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Hey guys, i’m sorry for the lack of posting here. I haven’t been feeling very well since the beginning of February. Back and forth with headaches and coughs but i’m starting to feel better now. Throat is still pretty strep but it doesnt hurt as much as it did. It’s been keeping me up at nights so i get tired in the day easily (though my regular sleeping habits weren’t that good in the first place lol). And i know how it sounds, but i don’t think its Covid (80% sure)

but yeah that’s what i have to say for now. since its been 1 whole year since i’ve started this Patreon page i’m maybe planning to update my tiers and have one singular tier just because i think I don’t put out enough content to justify 3 different levels. What do you guys thinks? It makes things simple for every one  without having to pay very much every month


Thaelryn Vecna

You can keep it how it is, I think. Some people can't pay much, others can afford more. But it's all up to you truly

Emmanuel Barrales

Here's wishing you a good recovery. Thank you for sharing your art.


If I gatta say something, leave 1 for support and other for extra contect. YOu should rise a bit your pirces. PD: no worries your health is more important, take care lewd fellow ow<


That does seem like the most practical. 2 tiers seems justifiable. Still figuring out the prices. And thank you very much ;u;