foreign policy; he felt, belittled, humiliated, dismissed by Oppenheimer. Remember at the beginning of the film, in his Cabinet approval hearing, he says he first met Oppenheimer in Princeton, at The Institute for Advanced Study, as a board member Strauss really wanted Oppenheimer to lead the Institute. Strauss called him world renowned as a great man of physics, and when he first met him Strauss told him it was an honor, that the Institute would offer a great working space, that Oppie will "love the commute" as a house on he grounds would be provided for him.... First Oppenheimer the genius linguist polyglot mispronounces Strauss' name. Second, Strauss says he is a great admirer of Oppenheimer's work, to which Oppie asks with the slightest incredulity if Strauss is trained in physics. Third, Strauss says he is a self-made man, and Oppie says he can relate, then Strauss is almost happy he found a commonality until Oppie dismisses it saying it was his dad the self-made man. Fourth, Oppie elevates himself saying Einstein was the greatest of his own time, not anymore. Strauss already feels inferior here. Fifth, Strauss says he chose not to study physics, but instead was a shoe salesman. Oppie marvels and says "lowly" shoe salesman, just banter. You can tell the slightest bit of a rise in Strauss, a half second pause, a slight flash of anger in his eyes, correcting that he was "just" a shoe salesman. He hides it very well, but Strauss now is clearly annoyed, irritated, insulted. Sixth, Strauss says he'd love to introduce Oppie to Einstein, but Oppie says there is no need as they've known each other for years. That is dismissive of Strauss' gesture, if not ill-intentioned. Surely this makes Strauss feel even lower. Seventh, Eisntein completely ignores Strauss. Eighth, Strauss says Oppie is the one to lead the Institute, the man for the job,a haven for independent minds. Oppie says he'll consider it, like he told General Groves regarding the Manhattan Project. It's just playful banter. But Strauss likely felt dismissed, AGAIN. Ninth, Strauss claims after Oppie that the position would be "one of the most prestigious appointments in the country." Strauss wants to assert the importance of his charge, and his own, a matter of respect, I suppose. To which Oppie playfully quips back Strauss' own words, "with a great commute," and that is why he is considering the position, implying not because of the prestigious importance of the place or of Strauss. ALL OF THAT in the first meeting, surely Strauss was furious, but kept it reigned in, playing the game of optics and decorum like politicians of his time. Boy have times changed, in the U.S. for sure. God knows how many more times like that Oppie pissed off Strauss through the years. THEN, when discussing export bans on isotopes, Strauss argued isotopes would be used in the production of an atomic bomb and so exporting them could help our enemies. Isotopes are atoms of an element, like uranium or plutonium or hydrogen, with different number of neutrons, which is what smashes into other neutrons to start the devastating chain reaction of energy. In the flashbacks, Oppenheimer said that sure, while they are used generally in the process, so are things like beer and sandwiches and shovels for the workers, and everyone in the hearing laughed, humiliating Strauss, who would have liked to have been a scientist at one point in his life. Oppie didn't think an isotope ban was important or relevant. Oh hell yeah you bet that created the desire for vengeance, Strauss felt dismissed, belittled. On rewatches I find his character even more fascinating, on top of the superb acting by Downey Jr.

David Caine

I find this movie to be on par with Nolan's best, Memento, even though The Prestige was my favorite and was nearly flawless, this movie took the top spot of Nolan movies, I don't see a weak spot at all. Everything fired on all cylinders, like a bomb (sorry).😂 It was a movie I did not know I needed, it satisfied me immensely. To be completely honest it rekindled a kind of enthusiasm for films I hadn't had since childhood I believe. It's making me actively seek out many films I have not seen before and also appreciate in new ways the crafting and the art of film-making. It was an experience to have watched this on IMAX, like Nolan intended, I was lucky enough to go the last week it was playing, and I am lucky enough to live by area with access to a couple of those screens driving less than an hour. The sound-mixing and the score were way above the usual, with a different composer than usual for Nolan, great addition to his team. And the story felt more, shall I say, "grown-up" than usual, not that I make that kind of distinction, but it came to mind when Oppie says something along those lines to his lawyer about Kitty, that they've walked through fire together. Anyway, for sure I would go see this again on the giant IMAX screen if they want to bring it back for an encore, I hope they do.