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Hey everyone, just wanted to do a quick update to my tiers to reflect my work capacity. starting off with:

Beef Cake (Tier 3): I basically took down all the rewards aside from the 20% discount because I don’t think I can provide content that justifies that amount per month so it is now essentially a large tip jar to anyone still interested in staying in Tier 3 (if you choose to lower your Tier or just unsub that is completely understandable)

Noodle Bowl (Tier 2): Not much has change, except i might reserve it for more detailed sketch requests in the future (like the recent bunny suits theme, i took a lot of time and effort on those requests imo)

and last but not least

Cookie Jar (Tier 1): i moved the PSD files reward because i think anyone can just DM if they’re interested in the files anyway, as well as putting general sketch requests that would be more simpler and faster to do. Also any comics I do make will be available to all tiers.

and to those who’ve stuck for quite some time you may have noticed that I stopped doing monthly characters and polls. Well it was mostly because i found it quite monotonous going through the process each month just for one pinup of character with multiple alts. I do prefer doing more spontaneous projects without being constricted to a monthly schedule. A lot has changed in a year, somethings i got a better at and others i need to improve.

I just hope with this new updated tiers i can do the stuff i and you guys enjoy without having to feel guilty about not being able to provide. patreon has given me a good perspective of what I can and can’t accomplish within a span of time




These tier icons are so adorable 😍