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The good news about Breaking Bad is that it doesn't really end after its series finale. The El Camino movie begins right at the end of the BB series finale. You really should watch El Camino right after seeing BB's last episode :-). Also, the Better Call Saul series characters include a lot of BB's characters, has its own final episodes that show more details of how the last events of BB had more going on than was obvious, and ends the whole BB saga with a finale that is at least as good as the BB series finale (I personally liked the Better Call Saul series ending a little more than BB's series ending).


I hope u guys watch El Camino and Better Call Saul after BB

Mike Minerals

HARVEY??? This is great because I'm pretty sure you've watched "Shawshank" and when Andy tells Red he conjured up a figment of his imagination to make a fake id, he refers to "Harvey the Rabbit." If you know, you know!

David Caine

Breaking Bad ended in the last days of September 2013, over a year after the beginning of Season 5. Oh how I remember the wait for the last part of the final season, almost a year to finally see the end !!! I remember having to work that day while it was airing, but came home at a reasonable time to see the first showing for the west coast of the US, my brothers had seen the first showing for the east coast 3 hours earlier, and they rewatched it with me and kept me company for the final ride. They wanted to see my reactions, and I delivered.😂 Then when it was over, the sadness that comes from your favorite show ending, waiting for more seasons was nothing compared to the knowledge of the finality, nothing more after, the end, but I knew that too well.... I had come to discover Breaking Bad in the final half of Season 3 just a month after LOST had ended, and nothing I had tried was satisfying the vast void left in terms of characters or an epic plot or emotional resonance. At least I wouldn't have to wait 9 or 10 months between seasons in an arduous, torturing wait. Little did I know that Breaking Bad would teach me to wait all over again, and I was so lucky to give the show a chance, to teach me new levels of television craft magic at work. A show from one of the writers of the X-Files— another favorite of mine but now dated— Vince Gilligan, starring the dad from Malcolm in the Middle, my absolute favorite comedy show of all time, and I could not believe it was that same actor playing now Walter White, I had to double check. And when Breaking Bad ended, I felt once again that vast void when your current absolute favorite show ends. Little did I know, once again, that 2 years later another masterful show would fulfill me, another masterpiece that would again teach me new levels of television craft magic at work, eventually becoming the best show airing, Better Call Saul started 2015 and just ended last August 2022. It accomplished what prequels almost never do, it stands on its own merits while also depending on the parent show, different but also at the same time making Breaking Bad retroactively even greater. Little did I know, that in 2019 Netflix would give us something I thought impossible and bring back Breaking Bad for one last go with El Camino. Joy and Marian, you both have some of the best moments in this fictional universe still ahead.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Another fantastic movie week!! I am excited for your reactions to X-Men: First Class, Men in Black, and Harvey!! I'm happy you're finally continuing on with this next X-Men trilogy, which are my favorite movies within the X-Men franchise!! And the Men in Black movies are so much fun! And I really love Jimmy Stewart whom you will recognize from It's a Wonderful Life, so I am looking forward to watching Harvey with you both as well! :) Thank you my friends!! :) Sincerely, Heidi

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I hope you will be getting into a completely new and different series once you finish with Breaking Bad. A show that I would be happy to watch with you! My suggestions... 1) Once Upon a Time 2) Person of Interest 3) Leverage 4) Pushing Daisies 5) Lucifer 6) Haven Please!! I am happy you are enjoying Breaking Bad, and that so many of your supporters have been loving watching Breaking Bad with you. I just hope you will be changing things up a little, with a completely new series now that you will be finishing this one. So that others like me who don't like Breaking Bad can have a chance to enjoy a TV series with you as well. It would be much appreciated. Thank you! Sincerely, Heidi


I think I somewhat agree with Heidi Elizabeth Marcum. Going into a different kind of television series, maybe putting Better Call Saul on hold until another time, wouldn't be the worst thing in the world (watch El Camino though -- it's just a couple of hours long). If you both wanted to move away from the BB world for a while, I personally feel that your YouTube and Patreon audiences gain something if you pick your *own* series to watch, as you did with WandaVision and The Last Of Us. You both are *more* than just notable reactors, you're both very nice people with great philanthropic and philosophical appreciations, who have an intuition for the visual medium, the art of story, and life that's very admirable. I personally feel there's a huge benefit in experiencing what people with those traits consider to be entertaining television. So I vote to let Marian and Joy choose their favorite television series to share, YouTube and/or Patreon supporter selected, or otherwise!



Ellie Miller

Only 2 episodes left 😭

Philip Davetas

I hear ya. I didn't want BB to end either when it was in its finally few episodes. I remember that last season was broken up into two different mini seasons which spanned an entire year. But it was all worth it.




ohh yess Sam. El Camino is next.. and probably Better Call Saul series


maaaan! i can imagine! i am already starting feeling sad when i think about this show to end!


we are planning to add more series overall Heidi ^_^ we should go with more variety. thank you for the suggestions. we will put them all combined and decide which one


ohh yesss. Series creates more connection than movies for us.. i mean breaking bad is such a huge deal for us.. movies are nice, but they come and go.. series are more into characters ^_^ we will have to start some variety soon


i knowwww. ughh wish somehow to go back in time and never remember what we watched


When will you upload "El Camino"?