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Hi peeps, due to some pretty large commissions I've been pretty slow on here. I'm working on it and should be able to be back on a consistent schedule next week. Today I'm working on commissions but will update when I have anything interesting for ya! 

I wanna get back to doing specific stuff on specific days, but not so hectic like before.

Mondays- Majestic Updates

Tuesdays- Nothing specific, comic updates, news, random doodle maybe

Wednesdays- Streams for commissions, patron requests, and hangouts

Thursdays- Nothing specific again, works like a catch up day

Friday-Fanart Friday, some kind of fanart of something I'm into.

I'm working on a LOT of 15+ page comic projects too so whenever I have updates on those, whether they're mine or commissions, I'll upload my progress! 

Thanks for all your support, again I'm sorry for the slow updates, but I'll do better about being consistent with new content and artwork.





Thank you for the update, Spooky! I've been looking forward to hearing from you for a while. 😄