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Hello all!

September's here and I got some specific plans for this month.

I want to focus on specific projects, so starting this month I'll be heading away from weekly fanart/fancomic polls. I have too many projects and I'm just not making enough progress on them so I'll be focusing on those, which I do think you'll enjoy~

I've taken on a couple commissions for comics that are taking a decent amount of time so I'm doing things mildly different this month to give me some breathing room.

 Comic Requests

Requests for September and August are going to share a post this time, since I didn't get around to them in August. If you've used your August request, September is now open so feel free to comment your request for this month too!

Scheduled posts

Majestic Mondays 

These will be the same, but I'll be getting to actual progress on chapter 1 starting on the 11th. 

Titillating Tuesdays

I will be posting updates on my bigger NSFW comics, "There Is" & "Fapster". These projects should have been done a long time ago and I need to wrap them up.

Worldbuilding Wednesdays

These will stay pretty much the same, though I'll be doing more simple fun stuff. Can't give away all the world secrets yet~

Thirsty Thursdays

These will be your requests! Thursday will be the day I post an nsfw color comic based on a patron request! They may be multiple pages, no more than 3, but they'll be expanded upon versions of your ideas! Other patron requests will be posted throughout the month but Thursday will be specifically for the ones I like the most.

Fanart Fridays

These will be mostly the same, but instead of being poll based, they'll be artwork of something I'm into currently, whether it's a show, game, movie, etc.

Polls will return in some way in October, once I've caught up on some more projects.

Alrighty, that's all for this month's update.

Have a good Tuesday! I'll see some of y'all later! ;D




For the comic requests, are we re-requesting August's request on top of the new September one, or are we only able to request the one for September?


No need to resend, the request post will just be for 2 months instead of one :) essentially, all patrons who've been subscribed since august get 2 for this request period