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Finished with the root cannal thingy, now just have to fill up some cavities and I'm done! Feeling so much better, I slept wonderfully last night, my nerves are really tired! But I'm picking up the pace!




Frist off I want to thank you all! Currently I'm going to the dentist frequently because I have a lot of problems there, in my mouth, with my teeth, and I have an urgency as well, but all in all I couldn't have done it without the support of you guys, I'm thankful for that!

The purpose of this update is to better structure the Patron page, why? Mainly because I had five slots for a comic comission and it turns out that I can't handle that many pages as of yet without it hurting the other offerings of the Patron page, so this will mean that I'm going to pause next month so I can catch up and deliver the content that I owe as of now, and in that regard I'm going to reestructure my offerings for the comission slot, I'm thinking of leaving it to three and I'm going to bump up the prices.

Hopefully I'll reach a balance between the comission slots and my own works for this Patron, I know there are a couple who wants to see more pages of Guardian or SPP as well, I'm working towards that as well, to reach a balance between both of those offerings, the comissions and my original works. If I limit the slots to three that would mean that, in theory, I could work half the month in comission slots and the rest in my original works!

Tell me what you think guys! I'm trying to offer the best I can but I have to manage my resources as well, and that's mainly time. 


Evert Neely

This sounds like a good idea. I hope everything goes wonderful with the dentist . *hugs*