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A wealthy couple, Mr and Mrs Coolen, had exhausted their every fantastical whim. No sex act, financial venture, or political endeavor could satiate either one of them. Their maid, a witch named Autumn, told of a Devil who played games in exchange for whatever desire one wished.

The Coolens summoned the devil, Doliek, and requested a wager, upon his arrival. Vance Coolen offered his soul for eternal youth for himself and his wife. Carla Coolen offered her soul in exchange for magical powers, like her maid Autumn. Doliek made a different offer, as he preferred to wager deals over a game of skill. If they could best him in their game of choice, he would grant them their wishes, no strings attached, however if they, lost he would take their soul upon death.

The wealthy mr and mrs Coolen, were proficient swingers and were quite compatible sexually, so the wealthy husband boasted, "Our game will be, whoever can please my wife more, wins!"

The rules were already in the Coolens favor, as Carla was adept at pleasing herself and Vance knew all of her sweet spots. The couplebthought they had Doliekmover a barrel as their threesome began.

As the trio coiled together, flesh burning with passion, the room filled with a hazy fog of warmth from their erotic display. Vance found himself behind his wife, admiring her shape. His eyes followed the arc of her back and the curves of her hips as she jiggled from each of his thrusts. He thought to himself that the game was surely won, as he saw his beloved Carla's head bobbing rapidly in the devil's lap. His excitement grew as he loved outperforming other men, the expression in their eyes of their humiliation always brought him a sense of power and strength.

As Vance felt his wife's body start to focus more on the devil, Vance thought that Doliek must have been close, that was their usual signal that their thirds were about to cum. He looked up to see the expression of pain in knowing he was about to lose, as his own climax grew in his loins.

Doliek's eyes glowed yellow gold in the dark room as they watched Carla unblinking. There was a softness to them, a sort of kind understanding that Vance found confusing. Doliek's right hand held her long black hair tought, as his left hand soothingly pet her head.

Vance's eyes travelled back to Carla's head movements and he could hear the sounds of her gulping down large sums of something thick. Vance's body betrayed him as he gave in to the pleasure and came. As he recovered, he looked up again and saw the same glowing light coming from his wife's face as body horns grew from her head. Fear began to overwhelm him as he pleaded her name. Doliek's eyes met his as he stated, "sorry Vance..." in a warm but chilling tone. Vance only saw Carla writhing in pleasure as her head bobbed faster and faster, before he fainted.

Vance never saw Carla again. He went through his everyday life, trying to forget that fateful night. But each day, once the sun had gone down and he was alone in his spacious home, he would smell her clothes, grip himself tight, and reread the letter she left for him.

The letter told of her having never known pleasure like what Lord Doliek gave her. She claimed very gulp of his seed filled her with mystic knowledge and ecstasy. Every soothing word from him was like poetry from some ethereal plane that understood her on levels even she didn't know. Truly, Doliek had pleased her ways nobody had before, and while she did still love her husband, he simply was no longer enough. Him, his riches, his home, none of it came close to her connection with the devil lord Doliek.

Vance was given a consolation prize from his wife of 37 years, a thermos containing the seed of Lord Doliek. Should Vance drink it all, he would become a Warlock of Doliek under her, and they could be together again.

Vance would spend each and every day reliving that night, rereading the letter, and weighing the options of reuniting with his beloved, but being subservient to the creature who took her away, or remaining as he was.

The thermos would remain warm to he touch, glow in the night, and carry with it the memories of Carla's voice, calling out Doliek's name, haunting Vance's dreams. As months passed, Vance struggled with the choice, until the night before what would have been their wedding anniversary.

As Vance opened the thermos on the balcony of he and Carla's bedroom, he held it up to the moonlight. The eerie green glow was just as bright and the smell just as pungent as before, the musky sweet smell permeated his nostrils as the wind carried it in a swirl around him. Vance took a deep breath, and tilted the thermos.



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