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Send Requests through the comments section

Rules and things to consider:

-All requests are subject to my interpretation.

-Requests for OCs will only be accepted if it's a character that I'm very familiar with.

-If I reject your request, don't worry! It doesn't burn your slot, so send another!

-More complex ideas will take longer than simpler ones, and may get pushed back.

Alrighty, comment away!



A trifecta of a goblin, a hobgoblin, and a bugbear women eyeing up an adventurer at a tavern?


This might be a very odd and complex request, so please bear with me. Although they're quite late to the trend, Casey has Matt try a homemade Grimace Shake recipe. In the spirit of Halloween, however, Casey added a "trick" to this treat by effectively making it a drink that does unspeakable (temporary) things to Matt's body. She smugly expected the effects to be lewd, but what she didn't expect was that Matt would grow large, beastly, and purple—in more ways than one. Jump cut to hours later, and everything has become a gooey mess, with the monstrous Matt still ravaging and filling a dazed and plump Casey. I hope this isn't too weird. 😓