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Hello Patrons.

I apologize it took a bit to process everything that occurred this week as I have my day job to handle first. The weekend is here; for me, it is Spring Break, a week off to catch up on things. As we all know now, Patreon is cracking down on any activities they consider as "non-consensual." That means certain activities that are borderline on the extremities will no longer be openly allowed here. Therefore, it will be necessary to keep all upcoming art we host here as "suggestive" lewd. Until a good alternative is found, all lewds will be limited to handholdings, kissing, and "humping but with clothes on." The winning LamiaNeo illustration, which will be posted over the weekend, will be a good example of the changes.

While this may not be what you guys were hoping for when you followed me here. But as I said, until a good alternative is found that will allow hosting without unreasonable limitations, this will do. I hope you all understand.

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and patronage.



That's alright. It is what it is. Incidentally, do you think you'd have the more lewder stuff saved in case somewhere new appears?


The temporary plan is to place all the lewder stuff outside of Ptreon. So look to Twitter and Pixiv for those until thing changes.


Blugh. ...Well, it is what it is, I guess. :/