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Heeeyy everyone, hope you’re all having a happy new year. I’ve got some ideas brewing for patron-exclusive stuff like more sketch requests and comic ideas, but there’s also another project i wanted to to do. I tweeted that if i reached 20k before December i’d be making a new goth girl OC and low and behold we did it!

so long story short, I’m notorious for rarely drawing my own girls so I don’t wanna delve into too much lore. But I do want the new OC to be a sister to one of the 3 current ones I have. So i’ll be holding a poll! After this I’ll be sketching some designs and we can make her overall look together 😊

From left to right: Lee, Val, and Noodles



I'm choosing Val because I'm such a simp for tan girls


a buff goth girl would have far too much “crush my skull with your thighs” energy, i’m almost scared


Nah I don’t plan on making her exactly the same as her sister. Gonna have opposite personalities to whoever wins the poll (tho it seems pretty determined at this point)


I don't mind tanned girls, but It'd be interesting to see non tanned Val like, with black hair. Silly question, she's likely to win this right now. will she be blind or will have 20/8 sight(If you don get this, hawks has 20/5, close to super sight)